2018-09-03 14:41:01 -04:00

1.3 KiB


Key Value Description
name String The name of the Free Company.
world String The world the Free Company is on.
slogan String The Free Company's slogan.
crest Array of String The image URLs that are layered to created the Free Company crest.
grand_company String The Grand Company that the Free Company is affiliated with. Will be one of "Flames", "TwinAdders", or "Maelstrom".
active_members u16 The amount of active members.
rank u8 The Free Company's rank ([1,8]).
pvp_rankings PvpRankings The Free Company's PvP rankings.
formed DateTime (UTC, RFC3339 formatted) The date and time at which the Free Company was created.
estate Estate? The Free Company's estate.
reputation Map of String to u8 The reputation the Free Company has with each Grand Company. The keys are all possible values of the grand_company field.


Key Value Description
weekly u64? The weekly rank or null if unranked.
monthly u64? The monthly rank or null if unranked.


Key Value Description
name String The name of the estate.
address String The estate's address.
greeting String The greeting set on the estate.