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20 KiB

//! # The GraphQL server library implemented by rust
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//! ## Documentation
//! * [Feature Comparison](
//! * [Book](
//! * [中文文档](
//! * [Docs](
//! * [GitHub repository](
//! * [Cargo package](
//! * Minimum supported Rust version: 1.42 or later
//! ## Features
//! * Fully support async/await
//! * Type safety
//! * Rustfmt friendly (Procedural Macro)
//! * Custom scalar
//! * Minimal overhead
//! * Easy integration (hyper, actix_web, tide ...)
//! * Upload files (Multipart request)
//! * Subscription (WebSocket transport)
//! * Custom extension
//! * Apollo Tracing extension
//! * Limit query complexity/depth
//! * Error Extensions
//! * Apollo Federation
//! ## Integrations
//! * Actix-web [async-graphql-actix_web](
//! * Warp [async-graphql-warp](
//! * Tide [async-graphql-tide](
//! ## License
//! Licensed under either of
//! * Apache License, Version 2.0,
//! * MIT license (./LICENSE-MIT or
//! at your option.
//! ## References
//! * [GraphQL](
//! * [GraphQL Multipart Request](
//! * [GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification](
//! * [GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol](
//! * [Apollo Tracing](
//! * [Apollo Federation](
extern crate thiserror;
extern crate serde_derive;
mod base;
mod context;
mod error;
mod model;
mod mutation_resolver;
mod query;
mod resolver;
mod scalars;
mod schema;
mod subscription;
mod types;
mod validation;
pub mod extensions;
pub mod guard;
pub mod validators;
use async_graphql_parser as parser;
pub use anyhow;
pub use async_trait;
pub use futures;
pub use serde_json;
pub mod http;
pub use base::{ScalarType, Type};
pub use context::{
Context, ContextBase, Data, Environment, QueryPathNode, QueryPathSegment, Variables,
pub use error::{
Error, ErrorExtensions, FieldError, FieldResult, InputValueError, InputValueResult,
ParseRequestError, QueryError, ResultExt,
pub use parser::{Pos, Positioned, Value};
pub use query::{IntoQueryBuilder, IntoQueryBuilderOpts, QueryBuilder, QueryResponse};
pub use registry::CacheControl;
pub use scalars::{Any, Json, ToGraphQLID, ID};
pub use schema::Schema;
pub use subscription::{
SimpleBroker, SubscriptionStream, SubscriptionStreams, SubscriptionTransport,
pub use types::{
Connection, Cursor, DataSource, EmptyEdgeFields, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription, PageInfo,
QueryOperation, ToGraphQLCursor, Upload,
pub use validation::ValidationMode;
/// Result type
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
// internal types
pub use context::ContextSelectionSet;
pub mod registry;
pub use base::{BoxFieldFuture, InputObjectType, InputValueType, ObjectType, OutputValueType};
pub use resolver::{collect_fields, do_resolve};
pub use subscription::SubscriptionType;
pub use types::{EnumItem, EnumType};
/// Define a GraphQL object
/// # Macro parameters
/// | Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
/// |---------------|---------------------------|----------|----------|
/// | name | Object name | string | Y |
/// | desc | Object description | string | Y |
/// | cache_control | Object cache control | [`CacheControl`](struct.CacheControl.html) | Y |
/// | extends | Add fields to an entity that's defined in another service | bool | Y |
/// # Field parameters
/// | Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
/// |---------------|---------------------------|----------|----------|
/// | name | Field name | string | Y |
/// | desc | Field description | string | Y |
/// | deprecation | Field deprecation reason | string | Y |
/// | cache_control | Field cache control | [`CacheControl`](struct.CacheControl.html) | Y |
/// | external | Mark a field as owned by another service. This allows service A to use fields from service B while also knowing at runtime the types of that field. | bool | Y |
/// | provides | Annotate the expected returned fieldset from a field on a base type that is guaranteed to be selectable by the gateway. | string | Y |
/// | requires | Annotate the required input fieldset from a base type for a resolver. It is used to develop a query plan where the required fields may not be needed by the client, but the service may need additional information from other services. | string | Y |
/// | guard | Field of guard | [`Guard`](guard/trait.Guard.html) | Y |
/// # Field argument parameters
/// | Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
/// |-------------|---------------------------|----------|----------|
/// | name | Argument name | string | Y |
/// | desc | Argument description | string | Y |
/// | default | Argument default value | string | Y |
/// | validator | Input value validator | [`InputValueValidator`](validators/trait.InputValueValidator.html) | Y |
/// # The field returns the value type
/// - A scalar value, such as `i32`, `bool`
/// - Borrowing of scalar values, such as `&i32`, `&bool`
/// - Vec<T>, such as `Vec<i32>`
/// - Slice<T>, such as `&[i32]`
/// - Option<T>, such as `Option<i32>`
/// - Object and &Object
/// - Enum
/// - FieldResult<T, E>, such as `FieldResult<i32, E>`
/// # Context
/// You can define a context as an argument to a method, and the context should be the first argument to the method.
