Edward Rudd d0f7097219 correct doc examples so they compile
- examples to fix still
  - ResultExt example does not compile!
     - trait ErrorExtensions is not implemented for ParseIntError
  - dataloader
     - requires sqlx to work. So we either "stub" it OR we rewrite them simpler to use a  simple "faux" db library
2022-06-02 17:32:12 -04:00

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Optimizing N+1 queries

Have you noticed some GraphQL queries end can make hundreds of database queries, often with mostly repeated data? Lets take a look why and how to fix it.

Query Resolution

Imagine if you have a simple query like this:

query { todos { users { name } } }

and User resolver is like this:

struct User {
    id: u64,

impl User {
    async fn name(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Result<String> {
        let pool = ctx.data_unchecked::<Pool<Postgres>>();
        let (name,): (String,) = sqlx::query_as("SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1")

The query executor will call the Todos resolver which does a select * from todo and return N todos. Then for each of the todos, concurrently, call the User resolver, SELECT from USER where id = todo.user_id.


SELECT id, todo, user_id FROM todo
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1

After executing SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 many times, and most Todo objects belong to the same user, we need to optimize these codes!


We need to group queries and exclude duplicate queries. Dataloader can do this. facebook gives a request-scope batch and caching solution.

The following is an example of using DataLoader to optimize queries::

use async_graphql::*;
use async_graphql::dataloader::*;
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::sync::Arc;

struct UserNameLoader {
    pool: sqlx::Pool<Postgres>,

impl Loader<u64> for UserNameLoader {
    type Value = String;
    type Error = Arc<sqlx::Error>;

    async fn load(&self, keys: &[u64]) -> Result<HashMap<u64, Self::Value>, Self::Error> {
        let query = format!("SELECT name FROM user WHERE id IN ({})", keys.iter().join(","));
            .map_ok(|name: String| name)

struct User {
    id: u64,

impl User {
    async fn name(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Result<String> {
        let loader = ctx.data_unchecked::<DataLoader<UserNameLoader>>();
        let name: Option<String> = loader.load_one(;
        name.ok_or_else(|| "Not found".into())

In the end, only two SQLs are needed to query the results we want!

SELECT id, todo, user_id FROM todo
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3, 4)

Implement multiple data types

You can implement multiple data types for the same Loader, like this:

# extern crate async_graphql;
# use async_graphql::*;
struct PostgresLoader {
    pool: sqlx::Pool<Postgres>,

impl Loader<UserId> for PostgresLoader {
    type Value = User;
    type Error = Arc<sqlx::Error>;

    async fn load(&self, keys: &[UserId]) -> Result<HashMap<UserId, Self::Value>, Self::Error> {
        // Load users from database

impl Loader<TodoId> for PostgresLoader {
    type Value = Todo;
    type Error = sqlx::Error;

    async fn load(&self, keys: &[TodoId]) -> Result<HashMap<TodoId, Self::Value>, Self::Error> {
        // Load todos from database