# Optimizing N+1 queries Have you noticed some GraphQL queries end can make hundreds of database queries, often with mostly repeated data? Lets take a look why and how to fix it. ## Query Resolution Imagine if you have a simple query like this: ```graphql query { todos { users { name } } } ``` and `User` resolver is like this: ```rust,ignore struct User { id: u64, } #[Object] impl User { async fn name(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Result { let pool = ctx.data_unchecked::>(); let (name,): (String,) = sqlx::query_as("SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1") .bind(self.id) .fetch_one(pool) .await?; Ok(name) } } ``` The query executor will call the `Todos` resolver which does a `select * from todo and return N todos`. Then for each of the todos, concurrently, call the `User` resolver, `SELECT from USER where id = todo.user_id`. eg: ```sql SELECT id, todo, user_id FROM todo SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1 ``` After executing `SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $1` many times, and most `Todo` objects belong to the same user, we need to optimize these codes! ## Dataloader We need to group queries and exclude duplicate queries. `Dataloader` can do this. [facebook](https://github.com/facebook/dataloader) gives a request-scope batch and caching solution. The following is an example of using `DataLoader` to optimize queries:: ```rust,ignore use async_graphql::*; use async_graphql::dataloader::*; use itertools::Itertools; use std::sync::Arc; struct UserNameLoader { pool: sqlx::Pool, } #[async_trait::async_trait] impl Loader for UserNameLoader { type Value = String; type Error = Arc; async fn load(&self, keys: &[u64]) -> Result, Self::Error> { let query = format!("SELECT name FROM user WHERE id IN ({})", keys.iter().join(",")); Ok(sqlx::query_as(query) .fetch(&self.pool) .map_ok(|name: String| name) .map_err(Arc::new) .try_collect().await?) } } struct User { id: u64, } #[Object] impl User { async fn name(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Result { let loader = ctx.data_unchecked::>(); let name: Option = loader.load_one(self.id).await?; name.ok_or_else(|| "Not found".into()) } } ``` In the end, only two SQLs are needed to query the results we want! ```sql SELECT id, todo, user_id FROM todo SELECT name FROM user WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3, 4) ``` ## Implement multiple data types You can implement multiple data types for the same `Loader`, like this: ```rust,ignore # extern crate async_graphql; # use async_graphql::*; struct PostgresLoader { pool: sqlx::Pool, } #[async_trait::async_trait] impl Loader for PostgresLoader { type Value = User; type Error = Arc; async fn load(&self, keys: &[UserId]) -> Result, Self::Error> { // Load users from database } } #[async_trait::async_trait] impl Loader for PostgresLoader { type Value = Todo; type Error = sqlx::Error; async fn load(&self, keys: &[TodoId]) -> Result, Self::Error> { // Load todos from database } } ```