#![allow(unused_variables)] #![allow(dead_code)] #![allow(unreachable_code)] use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use crate::parser::types::ExecutableDocument; use crate::validation::visitor::{visit, RuleError, Visitor, VisitorContext}; use crate::*; #[derive(InputObject)] #[graphql(internal)] struct TestInput { id: i32, name: String, } impl Default for TestInput { fn default() -> Self { Self { id: 423, name: "foo".to_string(), } } } #[derive(Enum, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] #[graphql(internal)] enum DogCommand { Sit, Heel, Down, } struct Dog; #[Object(internal)] impl Dog { async fn name(&self, surname: Option) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn nickname(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn bark_volume(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn barks(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn does_know_command(&self, dog_command: Option) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn is_housetrained( &self, #[graphql(default = true)] at_other_homes: bool, ) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn is_at_location(&self, x: Option, y: Option) -> Option { unimplemented!() } } #[derive(Enum, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] #[graphql(internal)] enum FurColor { Brown, Black, Tan, Spotted, } struct Cat; #[Object(internal)] impl Cat { async fn name(&self, surname: Option) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn nickname(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn meows(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn meow_volume(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn fur_color(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } } #[derive(Union)] #[graphql(internal)] enum CatOrDog { Cat(Cat), Dog(Dog), } struct Human; #[Object(internal)] impl Human { async fn name(&self, surname: Option) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn pets(&self) -> Option>> { unimplemented!() } async fn relatives(&self) -> Option> { unimplemented!() } async fn iq(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } } struct Alien; #[Object(internal)] impl Alien { async fn name(&self, surname: Option) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn iq(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn num_eyes(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } } #[derive(Union)] #[graphql(internal)] enum DogOrHuman { Dog(Dog), Human(Human), } #[derive(Union)] #[graphql(internal)] enum HumanOrAlien { Human(Human), Alien(Alien), } #[derive(Interface)] #[graphql( internal, field( name = "name", type = "Option", arg(name = "surname", type = "Option") ) )] enum Being { Dog(Dog), Cat(Cat), Human(Human), Alien(Alien), } #[derive(Interface)] #[graphql( internal, field( name = "name", type = "Option", arg(name = "surname", type = "Option") ) )] enum Pet { Dog(Dog), Cat(Cat), } #[derive(Interface)] #[graphql( internal, field( name = "name", type = "Option", arg(name = "surname", type = "Option") ) )] enum Canine { Dog(Dog), } #[derive(Interface)] #[graphql(internal, field(name = "iq", type = "Option"))] enum Intelligent { Human(Human), Alien(Alien), } #[derive(InputObject)] #[graphql(internal)] struct ComplexInput { required_field: bool, int_field: Option, string_field: Option, boolean_field: Option, string_list_field: Option>>, } struct ComplicatedArgs; #[Object(internal)] impl ComplicatedArgs { async fn int_arg_field(&self, int_arg: Option) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn non_null_int_arg_field(&self, non_null_int_arg: i32) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn string_arg_field(&self, string_arg: Option) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn boolean_arg_field(&self, boolean_arg: Option) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn enum_arg_field(&self, enum_arg: Option) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn float_arg_field(&self, float_arg: Option) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn id_arg_field(&self, id_arg: Option) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn string_list_arg_field( &self, string_list_arg: Option>>, ) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn complex_arg_field(&self, complex_arg: Option) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn multiple_reqs(&self, req1: i32, req2: i32) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn multiple_opts( &self, #[graphql(default)] opt1: i32, #[graphql(default)] opt2: i32, ) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn multiple_opt_and_req( &self, req1: i32, req2: i32, #[graphql(default)] opt1: i32, #[graphql(default)] opt2: i32, ) -> Option { unimplemented!() } } pub struct QueryRoot; #[Object(internal)] impl QueryRoot { async fn human(&self, id: Option) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn alien(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn dog(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn cat(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn pet(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn being(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn intelligent(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn cat_or_dog(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn dog_or_human(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn human_or_alien(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } async fn complicated_args(&self) -> Option { unimplemented!() } } pub struct MutationRoot; #[Object(internal)] impl MutationRoot { async fn test_input(&self, #[graphql(default)] input: TestInput) -> i32 { unimplemented!() } } static TEST_HARNESS: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| Schema::new(QueryRoot, MutationRoot, EmptySubscription)); pub(crate) fn validate<'a, V, F>( doc: &'a ExecutableDocument, factory: F, ) -> Result<(), Vec> where V: Visitor<'a> + 'a, F: Fn() -> V, { let schema = &*TEST_HARNESS; let registry = &schema.env.registry; let mut ctx = VisitorContext::new(registry, doc, None); let mut visitor = factory(); visit(&mut visitor, &mut ctx, doc); if ctx.errors.is_empty() { Ok(()) } else { Err(ctx.errors) } } pub(crate) fn expect_passes_rule_<'a, V, F>(doc: &'a ExecutableDocument, factory: F) where V: Visitor<'a> + 'a, F: Fn() -> V, { if let Err(errors) = validate(doc, factory) { for err in errors { if let Some(position) = err.locations.first() { print!("[{}:{}] ", position.line, position.column); } println!("{}", err.message); } panic!("Expected rule to pass, but errors found"); } } macro_rules! expect_passes_rule { ($factory:expr, $query_source:literal $(,)?) => { let doc = crate::parser::parse_query($query_source).expect("Parse error"); crate::validation::test_harness::expect_passes_rule_(&doc, $factory); }; } pub(crate) fn expect_fails_rule_<'a, V, F>(doc: &'a ExecutableDocument, factory: F) where V: Visitor<'a> + 'a, F: Fn() -> V, { if validate(doc, factory).is_ok() { panic!("Expected rule to fail, but no errors were found"); } } macro_rules! expect_fails_rule { ($factory:expr, $query_source:literal $(,)?) => { let doc = crate::parser::parse_query($query_source).expect("Parse error"); crate::validation::test_harness::expect_fails_rule_(&doc, $factory); }; }