2021-11-30 09:46:18 +08:00

275 lines
10 KiB

//! # A GraphQL server library implemented in Rust
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//! ## Documentation
//! * [Feature Comparison](
//! * [Book](
//! * [中文文档](
//! * [Docs](
//! * [GitHub repository](
//! * [Cargo package](
//! * Minimum supported Rust version: 1.56.1 or later
//! ## Features
//! * Fully supports async/await
//! * Type safety
//! * Rustfmt friendly (Procedural Macro)
//! * Custom scalars
//! * Minimal overhead
//! * Easy integration ([poem](, actix_web, tide, warp, rocket ...)
//! * File upload (Multipart request)
//! * Subscriptions (WebSocket transport)
//! * Custom extensions
//! * Apollo Tracing extension
//! * Limit query complexity/depth
//! * Error Extensions
//! * Apollo Federation
//! * Batch Queries
//! * Apollo Persisted Queries
//! ## Crate features
//! This crate offers the following features, all of which are not activated by default:
//! - `apollo_tracing`: Enable the [Apollo tracing extension](extensions/struct.ApolloTracing.html).
//! - `apollo_persisted_queries`: Enable the [Apollo persisted queries extension](extensions/apollo_persisted_queries/struct.ApolloPersistedQueries.html).
//! - `log`: Enable the [logger extension](extensions/struct.Logger.html).
//! - `tracing`: Enable the [tracing extension](extensions/struct.Tracing.html).
//! - `opentelemetry`: Enable the [OpenTelemetry extension](extensions/struct.OpenTelemetry.html).
//! - `unblock`: Support [asynchronous reader for Upload](types/struct.Upload.html)
//! - `bson`: Integrate with the [`bson` crate](
//! - `chrono`: Integrate with the [`chrono` crate](
//! - `chrono-tz`: Integrate with the [`chrono-tz` crate](
//! - `url`: Integrate with the [`url` crate](
//! - `uuid`: Integrate with the [`uuid` crate](
//! - `string_number`: Enable the [StringNumber](types/struct.StringNumber.html).
//! - `dataloader`: Support [DataLoader](dataloader/struct.DataLoader.html).
//! - `decimal`: Integrate with the [`rust_decimal` crate](
//! - `cbor`: Support for [serde_cbor](
//! - `smol_str`: Integrate with the [`smol_str` crate](
//! ## Integrations
//! * Poem [async-graphql-poem](
//! * Actix-web [async-graphql-actix-web](
//! * Warp [async-graphql-warp](
//! * Tide [async-graphql-tide](
//! * Rocket [async-graphql-rocket](
//! * Axum [async-graphql-axum](
//! ## License
//! Licensed under either of
//! * Apache License, Version 2.0,
//! (./LICENSE-APACHE or <>)
//! * MIT license (./LICENSE-MIT or <>)
//! at your option.
//! ## References
//! * [GraphQL](
//! * [GraphQL Multipart Request](
//! * [GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification](
//! * [GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol](
//! * [Apollo Tracing](
//! * [Apollo Federation](
//! ## Examples
//! All examples are in the [sub-repository](, located in the examples directory.
//! **Run an example:**
//! ```shell
//! git submodule update # update the examples repo
//! cd examples && cargo run --bin [name]
//! ```
//! ## Benchmarks
//! Ensure that there is no CPU-heavy process in background!
//! ```shell script
//! cd benchmark
//! cargo bench
//! ```
//! Now a HTML report is available at `benchmark/target/criterion/report`.
// #![deny(clippy::pedantic)]
// #![deny(clippy::nursery)]
#![recursion_limit = "256"]
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
mod base;
mod custom_directive;
mod error;
mod guard;
mod look_ahead;
mod model;
mod request;
mod response;
mod schema;
mod subscription;
mod validation;
pub mod context;
#[cfg(feature = "dataloader")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "dataloader")))]
pub mod dataloader;
pub mod extensions;
pub mod http;
pub mod resolver_utils;
pub mod types;
pub mod validators;
pub mod registry;
pub use async_stream;
pub use async_trait;
pub use context::ContextSelectionSet;
pub use futures_util;
pub use indexmap;
pub use static_assertions;
pub use subscription::SubscriptionType;
pub use async_graphql_parser as parser;
pub use async_graphql_value::{
from_value, to_value, value, ConstValue as Value, DeserializerError, Name, Number,
SerializerError, Variables,
pub use base::{
ComplexObject, Description, InputObjectType, InputType, InterfaceType, ObjectType, OutputType,
pub use custom_directive::{CustomDirective, CustomDirectiveFactory};
pub use error::{
Error, ErrorExtensionValues, ErrorExtensions, InputValueError, InputValueResult,
ParseRequestError, PathSegment, Result, ResultExt, ServerError, ServerResult,
pub use extensions::ResolveFut;
pub use guard::{Guard, GuardExt};
pub use look_ahead::Lookahead;
pub use registry::CacheControl;
pub use request::{BatchRequest, Request};
pub use resolver_utils::{ContainerType, EnumType, ScalarType};
pub use response::{BatchResponse, Response};
pub use schema::{Schema, SchemaBuilder, SchemaEnv};
pub use validation::{ValidationMode, ValidationResult, VisitorContext};
pub use validators::CustomValidator;
pub use context::*;
pub use parser::{Pos, Positioned};
pub use types::*;
/// An alias of [async_graphql::Error](struct.Error.html). Present for backward compatibility
/// reasons.
pub type FieldError = Error;
/// An alias of [async_graphql::Result](type.Result.html). Present for backward compatibility
/// reasons.
pub type FieldResult<T> = Result<T>;
#[doc = include_str!("docs/")]
pub use async_graphql_derive::ComplexObject;
#[doc = include_str!("docs/")]
pub use async_graphql_derive::Description;
#[doc = include_str!("docs/")]
pub use async_graphql_derive::Directive;
#[doc = include_str!("docs/")]
pub use async_graphql_derive::Enum;
#[doc = include_str!("docs/")]
pub use async_graphql_derive::InputObject;
#[doc = include_str!("docs/")]
pub use async_graphql_derive::Interface;
#[doc = include_str!("docs/")]
pub use async_graphql_derive::MergedObject;
#[doc = include_str!("docs/")]
pub use async_graphql_derive::MergedSubscription;
#[doc = include_str!("docs/")]
pub use async_graphql_derive::NewType;
#[doc = include_str!("docs/")]
pub use async_graphql_derive::Object;
#[doc = include_str!("docs/")]
pub use async_graphql_derive::Scalar;
#[doc = include_str!("docs/")]
pub use async_graphql_derive::SimpleObject;
#[doc = include_str!("docs/")]
pub use async_graphql_derive::Subscription;
#[doc = include_str!("docs/")]
pub use async_graphql_derive::Union;