use std::borrow::Cow; use bitflags::bitflags; use ffxiv_types::jobs::{ClassJob, Class, Job}; use ffxiv_types::{Role, World}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_repr::{Deserialize_repr, Serialize_repr}; use sestring::SeString; use crate::ffxiv::duties::{ContentKind, DutyInfo}; #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq)] pub struct PartyFinderListing { pub id: u32, pub content_id_lower: u32, #[serde(with = "crate::base64_sestring")] pub name: SeString, #[serde(with = "crate::base64_sestring")] pub description: SeString, pub created_world: u8, pub home_world: u8, pub current_world: u8, pub category: DutyCategory, pub duty: u16, pub duty_type: DutyType, pub beginners_welcome: bool, pub seconds_remaining: u16, pub min_item_level: u16, pub num_parties: u8, pub slots_available: u8, pub objective: ObjectiveFlags, pub conditions: ConditionFlags, pub duty_finder_settings: DutyFinderSettingsFlags, pub loot_rules: LootRuleFlags, pub search_area: SearchAreaFlags, pub slots: Vec, pub jobs_present: Vec, } impl PartyFinderListing { pub fn slots_filled(&self) -> usize { self.jobs_present.iter().filter(|&&job| job > 0).count() } pub fn is_cross_world(&self) -> bool { self.search_area.contains(SearchAreaFlags::DATA_CENTRE) } pub fn duty_name(&self) -> Cow { match (&self.duty_type, &self.category) { (DutyType::Other, DutyCategory::Fates) => { if let Some(&name) = crate::ffxiv::TERRITORY_NAMES.get(&u32::from(self.duty)) { return Cow::from(name); } return Cow::from("Fates"); } (DutyType::Other, DutyCategory::TheHunt) => return Cow::from("The Hunt"), (DutyType::Other, DutyCategory::Duty) if self.duty == 0 => return Cow::from("None"), (DutyType::Other, DutyCategory::DeepDungeons) if self.duty == 1 => return Cow::from("The Palace of the Dead"), (DutyType::Other, DutyCategory::DeepDungeons) if self.duty == 2 => return Cow::from("Heaven-on-High"), (DutyType::Normal, _) => { if let Some(info) = crate::ffxiv::DUTIES.get(&u32::from(self.duty)) { return Cow::from(; } } (DutyType::Roulette, _) => { if let Some(&name) = crate::ffxiv::ROULETTES.get(&u32::from(self.duty)) { return Cow::from(name); } } _ => {} } Cow::from(format!("{:?}", self.category)) } pub fn slots(&self) -> Vec> { let mut slots = Vec::with_capacity(self.slots_available as usize); for i in 0..self.slots_available as usize { if i >= self.jobs_present.len() { break; } let cj = match crate::ffxiv::JOBS.get(&u32::from(self.jobs_present[i])).copied() { Some(cj) => Ok(cj), None => Err(( self.slots[i].html_classes(), self.slots[i].codes(), )), }; slots.push(cj); } slots } pub fn created_world(&self) -> Option { crate::ffxiv::WORLDS.get(&u32::from(self.created_world)).copied() } pub fn created_world_string(&self) -> Cow { self.created_world() .map(|world| Cow::from( .unwrap_or_else(|| Cow::from(self.created_world.to_string())) } pub fn home_world(&self) -> Option { crate::ffxiv::WORLDS.get(&u32::from(self.home_world)).copied() } pub fn home_world_string(&self) -> Cow { self.home_world() .map(|world| Cow::from( .unwrap_or_else(|| Cow::from(self.home_world.to_string())) } pub fn prepend_flags(&self) -> (&'static str, String) { let mut colour_class = ""; let mut flags = Vec::new(); if self.objective.contains(ObjectiveFlags::PRACTICE) { flags.push("[Practice]"); colour_class = "desc-green"; } if self.objective.contains(ObjectiveFlags::DUTY_COMPLETION) { flags.push("[Duty Completion]"); colour_class = "desc-blue"; } if self.objective.contains(ObjectiveFlags::LOOT) { flags.push("[Loot]"); colour_class = "desc-yellow"; } if self.conditions.contains(ConditionFlags::DUTY_COMPLETE) { flags.push("[Duty Complete]"); } if self.conditions.contains(ConditionFlags::DUTY_INCOMPLETE) { flags.push("[Duty Incomplete]"); } if self.search_area.contains(SearchAreaFlags::ONE_PLAYER_PER_JOB) { flags.push("[One