Add async_graphql_warp::GQLResponse

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Sunli 2020-05-21 17:37:28 +08:00
parent 609a6f87fd
commit a9ecc66f69
2 changed files with 47 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ impl FromRequest for GQLRequest {
pub struct GQLResponse(async_graphql::Result<QueryResponse>);
impl From<async_graphql::Result<QueryResponse>> for GQLResponse {
fn from(res: async_graphql::Result<QueryResponse>) -> Self {
fn from(resp: async_graphql::Result<QueryResponse>) -> Self {

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@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
use async_graphql::http::StreamBody;
use async_graphql::{
Data, FieldResult, IntoQueryBuilder, IntoQueryBuilderOpts, ObjectType, QueryBuilder, Schema,
SubscriptionType, WebSocketTransport,
Data, FieldResult, IntoQueryBuilder, IntoQueryBuilderOpts, ObjectType, QueryBuilder,
QueryResponse, Schema, SubscriptionType, WebSocketTransport,
use bytes::Bytes;
use futures::select;
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
use warp::filters::ws::Message;
use warp::filters::BoxedFilter;
use warp::reject::Reject;
use warp::reply::Response;
use warp::{Filter, Rejection, Reply};
/// Bad request error
@ -41,9 +42,9 @@ impl Reject for BadRequest {}
/// ```no_run
/// use async_graphql::*;
/// use async_graphql_warp::*;
/// use warp::{Filter, Reply};
/// use std::convert::Infallible;
/// use async_graphql::http::GQLResponse;
/// struct QueryRoot;
@ -59,8 +60,7 @@ impl Reject for BadRequest {}
/// async fn main() {
/// let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription);
/// let filter = async_graphql_warp::graphql(schema).and_then(|(schema, builder): (_, QueryBuilder)| async move {
/// let resp = builder.execute(&schema).await;
/// Ok::<_, Infallible>(warp::reply::json(&GQLResponse(resp)).into_response())
/// Ok::<_, Infallible>(GQLResponse::from(builder.execute(&schema).await).into_response())
/// });
/// warp::serve(filter).run(([0, 0, 0, 0], 8000)).await;
/// }
@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ where
/// ```no_run
/// use async_graphql::*;
/// use async_graphql_warp::*;
/// use warp::Filter;
/// use futures::{Stream, StreamExt};
/// use std::time::Duration;
@ -265,3 +266,42 @@ where
/// GraphQL reply
pub struct GQLResponse(async_graphql::Result<QueryResponse>);
impl From<async_graphql::Result<QueryResponse>> for GQLResponse {
fn from(resp: async_graphql::Result<QueryResponse>) -> Self {
impl Reply for GQLResponse {
fn into_response(self) -> Response {
// Waiting for this release:
// /// GraphQL streaming reply
// pub struct GQLResponseStream(StreamResponse);
// impl From<StreamResponse> for GQLResponseStream {
// fn from(resp: StreamResponse) -> Self {
// GQLResponseStream(resp)
// }
// }
// impl Reply for GQLResponseStream {
// fn into_response(self) -> Response {
// match self.0 {
// StreamResponse::Single(resp) => GQLResponse(resp).into_response(),
// StreamResponse::Stream()
// }
// }
// }