# Warp For `Async-graphql-warp`, two `Filter` integrations are provided: `graphql` and `graphql_subscription`. The `graphql` filter is used for execution `Query` and `Mutation` requests. It always asks for the POST method and outputs a `Schema` via `QueryBuilder`. You can combine other filters later, or directly call `QueryBuilder::execute` to execute the query. `graphql_subscription` is used to implement WebSocket subscriptions. It outputs `warp::Reply`. ## Request example ```rust let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let filter = async_graphql_warp::graphql(schema).and_then(|(schema, builder): (_, QueryBuilder)| async move { // Execute query let resp = builder.execute(&schema).await; // Return result Ok::<_, Infallible>(warp::reply::json(&GQLResponse(resp)).into_response()) }); warp::serve(filter).run(([0, 0, 0, 0], 8000)).await; ``` ## Subscription example ```rust let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, SubscriptionRoot); let filter = async_graphql_warp::graphql_subscription(schema); warp::serve(filter).run(([0, 0, 0, 0], 8000)).await; ```