Player per Job]"); } (colour_class, flags.join("")) } pub fn data_centre_name(&self) -> Option<&'static str> { crate::ffxiv::WORLDS.get(&u32::from(self.created_world)) .map(|w| w.data_center().name()) } pub fn high_end(&self) -> bool { if self.duty_type != DutyType::Normal { return false; } crate::ffxiv::DUTIES.get(&u32::from(self.duty)) .map(|info| info.high_end) .unwrap_or_default() } pub fn content_kind(&self) -> u32 { if self.duty_type != DutyType::Normal { return 0; } crate::ffxiv::DUTIES.get(&u32::from(self.duty)) .map(|info| info.content_kind.as_u32()) .unwrap_or_default() } pub fn pf_category(&self) -> Option { let duty_type = self.duty_type; let duty_info = crate::ffxiv::DUTIES.get(&u32::from(self.duty)); let duty_category = self.category; let category = match (duty_type, duty_info, duty_category) { (DutyType::Roulette, _, _) => PartyFinderCategory::DutyRoulette, (DutyType::Normal, _, DutyCategory::GatheringForays) => PartyFinderCategory::GatheringForays, (DutyType::Other, _, DutyCategory::DeepDungeons) => PartyFinderCategory::DeepDungeons, (DutyType::Normal, _, DutyCategory::AdventuringForays) => PartyFinderCategory::AdventuringForays, (DutyType::Normal, Some(DutyInfo { high_end: true, .. }), _) => PartyFinderCategory::HighEndDuty, (DutyType::Normal, Some(DutyInfo { content_kind: ContentKind::Dungeons, .. }), _) => PartyFinderCategory::Dungeons, (DutyType::Normal, Some(DutyInfo { content_kind: ContentKind::Guildhests, .. }), _) => PartyFinderCategory::Guildhests, (DutyType::Normal, Some(DutyInfo { content_kind: ContentKind::Trials, .. }), _) => PartyFinderCategory::Trials, (DutyType::Normal, Some(DutyInfo { content_kind: ContentKind::Raids, .. }), _) => PartyFinderCategory::Raids, (DutyType::Normal, Some(DutyInfo { content_kind: ContentKind::PvP, .. }), _) => PartyFinderCategory::Pvp, (_, _, DutyCategory::QuestBattles) => PartyFinderCategory::QuestBattles, (_, _, DutyCategory::Fates) => PartyFinderCategory::Fates, (_, _, DutyCategory::TreasureHunt) => PartyFinderCategory::TreasureHunt, (_, _, DutyCategory::TheHunt) => PartyFinderCategory::TheHunt, (DutyType::Other, None, _) => PartyFinderCategory::None, (DutyType::Roulette, _, _) => PartyFinderCategory::DutyRoulette, (DutyType::Normal, Some(DutyInfo { high_end: true, .. }), _) => PartyFinderCategory::HighEndDuty, (DutyType::Normal, Some(DutyInfo { content_kind: ContentKind::Dungeons, .. }), _) => PartyFinderCategory::Dungeons, (DutyType::Normal, Some(DutyInfo { content_kind: ContentKind::Guildhests, .. }), _) => PartyFinderCategory::Guildhests, (DutyType::Normal, Some(DutyInfo { content_kind: ContentKind::Trials, .. }), _) => PartyFinderCategory::Trials, (DutyType::Normal, Some(DutyInfo { content_kind: ContentKind::Raids, .. }), _) => PartyFinderCategory::Raids, (DutyType::Normal, Some(DutyInfo { content_kind: ContentKind::PvP, .. }), _) => PartyFinderCategory::Pvp, (_, _, DutyCategory::QuestBattles) => PartyFinderCategory::QuestBattles, (_, _, DutyCategory::Fates) => PartyFinderCategory::Fates, (_, _, DutyCategory::TreasureHunt) => PartyFinderCategory::TreasureHunt, (_, _, DutyCategory::TheHunt) => PartyFinderCategory::TheHunt, (DutyType::Normal, _, DutyCategory::GatheringForays) => PartyFinderCategory::GatheringForays, (DutyType::Other, _, DutyCategory::DeepDungeons) => PartyFinderCategory::DeepDungeons, (DutyType::Normal, _, DutyCategory::AdventuringForays) => PartyFinderCategory::AdventuringForays, _ => return None, }; Some(category) } pub fn html_pf_category(&self) -> &'static str { self.pf_category() .map(|cat| cat.as_str()) .unwrap_or("unknown") } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq)] pub struct PartyFinderSlot { pub accepting: JobFlags, } impl PartyFinderSlot { pub fn html_classes(&self) -> String { if self.accepting == JobFlags::all() { return "empty".into(); } let mut classes = Vec::with_capacity(3); let cjs = self.accepting.classjobs(); if cjs.iter().any(|cj| cj.role() == Some(Role::Healer)) { classes.push("healer"); } if cjs.iter().any(|cj| cj.role() == Some(Role::Tank)) { classes.push("tank"); } if cjs.iter().any(|cj| cj.role() == Some(Role::Dps)) { classes.push("dps"); } classes.join(" ") } pub fn codes(&self) -> String { self.accepting.classjobs() .iter() .map(|cj| cj.code()) .intersperse(" ") .collect() } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Deserialize_repr, Serialize_repr, PartialEq)] #[repr(u32)] pub enum DutyCategory { Duty = 0, QuestBattles = 1 << 0, Fates = 1 << 1, TreasureHunt = 1 << 2, TheHunt = 1 << 3, GatheringForays = 1 << 4, DeepDungeons = 1 << 5, AdventuringForays = 1 << 6, } impl DutyCategory { pub fn as_u32(self) -> u32 { unsafe { std::mem::transmute(self) } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Deserialize_repr, Serialize_repr, PartialEq)] #[repr(u8)] pub enum DutyType { Other = 0, Roulette = 1 << 0, Normal = 1 << 1, } impl DutyType { pub fn as_u8(self) -> u8 { unsafe { std::mem::transmute(self) } } } bitflags! { #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(transparent)] pub struct ObjectiveFlags : u32 { const NONE = 0; const DUTY_COMPLETION = 1 << 0; const PRACTICE = 1 << 1; const LOOT = 1 << 2; } } bitflags! { #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(transparent)] pub struct ConditionFlags : u32 { const NONE = 1 << 0; const DUTY_COMPLETE = 1 << 1; const DUTY_INCOMPLETE = 1 << 2; } } bitflags! { #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(transparent)] pub struct DutyFinderSettingsFlags : u32 { const NONE = 0; const UNDERSIZED_PARTY = 1 << 0; const MINIMUM_ITEM_LEVEL = 1 << 1; const SILENCE_ECHO = 1 << 2; } } bitflags! { #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(transparent)] pub struct LootRuleFlags : u32 { const NONE = 0; const GREED_ONLY = 1 << 0; const LOOTMASTER = 1 << 1; } } bitflags! { #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(transparent)] pub struct SearchAreaFlags : u32 { const DATA_CENTRE = 1 << 0; const PRIVATE = 1 << 1; const ALLIANCE_RAID = 1 << 2; const WORLD = 1 << 3; const ONE_PLAYER_PER_JOB = 1 << 5; } } bitflags! { #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(transparent)] pub struct JobFlags : u32 { const GLADIATOR = 1 << 1; const PUGILIST = 1 << 2; const MARAUDER = 1 << 3; const LANCER = 1 << 4; const ARCHER = 1 << 5; const CONJURER = 1 << 6; const THAUMATURGE = 1 << 7; const PALADIN = 1 << 8; const MONK = 1 << 9; const WARRIOR = 1 << 10; const DRAGOON = 1 << 11; const BARD = 1 << 12; const WHITE_MAGE = 1 << 13; const BLACK_MAGE = 1 << 14; const ARCANIST = 1 << 15; const SUMMONER = 1 << 16; const SCHOLAR = 1 << 17; const ROGUE = 1 << 18; const NINJA = 1 << 19; const MACHINIST = 1 << 20; const DARK_KNIGHT = 1 << 21; const ASTROLOGIAN = 1 << 22; const SAMURAI = 1 << 23; const RED_MAGE = 1 << 24; const BLUE_MAGE = 1 << 25; const GUNBREAKER = 1 << 26; const DANCER = 1 << 27; } } impl JobFlags { pub fn classjobs(&self) -> Vec { let mut cjs = Vec::new(); if self.contains(Self::GLADIATOR) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Class(Class::Gladiator)); } if self.contains(Self::PUGILIST) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Class(Class::Pugilist)); } if self.contains(Self::MARAUDER) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Class(Class::Marauder)); } if self.contains(Self::LANCER) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Class(Class::Lancer)); } if self.contains(Self::ARCHER) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Class(Class::Archer)); } if self.contains(Self::CONJURER) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Class(Class::Conjurer)); } if