use crate::schema::__Type; use crate::{ContextField, Result}; use async_graphql_derive::Object; #[Object( internal, desc = "Arguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value.", field(name = "name", type = "String", owned), field(name = "description", type = "Option", owned), field(name = "type", resolver = "ty", type = "__Type", owned), field(name = "defaultValue", type = "String", owned) )] pub struct __InputValue {} #[async_trait::async_trait] impl __InputValueFields for __InputValue { async fn name(&self, _: &ContextField<'_>) -> Result { todo!() } async fn description(&self, _: &ContextField<'_>) -> Result> { todo!() } async fn ty(&self, _: &ContextField<'_>) -> Result<__Type> { todo!() } async fn default_value(&self, _: &ContextField<'_>) -> Result { todo!() } }