/// ```ignore
/// #[Object]
/// impl QueryRoot {
/// async fn value(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> { ... }
/// }
/// ```
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use async_graphql::*;
/// struct QueryRoot {
/// value: i32,
/// }
/// #[Object]
/// impl QueryRoot {
/// #[field(desc = "value")]
/// async fn value(&self) -> i32 {
/// self.value
/// }
/// #[field(desc = "reference value")]
/// async fn value_ref(&self) -> &i32 {
/// &self.value
/// }
/// #[field(desc = "value with error")]
/// async fn value_with_error(&self) -> FieldResult<i32> {
/// Ok(self.value)
/// }
/// async fn value_with_arg(&self, #[arg(default = "1")] a: i32) -> i32 {
/// a
/// }
/// }
/// #[async_std::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot{ value: 10 }, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription);
/// let res = schema.execute(r#"{
/// value
/// valueRef
/// valueWithError
/// valueWithArg1: valueWithArg
/// valueWithArg2: valueWithArg(a: 99)
/// }"#).await.unwrap().data;
/// assert_eq!(res, serde_json::json!({
/// "value": 10,
/// "valueRef": 10,
/// "valueWithError": 10,
/// "valueWithArg1": 1,
/// "valueWithArg2": 99
/// }));
/// }
/// ```
pub use async_graphql_derive::Object;
/// Define a GraphQL object
/// Similar to `Object`, but defined on a structure that automatically generates getters for all fields.
/// # Macro parameters
/// | Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
/// |---------------|---------------------------|----------|----------|
/// | name | Object name | string | Y |
/// | desc | Object description | string | Y |
/// | cache_control | Object cache control | [`CacheControl`](struct.CacheControl.html) | Y |
/// # Field parameters
/// | Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
/// |---------------|---------------------------|----------|----------|
/// | name | Field name | string | Y |
/// | desc | Field description | string | Y |
/// | deprecation | Field deprecation reason | string | Y |
/// | cache_control | Field cache control | [`CacheControl`](struct.CacheControl.html) | Y |
/// | external | Mark a field as owned by another service. This allows service A to use fields from service B while also knowing at runtime the types of that field. | bool | Y |
/// | provides | Annotate the expected returned fieldset from a field on a base type that is guaranteed to be selectable by the gateway. | string | Y |
/// | requires | Annotate the required input fieldset from a base type for a resolver. It is used to develop a query plan where the required fields may not be needed by the client, but the service may need additional information from other services. | string | Y |
/// | guard | Field of guard | [`Guard`](guard/trait.Guard.html) | Y |
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use async_graphql::*;
/// #[SimpleObject]
/// struct QueryRoot {
/// value: i32,
/// }
/// #[async_std::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot{ value: 10 }, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription);
/// let res = schema.execute("{ value }").await.unwrap().data;
/// assert_eq!(res, serde_json::json!({
/// "value": 10,
/// }));
/// }
/// ```
pub use async_graphql_derive::SimpleObject;
/// Define a GraphQL enum
/// # Macro parameters
/// | Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
/// |-------------|---------------------------|----------|----------|
/// | name | Enum name | string | Y |
/// | desc | Enum description | string | Y |
/// # Item parameters
/// | Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
/// |-------------|---------------------------|----------|----------|
/// | name | Item name | string | Y |
/// | desc | Item description | string | Y |
/// | deprecation | Item deprecation reason | string | Y |
/// | ref | The resolver function returns a borrowing value | bool | Y |
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use async_graphql::*;
/// #[Enum]
/// enum MyEnum {
/// A,
/// #[item(name = "b")] B,
/// }
/// struct QueryRoot {
/// value1: MyEnum,
/// value2: MyEnum,
/// }
/// #[Object]
/// impl QueryRoot {
/// #[field(desc = "value")]
/// async fn value1(&self) -> MyEnum {
/// self.value1
/// }
/// #[field(desc = "value")]
/// async fn value2(&self) -> MyEnum {
/// self.value2
/// }
/// }
/// #[async_std::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot{ value1: MyEnum::A, value2: MyEnum::B }, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription);
/// let res = schema.execute("{ value1 value2 }").await.unwrap().data;
/// assert_eq!(res, serde_json::json!({ "value1": "A", "value2": "b" }));
/// }
/// ```
pub use async_graphql_derive::Enum;
/// Define a GraphQL input object
/// # Macro parameters
/// | Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
/// |-------------|---------------------------|----------|----------|
/// | name | Object name | string | Y |
/// | desc | Object description | string | Y |
/// # Field parameters
/// | Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
/// |-------------|---------------------------|----------|----------|
/// | name | Field name | string | Y |
/// | desc | Field description | string | Y |
/// | default | Field default value | string | Y |
/// | validator | Input value validator | [`InputValueValidator`](validators/trait.InputValueValidator.html) | Y |
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use async_graphql::*;
