2020-05-29 11:54:16 +08:00

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//! Types for Relay-compliant server
mod connection_type;
mod cursor;
mod edge;
mod page_info;
mod slice;
use crate::{Context, FieldResult, ObjectType, OutputValueType};
pub use connection_type::Connection;
pub use cursor::CursorType;
pub use edge::Edge;
pub use page_info::PageInfo;
use std::fmt::Display;
/// Empty additional fields
pub struct EmptyFields;
/// Data source of GraphQL Cursor Connections type
/// `Edge` is an extension object type that extends the edge fields, If you don't need it, you can use `EmptyEdgeFields`.
/// # References
/// (GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification)[]
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use async_graphql::*;
/// use async_graphql::connection::*;
/// struct QueryRoot;
/// struct Numbers;
/// #[SimpleObject]
/// struct Diff {
/// diff: i32,
/// }
/// #[DataSource]
/// impl DataSource for Numbers {
/// type CursorType = usize;
/// type NodeType = i32;
/// type ConnectionFieldsType = EmptyFields;
/// type EdgeFieldsType = Diff;
/// async fn execute_query(&self,
/// ctx: &Context<'_>,
/// after: Option<usize>,
/// before: Option<usize>,
/// first: Option<usize>,
/// last: Option<usize>,
/// ) -> FieldResult<Connection<Self::CursorType, Self::NodeType, Self::ConnectionFieldsType, Self::EdgeFieldsType>> {
/// let mut start =|after| after + 1).unwrap_or(0);
/// let mut end = before.unwrap_or(10000);
/// if let Some(first) = first {
/// end = (start + first).min(end);
/// }
/// if let Some(last) = last {
/// start = if last > end - start {
/// end
/// } else {
/// end - last
/// };
/// }
/// let mut connection = Connection::new(start > 0, end < 10000);
/// connection.append(
/// (start..end).into_iter().map(|n|
/// Edge::with_additional_fields(n, n as i32, Diff{ diff: (10000 - n) as i32 })),
/// );
/// Ok(connection)
/// }
/// }
/// #[Object]
/// impl QueryRoot {
/// async fn numbers(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>,
/// after: Option<String>,
/// before: Option<String>,
/// first: Option<i32>,
/// last: Option<i32>
/// ) -> FieldResult<Connection<usize, i32, EmptyFields, Diff>> {
/// Numbers.query(ctx, after, before, first, last).await
/// }
/// }
/// #[async_std::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription);
/// assert_eq!(schema.execute("{ numbers(first: 2) { edges { node diff } } }").await.unwrap().data, serde_json::json!({
/// "numbers": {
/// "edges": [
/// {"node": 0, "diff": 10000},
/// {"node": 1, "diff": 9999},
/// ]
/// },
/// }));
/// assert_eq!(schema.execute("{ numbers(last: 2) { edges { node diff } } }").await.unwrap().data, serde_json::json!({
/// "numbers": {
/// "edges": [
/// {"node": 9998, "diff": 2},
/// {"node": 9999, "diff": 1},
/// ]
/// },
/// }));
/// }
/// ```
pub trait DataSource {
/// Cursor type
type CursorType: CursorType + Send + Sync;
/// Record type
type NodeType: OutputValueType + Send;
/// Additional fields for connection
/// Is a type that implements `ObjectType` and can be defined by the procedure macro `#[Object]` or `#[SimpleObject]`.
type ConnectionFieldsType: ObjectType + Send;
/// Additional fields for edge
/// Is a type that implements `ObjectType` and can be defined by the procedure macro `#[Object]` or `#[SimpleObject]`.
type EdgeFieldsType: ObjectType + Send;
/// Parses the parameters and executes the query.
async fn query(
ctx: &Context<'_>,
after: Option<String>,
before: Option<String>,
first: Option<i32>,
last: Option<i32>,
) -> FieldResult<
<Self::CursorType as CursorType>::Error: Display + Send + Sync + 'static,
if first.is_some() && last.is_some() {
return Err(
"The \"first\" and \"last\" parameters cannot exist at the same time".into(),
let first = match first {
Some(first) if first < 0 => {
return Err("The \"first\" parameter must be a non-negative number".into())
Some(first) => Some(first as usize),
None => None,
let last = match last {
Some(last) if last < 0 => {
return Err("The \"last\" parameter must be a non-negative number".into())
Some(last) => Some(last as usize),
None => None,
let before = match before {
Some(before) => Some(Self::CursorType::decode_cursor(&before)?),
None => None,
let after = match after {
Some(after) => Some(Self::CursorType::decode_cursor(&after)?),
None => None,
self.execute_query(ctx, after, before, first, last).await
/// Execute query
async fn execute_query(
ctx: &Context<'_>,
after: Option<Self::CursorType>,
before: Option<Self::CursorType>,
first: Option<usize>,
last: Option<usize>,
) -> FieldResult<