self.contains(Self::THAUMATURGE) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Class(Class::Thaumaturge)); } if self.contains(Self::PALADIN) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::Paladin)); } if self.contains(Self::MONK) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::Monk)); } if self.contains(Self::WARRIOR) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::Warrior)); } if self.contains(Self::DRAGOON) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::Dragoon)); } if self.contains(Self::BARD) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::Bard)); } if self.contains(Self::WHITE_MAGE) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::WhiteMage)); } if self.contains(Self::BLACK_MAGE) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::BlackMage)); } if self.contains(Self::ARCANIST) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Class(Class::Arcanist)); } if self.contains(Self::SUMMONER) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::Summoner)); } if self.contains(Self::SCHOLAR) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::Scholar)); } if self.contains(Self::ROGUE) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Class(Class::Rogue)); } if self.contains(Self::NINJA) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::Ninja)); } if self.contains(Self::MACHINIST) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::Machinist)); } if self.contains(Self::DARK_KNIGHT) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::DarkKnight)); } if self.contains(Self::ASTROLOGIAN) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::Astrologian)); } if self.contains(Self::SAMURAI) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::Samurai)); } if self.contains(Self::RED_MAGE) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::RedMage)); } if self.contains(Self::BLUE_MAGE) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::BlueMage)); } if self.contains(Self::GUNBREAKER) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::Gunbreaker)); } if self.contains(Self::DANCER) { cjs.push(ClassJob::Job(Job::Dancer)); } cjs } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum PartyFinderCategory { DutyRoulette, Dungeons, Guildhests, Trials, Raids, HighEndDuty, Pvp, QuestBattles, Fates, TreasureHunt, TheHunt, GatheringForays, DeepDungeons, AdventuringForays, None, } impl PartyFinderCategory { pub const ALL: [Self; 15] = [ Self::DutyRoulette, Self::Dungeons, Self::Guildhests, Self::Trials, Self::Raids, Self::HighEndDuty, Self::Pvp, Self::QuestBattles, Self::Fates, Self::TreasureHunt, Self::TheHunt, Self::GatheringForays, Self::DeepDungeons, Self::AdventuringForays, Self::None, ]; pub fn as_str(self) -> &'static str { match self { Self::DutyRoulette => "DutyRoulette", Self::Dungeons => "Dungeons", Self::Guildhests => "Guildhests", Self::Trials => "Trials", Self::Raids => "Raids", Self::HighEndDuty => "HighEndDuty", Self::Pvp => "Pvp", Self::QuestBattles => "QuestBattles", Self::Fates => "Fates", Self::TreasureHunt => "TreasureHunt", Self::TheHunt => "TheHunt", Self::GatheringForays => "GatheringForays", Self::DeepDungeons => "DeepDungeons", Self::AdventuringForays => "AdventuringForays", Self::None => "None", } } pub fn name(self) -> &'static str { match self { Self::DutyRoulette => "Duty Roulette", Self::Dungeons => "Dungeons", Self::Guildhests => "Guildhests", Self::Trials => "Trials", Self::Raids => "Raids", Self::HighEndDuty => "High-end Duty", Self::Pvp => "PvP", Self::QuestBattles => "Quest Battles", Self::Fates => "FATEs", Self::TreasureHunt => "Treasure Hunt", Self::TheHunt => "The Hunt", Self::GatheringForays => "Gathering Forays", Self::DeepDungeons => "Deep Dungeons", Self::AdventuringForays => "Adventuring Forays", Self::None => "None", } } }