# Union The definition of a `Union` is similar to an `Interface`, **but with no fields allowed.**. The implementation is quite similar for `Async-graphql`; from `Async-graphql`'s perspective, `Union` is a subset of `Interface`. The following example modified the definition of `Interface` a little bit and removed fields. ```rust use async_graphql::*; struct Circle { radius: f32, } #[Object] impl Circle { async fn area(&self) -> f32 { std::f32::consts::PI * self.radius * self.radius } async fn scale(&self, s: f32) -> Shape { Circle { radius: self.radius * s }.into() } } struct Square { width: f32, } #[Object] impl Square { async fn area(&self) -> f32 { self.width * self.width } async fn scale(&self, s: f32) -> Shape { Square { width: self.width * s }.into() } } #[derive(Union)] enum Shape { Circle(Circle), Square(Square), } ```