2022-04-08 09:41:23 +08:00

117 lines
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//! A helper module that supports HTTP
mod graphiql_source;
mod multipart;
mod playground_source;
mod websocket;
pub use graphiql_source::graphiql_source;
pub use multipart::MultipartOptions;
pub use playground_source::{playground_source, GraphQLPlaygroundConfig};
pub use websocket::{
ClientMessage, Protocols as WebSocketProtocols, WebSocket, WsMessage, ALL_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOLS,
use futures_util::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncReadExt};
use mime;
use crate::{BatchRequest, ParseRequestError, Request};
/// Receive a GraphQL request from a content type and body.
pub async fn receive_body(
content_type: Option<impl AsRef<str>>,
body: impl AsyncRead + Send,
opts: MultipartOptions,
) -> Result<Request, ParseRequestError> {
receive_batch_body(content_type, body, opts)
/// Receive a GraphQL request from a content type and body.
pub async fn receive_batch_body(
content_type: Option<impl AsRef<str>>,
body: impl AsyncRead + Send,
opts: MultipartOptions,
) -> Result<BatchRequest, ParseRequestError> {
// if no content-type header is set, we default to json
let content_type = content_type
let content_type: mime::Mime = content_type.parse()?;
match (content_type.type_(), content_type.subtype()) {
// try to use multipart
(mime::MULTIPART, _) => {
if let Some(boundary) = content_type.get_param("boundary") {
multipart::receive_batch_multipart(body, boundary.to_string(), opts).await
} else {
// application/json or cbor (currently)
// cbor is in application/octet-stream.
// Note: cbor will only match if feature ``cbor`` is active
// TODO: wait for mime to add application/cbor and match against that too
_ => receive_batch_body_no_multipart(&content_type, body).await,
/// Recieves a GraphQL query which is either cbor or json but NOT multipart
/// This method is only to avoid recursive calls with [``receive_batch_body``] and [``multipart::receive_batch_multipart``]
pub(super) async fn receive_batch_body_no_multipart(
content_type: &mime::Mime,
body: impl AsyncRead + Send,
) -> Result<BatchRequest, ParseRequestError> {
assert_ne!(content_type.type_(), mime::MULTIPART, "received multipart");
match (content_type.type_(), content_type.subtype()) {
#[cfg(feature = "cbor")]
// cbor is in application/octet-stream.
// TODO: wait for mime to add application/cbor and match against that too
(mime::OCTET_STREAM, _) | (mime::APPLICATION, mime::OCTET_STREAM) => {
// default to json
_ => receive_batch_json(body).await,
/// Receive a GraphQL request from a body as JSON.
pub async fn receive_json(body: impl AsyncRead) -> Result<Request, ParseRequestError> {
/// Receive a GraphQL batch request from a body as JSON.
pub async fn receive_batch_json(body: impl AsyncRead) -> Result<BatchRequest, ParseRequestError> {
let mut data = Vec::new();
body.read_to_end(&mut data)
.map_err(|e| ParseRequestError::InvalidRequest(Box::new(e)))
/// Receive a GraphQL request from a body as CBOR.
#[cfg(feature = "cbor")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "cbor")))]
pub async fn receive_cbor(body: impl AsyncRead) -> Result<Request, ParseRequestError> {
/// Receive a GraphQL batch request from a body as CBOR
#[cfg(feature = "cbor")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "cbor")))]
pub async fn receive_batch_cbor(body: impl AsyncRead) -> Result<BatchRequest, ParseRequestError> {
let mut data = Vec::new();
body.read_to_end(&mut data)
.map_err(|e| ParseRequestError::InvalidRequest(Box::new(e)))