/// #[InputObject]
/// struct MyInputObject {
/// a: i32,
/// #[field(default = "10")]
/// b: i32,
/// }
/// struct QueryRoot;
/// #[Object]
/// impl QueryRoot {
/// #[field(desc = "value")]
/// async fn value(&self, input: MyInputObject) -> i32 {
/// input.a * input.b
/// }
/// }
/// #[async_std::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription);
/// let res = schema.execute(r#"
/// {
/// value1: value(input:{a:9, b:3})
/// value2: value(input:{a:9})
/// }"#).await.unwrap().data;
/// assert_eq!(res, serde_json::json!({ "value1": 27, "value2": 90 }));
/// }
/// ```
pub use async_graphql_derive::InputObject;
/// Define a GraphQL interface
/// # Macro parameters
/// | Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
/// |-------------|---------------------------|----------|----------|
/// | name | Object name | string | Y |
/// | desc | Object description | string | Y |
/// # Field parameters
/// | Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
/// |-------------|---------------------------|----------|----------|
/// | name | Field name | string | N |
/// | type | Field type | string | N |
/// | desc | Field description | string | Y |
/// | deprecation | Field deprecation reason | string | Y |
/// | args | Field arguments | | Y |
/// # Field argument parameters
/// | Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
/// |-------------|---------------------------|----------|----------|
/// | name | Argument name | string | N |
/// | type | Argument type | string | N |
/// | desc | Argument description | string | Y |
/// | default | Argument default value | string | Y |
/// # Define an interface
/// Define TypeA, TypeB, TypeC... Implement the MyInterface
/// ```ignore
/// #[Interface]
/// struct MyInterface(TypeA, TypeB, TypeC, ...);
/// ```
/// # Fields
/// The type, name, and parameter fields of the interface must exactly match the type of the
/// implementation interface, but FieldResult can be omitted.
/// ```rust
/// use async_graphql::*;
/// struct TypeA {
/// value: i32,
/// }
/// #[Object]
/// impl TypeA {
/// /// Returns data borrowed from the context
/// async fn value_a<'a>(&self, ctx: &'a Context<'_>) -> &'a str {
/// }
/// /// Returns data borrowed self
/// async fn value_b(&self) -> &i32 {
/// &self.value
/// }
/// /// With parameters
/// async fn value_c(&self, a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
/// a + b
/// }
/// }
/// #[Interface(
/// field(name = "value_a", type = "&'ctx str"),
/// field(name = "value_b", type = "&i32"),
/// field(name = "value_c", type = "i32",
/// arg(name = "a", type = "i32"),
/// arg(name = "b", type = "i32")),
/// )]
/// struct MyInterface(TypeA);
/// struct QueryRoot;
/// #[Object]
/// impl QueryRoot {
/// async fn type_a(&self) -> MyInterface {
/// TypeA { value: 10 }.into()
/// }
/// }
/// #[async_std::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let schema = Schema::build(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription).data("hello".to_string()).finish();
/// let res = schema.execute(r#"
/// {
/// typeA {
/// valueA
/// valueB
/// valueC(a: 3, b: 2)
/// }
/// }"#).await.unwrap().data;
/// assert_eq!(res, serde_json::json!({
/// "typeA": {
/// "valueA": "hello",
/// "valueB": 10,
/// "valueC": 5
/// }
/// }));
/// }
/// ```
pub use async_graphql_derive::Interface;
/// Define a GraphQL union
/// It's similar to Interface, but it doesn't have fields.
pub use async_graphql_derive::Union;
/// Define a GraphQL subscription
/// The field function is a synchronization function that performs filtering. When true is returned, the message is pushed to the client.
/// The second parameter is the type of the field.
/// Starting with the third parameter is one or more filtering conditions, The filter condition is the parameter of the field.
/// The filter function should be synchronous.
/// # Macro parameters
/// | Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
/// |-------------|---------------------------|----------|----------|
/// | name | Object name | string | Y |
/// | desc | Object description | string | Y |
/// # Field parameters
/// | Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
/// |-------------|---------------------------|----------|----------|
/// | name | Field name | string | Y |
/// | desc | Field description | string | Y |
/// | deprecation | Field deprecation reason | string | Y |
/// | guard | Field of guard | [`Guard`](guard/trait.Guard.html) | Y |
/// # Field argument parameters
/// | Attribute | description | Type | Optional |
/// |-------------|---------------------------|----------|----------|
/// | name | Argument name | string | Y |
/// | desc | Argument description | string | Y |
/// | default | Argument default value | string | Y |
/// | validator | Input value validator | [`InputValueValidator`](validators/trait.InputValueValidator.html) | Y |
/// # Examples
/// ```ignore
/// use async_graphql::*;
/// #[Object]
/// struct Event {
/// value: i32,
/// }
/// struct SubscriptionRoot;
/// #[Subscription]
/// impl SubscriptionRoot {
/// async fn value(&self, event: &Event, condition: i32) -> bool {
/// // Push when value is greater than condition
/// event.value > condition
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub use async_graphql_derive::Subscription;
/// Define a DataSource
pub use async_graphql_derive::DataSource;
/// Define a Scalar
pub use async_graphql_derive::Scalar;