2020-03-19 17:20:12 +08:00

196 lines
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use crate::registry::Registry;
use crate::{registry, Context, ContextSelectionSet, Result};
use graphql_parser::query::{Field, Value};
use std::borrow::Cow;
/// Represents a GraphQL type
pub trait Type {
/// Type the name.
fn type_name() -> Cow<'static, str>;
/// Qualified typename.
fn qualified_type_name() -> String {
format!("{}!", Self::type_name())
/// Create type information in the registry and return qualified typename.
fn create_type_info(registry: &mut registry::Registry) -> String;
/// Represents a GraphQL input value
pub trait InputValueType: Type + Sized {
fn parse(value: &Value) -> Option<Self>;
/// Represents a GraphQL output value
pub trait OutputValueType: Type {
async fn resolve(value: &Self, ctx: &ContextSelectionSet<'_>) -> Result<serde_json::Value>;
/// Represents a GraphQL object
pub trait ObjectType: OutputValueType {
/// This function returns true of type `EmptyMutation` only
fn is_empty() -> bool {
/// Resolves a field value and outputs it as a json value `serde_json::Value`.
async fn resolve_field(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, field: &Field) -> Result<serde_json::Value>;
/// Resolve an inline fragment with the `name`.
async fn resolve_inline_fragment(
name: &str,
ctx: &ContextSelectionSet<'_>,
result: &mut serde_json::Map<String, serde_json::Value>,
) -> Result<()>;
/// Represents a GraphQL input object
pub trait InputObjectType: InputValueType {}
/// Represents a GraphQL scalar
/// You can implement the trait to create a custom scalar.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use async_graphql::*;
/// struct MyInt(i32);
/// impl Scalar for MyInt {
/// fn type_name() -> &'static str {
/// "MyInt"
/// }
/// fn parse(value: &Value) -> Option<Self> {
/// if let Value::Int(n) = value {
/// Some(MyInt(n.as_i64().unwrap() as i32))
/// } else {
/// None
/// }
/// }
/// fn to_json(&self) -> Result<serde_json::Value> {
/// Ok(self.0.into())
/// }
/// }
/// impl_scalar!(MyInt); // // Don't forget this one
/// ```
pub trait Scalar: Sized + Send {
/// The type name of a scalar.
fn type_name() -> &'static str;
/// The description of a scalar.
fn description() -> Option<&'static str> {
/// Parse a scalar value, return `Some(Self)` if successful, otherwise return `None`.
fn parse(value: &Value) -> Option<Self>;
/// Checks for a valid scalar value.
/// The default implementation is to try to parse it, and in some cases you can implement this on your own to improve performance.
fn is_valid(value: &Value) -> bool {
/// Convert the scalar value to json value.
fn to_json(&self) -> Result<serde_json::Value>;
macro_rules! impl_scalar_internal {
($ty:ty) => {
impl crate::Type for $ty {
fn type_name() -> std::borrow::Cow<'static, str> {
std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(<$ty as crate::Scalar>::type_name())
fn create_type_info(registry: &mut crate::registry::Registry) -> String {
registry.create_type::<$ty, _>(|_| crate::registry::Type::Scalar {
name: <$ty as crate::Scalar>::type_name().to_string(),
description: <$ty>::description(),
is_valid: |value| <$ty as crate::Scalar>::is_valid(value),
impl crate::InputValueType for $ty {
fn parse(value: &crate::Value) -> Option<Self> {
<$ty as crate::Scalar>::parse(value)
impl crate::OutputValueType for $ty {
async fn resolve(
value: &Self,
_: &crate::ContextSelectionSet<'_>,
) -> crate::Result<serde_json::Value> {
macro_rules! impl_scalar {
($ty:ty) => {
impl async_graphql::Type for $ty {
fn type_name() -> std::borrow::Cow<'static, str> {
std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(<$ty as async_graphql::Scalar>::type_name())
fn create_type_info(registry: &mut async_graphql::registry::Registry) -> String {
registry.create_type::<$ty, _>(|_| async_graphql::registry::Type::Scalar {
name: <$ty as async_graphql::Scalar>::type_name().to_string(),
description: <$ty>::description(),
is_valid: |value| <$ty as async_graphql::Scalar>::is_valid(value),
impl async_graphql::InputValueType for $ty {
fn parse(value: &async_graphql::Value) -> Option<Self> {
<$ty as async_graphql::Scalar>::parse(value)
impl async_graphql::OutputValueType for $ty {
async fn resolve(
value: &Self,
_: &async_graphql::ContextSelectionSet<'_>,
) -> async_graphql::Result<serde_json::Value> {
impl<T: Type + Send + Sync> Type for &T {
fn type_name() -> Cow<'static, str> {
fn create_type_info(registry: &mut Registry) -> String {
impl<T: OutputValueType + Send + Sync> OutputValueType for &T {
async fn resolve(value: &Self, ctx: &ContextSelectionSet<'_>) -> Result<serde_json::Value> {
T::resolve(*value, ctx).await