2022-01-18 19:06:56 +08:00

2.4 KiB



  • requestty

    • Allow using the Right Arrow key to auto-complete default

    • Implement #6 - Add support for handling abort with Esc

      Earlier, when the user pressed the Esc key, nothing would happen as ui::Input would just pass the event on to the prompt. Now 2 other actions can be specified.

      OnEsc::Terminate: returns an Err which will propagate upwards, essentially cancelling the PromptModule

      OnEsc::SkipQuestion: returns None, showing that the question has been skipped

    • Fix #7 - input returns empty string even if default was given

  • requestty-ui

    • Added OnEsc to configure behaviour on Esc for Inputs

    • Added the skipped parameter to Prompt::write_finished_message

    • Added ErrorKind::Aborted

    • Removed ErrorKind::map_terminated - this was a temporary code that came about while implementing a feature, but was never deleted.

    • Removed StringInput::has_value - this was used to get the capacity of the underlying string buffer due to a weird implementation of Question::input

    • Changed StringInput::finish to return String instead of Option<String> - it used has_value to choose Some or None. Again, due to a weird implementation of Question::input


  • requestty

    • Implement #4 - defaults are now shown in a different way for the input, int and float prompts.

      Earlier, the default value would just be shown on the side at all times. This is even if the default will not be selected which can be misleading. This change shows the default as greyed out text in the input itself. It also allows pressing 'Tab' to make the current input the default if the current input value is the start of the default.

    • Added the validate_on_key option for input, int, float and password prompts.

      validate_on_key if supplied will be called on every change of input. If validation fails, the input text is displayed in red.

      validate still needs to be supplied as validate_on_key is purely cosmetic, and does not prevent user submission


  • requestty

    • Fix #3
  • requestty-ui

    • Update crossterm dependency


  • requestty

    • Fix #2
  • requestty-ui

    • Change Widget::cursor_pos to return the position relative to the screen instead of the start of the root widget
    • Update dependencies