// TODO: delete // this is a temporary file, for testing out the prompts use inquisition::{Choice::Separator, ExpandItem, Question}; use std::{env, io}; fn main() { let (a, b) = match env::args().nth(1).as_deref() { Some("b") => ( Question::confirm("a".into(), "Hello there 1".into(), true), Question::confirm("b".into(), "Hello there 2".into(), false), ), Some("s") => ( Question::input("a".into(), "Hello there 1".into(), "No".into()), Question::input("b".into(), "Hello there 2".into(), "Yes".into()), ), Some("p") => ( Question::password("a".into(), "password 1".into()).with_mask('*'), Question::password("b".into(), "password 2".into()), ), Some("i") => ( Question::int("a".into(), "int 1".into(), 0), Question::int("b".into(), "int 2".into(), 3), ), Some("f") => ( Question::float("a".into(), "float 1".into(), 0.123), Question::float("b".into(), "float 2".into(), 3.12), ), Some("e") => ( Question::editor("a".into(), "editor 1".into()), Question::editor("b".into(), "editor 2".into()), ), Some("l") => ( Question::list( "a".into(), "list 1".into(), vec![ Separator(Some("=== TITLE BOI ===".into())), "hello worldssssss 1".into(), "hello worldssssss 2".into(), "hello worldssssss 3".into(), "hello worldssssss 4".into(), "hello worldssssss 5".into(), ], 0, ), Question::list( "b".into(), "list 2".into(), vec![ "0".into(), Separator(None), "1".into(), "2".into(), "3".into(), Separator(Some("== Hello separator".into())), ], 0, ), ), Some("c") => ( Question::checkbox( "a".into(), "checkbox 1".into(), vec![ Separator(Some("=== TITLE BOI ===".into())), "hello worldssssss 1".into(), "hello worldssssss 2".into(), "hello worldssssss 3".into(), "hello worldssssss 4".into(), "hello worldssssss 5".into(), ], ), Question::checkbox( "b".into(), "checkbox 2".into(), vec![ "0".into(), Separator(None), "1".into(), "2".into(), "3".into(), Separator(Some("== Hello separator".into())), ], ), ), Some("r") => ( Question::raw_list( "a".into(), "list 1".into(), vec![ Separator(Some("=== TITLE BOI ===".into())), "hello worldssssss 1".into(), "hello worldssssss 2".into(), "hello worldssssss 3".into(), "hello worldssssss 4".into(), "hello worldssssss 5".into(), ], 0, ), Question::raw_list( "b".into(), "list 2".into(), vec![ "0".into(), Separator(None), "1".into(), "2".into(), "3".into(), Separator(Some("== Hello separator".into())), ], 0, ), ), Some("x") => ( Question::expand( "a".into(), "expand 1".into(), vec![ ExpandItem { key: 'y', name: "Overwrite".into(), } .into(), ExpandItem { key: 'a', name: "Overwrite this one and all next".into(), } .into(), ExpandItem { key: 'd', name: "Show diff".into(), } .into(), Separator(None), ExpandItem { key: 'x', name: "Abort".into(), } .into(), ], None, ), Question::expand( "b".into(), "expand 2".into(), vec![ ExpandItem { key: 'a', name: "Name for a".into(), } .into(), Separator(None), ExpandItem { key: 'b', name: "Name for b".into(), } .into(), ExpandItem { key: 'c', name: "Name for c".into(), } .into(), Separator(None), ExpandItem { key: 'd', name: "Name for d".into(), } .into(), Separator(Some("== Hello separator".into())), ], Some('b'), ), ), _ => panic!("no arg"), }; let mut stdout = io::stdout(); println!("{:?}", a.ask(&mut stdout)); println!("{:?}", b.ask(&mut stdout)); }