2020-03-22 09:34:32 +08:00

97 lines
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mod int_validators;
mod list_validators;
mod string_validators;
use graphql_parser::schema::Value;
pub use int_validators::{IntGreaterThan, IntLessThan, IntNonZero, IntRange};
pub use list_validators::{ListMaxLength, ListMinLength};
pub use string_validators::{Email, StringMaxLength, StringMinLength, MAC};
/// Input value validator
/// You can create your own input value validator by implementing this trait.
/// ```no_run
/// use async_graphql::*;
/// use async_graphql::validators::{Email, MAC, IntRange};
/// struct QueryRoot;
/// #[Object]
/// impl QueryRoot {
/// // Input is email address
/// #[field]
/// async fn value1(&self, #[arg(validator(Email))] email: String) -> i32 {
/// unimplemented!()
/// }
/// // Input is email or MAC address
/// #[field]
/// async fn value2(&self, #[arg(validator(or(Email, MAC(colon = false))))] email_or_mac: String) -> i32 {
/// unimplemented!()
/// }
/// // Input is integer between 100 and 200
/// #[field]
/// async fn value3(&self, #[arg(validator(IntRange(min = 100, max = 200)))] value: i32) -> i32 {
/// unimplemented!()
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub trait InputValueValidator
Self: Sync + Send,
/// Check value is valid, returns the reason for the error if it fails, otherwise None.
/// If the input type is different from the required type, return None directly, and other validators will find this error.
fn is_valid(&self, value: &Value) -> Option<String>;
/// Merge the two validators and return None only if both validators are successful.
pub fn and<A, B>(a: A, b: B) -> And<A, B>
A: InputValueValidator,
B: InputValueValidator,
And(a, b)
/// Merge two validators, and return None when either validator verifies successfully.
pub fn or<A, B>(a: A, b: B) -> Or<A, B>
A: InputValueValidator,
B: InputValueValidator,
Or(a, b)
pub struct And<A, B>(A, B);
impl<A, B> InputValueValidator for And<A, B>
A: InputValueValidator,
B: InputValueValidator,
fn is_valid(&self, value: &Value) -> Option<String> {
pub struct Or<A, B>(A, B);
impl<A, B> InputValueValidator for Or<A, B>
A: InputValueValidator,
B: InputValueValidator,
fn is_valid(&self, value: &Value) -> Option<String> {
self.0.is_valid(value).or_else(|| self.1.is_valid(value))