{% extends "_frame.html" %} {% block title -%} Remote Party Finder {%- endblock %} {% block head %} {% endblock %} {% block body %}
{% for container in containers %} {% let listing = container.listing.borrow() %}
{% let duty_class %} {% if listing.is_cross_world() %} {% let duty_class = " cross" %} {% else %} {% let duty_class = " local" %} {% endif %}
{{ listing.duty_name() }}
{%- let desc = listing.description.full_text() %} {%- if desc.trim().is_empty() -%} None {%- else -%} {%- let (colour_class, prepend_flags) = listing.prepend_flags() -%} {{ prepend_flags }} {{- desc.trim() }} {%- endif -%}
{% for slot in listing.slots() %} {% let filled %} {% let title %} {% let role_class %} {% match slot %} {% when Ok with (slot) %} {% let filled = " filled" %} {% match slot.role() %} {% when Some with (role) %} {% let role_class = " {}"|format(role.as_str().to_lowercase()) %} {% when None %} {% let role_class = "".to_string() %} {% endmatch %} {% let title = slot.code().to_string() %} {% when Err with (tuple) %} {% let filled = "" %} {% let title = tuple.1.clone() %} {% let role_class = " {}"|format(tuple.0) %} {% endmatch %}
{% if !filled.is_empty() %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ listing.slots_filled() }}/{{ listing.slots_available }}
Min IL
{{ listing.min_item_level }}
{{ listing.name.full_text() }} @ {{ listing.home_world_string() }}
{{ listing.created_world_string() }}
{{ container.human_time_left() }}
{{ container.human_since_updated() }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}