import yaml import json import os from time import time from sys import argv from os.path import getmtime from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED DEFAULTS = { 'IsHide': False, 'IsTestingExclusive': False, 'ApplicableVersion': 'any', } DUPLICATES = { 'DownloadLinkInstall': ['DownloadLinkTesting', 'DownloadLinkUpdate'], } TRIMMED_KEYS = [ 'Author', 'Name', 'Description', 'InternalName', 'AssemblyVersion', 'RepoUrl', 'ApplicableVersion', 'Tags', 'DalamudApiLevel', ] def main(): # extract the manifests from inside the zip files master = extract_manifests() # trim the manifests master = [trim_manifest(manifest) for manifest in master] # convert the list of manifests into a master list add_extra_fields(master) # write the master write_master(master) # update the LastUpdated field in master last_updated() def extract_manifests(): manifests = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('./plugins'): if len(filenames) == 0 or '' not in filenames: continue plugin_name = dirpath.split('/')[-1] latest_zip = f'{dirpath}/' with ZipFile(latest_zip) as z: manifest = json.loads('{plugin_name}.json').decode('utf-8')) manifests.append(manifest) return manifests def add_extra_fields(manifests): for manifest in manifests: # generate the download link from the internal assembly name manifest['DownloadLinkInstall'] = f'{manifest["InternalName"]}/' # add default values if missing for k, v in DEFAULTS.items(): if k not in manifest: manifest[k] = v # duplicate keys as specified in DUPLICATES for source, keys in DUPLICATES.items(): for k in keys: if k not in manifest: manifest[k] = manifest[source] def write_master(master): # write as pretty json with open('pluginmaster.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(master, f, indent=4) def trim_manifest(plugin): return {k: plugin[k] for k in TRIMMED_KEYS if k in plugin} def last_updated(): with open('pluginmaster.json') as f: master = json.load(f) for plugin in master: latest = f'plugins/{plugin["InternalName"]}/' modified = int(getmtime(latest)) if 'LastUpdated' not in plugin or modified != int(plugin['LastUpdated']): plugin['LastUpdated'] = str(modified) with open('pluginmaster.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(master, f, indent=4) if __name__ == '__main__': main()