2022-04-19 19:18:06 +08:00

200 lines
6.9 KiB

use std::{
io::{self, Seek, SeekFrom, Write},
task::{Context, Poll},
use futures_util::{io::AsyncRead, stream::Stream};
use multer::{Constraints, Multipart, SizeLimit};
use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
use crate::{BatchRequest, ParseRequestError, UploadValue};
/// Options for `receive_multipart`.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct MultipartOptions {
/// The maximum file size.
pub max_file_size: Option<usize>,
/// The maximum number of files.
pub max_num_files: Option<usize>,
impl MultipartOptions {
/// Set maximum file size.
pub fn max_file_size(self, size: usize) -> Self {
MultipartOptions {
max_file_size: Some(size),
/// Set maximum number of files.
pub fn max_num_files(self, n: usize) -> Self {
MultipartOptions {
max_num_files: Some(n),
pub(super) async fn receive_batch_multipart(
body: impl AsyncRead + Send,
boundary: impl Into<String>,
opts: MultipartOptions,
) -> Result<BatchRequest, ParseRequestError> {
let mut multipart = Multipart::with_constraints(
let mut limit = SizeLimit::new();
if let (Some(max_file_size), Some(max_num_files)) =
(opts.max_file_size, opts.max_num_files)
limit = limit.whole_stream((max_file_size * max_num_files) as u64);
if let Some(max_file_size) = opts.max_file_size {
limit = limit.per_field(max_file_size as u64);
let mut request = None;
let mut map = None;
let mut files = Vec::new();
while let Some(mut field) = multipart.next_field().await? {
// in multipart, each field / file can actually have a own Content-Type.
// We use this to determine the encoding of the graphql query
let content_type = field
// default to json
match {
Some("operations") => {
let body = field.bytes().await?;
request = Some(
super::receive_batch_body_no_multipart(&content_type, body.as_ref()).await?,
Some("map") => {
let map_bytes = field.bytes().await?;
match (content_type.type_(), content_type.subtype()) {
// cbor is in application/octet-stream.
// TODO: wait for mime to add application/cbor and match against that too
// Note: we actually differ here from the inoffical spec for this:
// (
// It says: "map: A JSON encoded map of where files occurred in the operations.
// For each file, the key is the file multipart form field name and the value is
// an array of operations paths." However, I think, that
// since we accept CBOR as operation, which is valid, we should also accept it
// as the mapping for the files.
#[cfg(feature = "cbor")]
(mime::OCTET_STREAM, _) | (mime::APPLICATION, mime::OCTET_STREAM) => {
map = Some(
serde_cbor::from_slice::<HashMap<String, Vec<String>>>(&map_bytes)
.map_err(|e| ParseRequestError::InvalidFilesMap(Box::new(e)))?,
// default to json
_ => {
map = Some(
serde_json::from_slice::<HashMap<String, Vec<String>>>(&map_bytes)
.map_err(|e| ParseRequestError::InvalidFilesMap(Box::new(e)))?,
_ => {
if let Some(name) = {
if let Some(filename) = field.file_name().map(ToString::to_string) {
let content_type = field.content_type().map(ToString::to_string);
let mut file = tempfile::tempfile().map_err(ParseRequestError::Io)?;
while let Some(chunk) = field.chunk().await? {
files.push((name, filename, content_type, file));
let mut request: BatchRequest = request.ok_or(ParseRequestError::MissingOperatorsPart)?;
let map = map.as_mut().ok_or(ParseRequestError::MissingMapPart)?;
for (name, filename, content_type, file) in files {
if let Some(var_paths) = map.remove(&name) {
let upload = UploadValue {
content: file,
for var_path in var_paths {
match &mut request {
BatchRequest::Single(request) => {
request.set_upload(&var_path, upload.try_clone()?);
BatchRequest::Batch(requests) => {
let mut s = var_path.splitn(2, '.');
let idx =|idx| idx.parse::<usize>().ok());
let path =;
if let (Some(idx), Some(path)) = (idx, path) {
if let Some(request) = requests.get_mut(idx) {
request.set_upload(path, upload.try_clone()?);
if !map.is_empty() {
return Err(ParseRequestError::MissingFiles);
pin_project! {
pub(crate) struct ReaderStream<T> {
buf: [u8; 2048],
reader: T,
impl<T> ReaderStream<T> {
pub(crate) fn new(reader: T) -> Self {
Self {
buf: [0; 2048],
impl<T: AsyncRead> Stream for ReaderStream<T> {
type Item = io::Result<Vec<u8>>;
fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
let this = self.project();
match futures_util::ready!(this.reader.poll_read(cx, this.buf)?) {
0 => None,
size => Some(Ok(this.buf[..size].to_vec())),