use std::borrow::Cow; use indexmap::map::IndexMap; use crate::{ model::{__Schema, __Type}, parser::types::Field, registry::{self, SDLExportOptions}, resolver_utils::{resolve_container, ContainerType}, schema::IntrospectionMode, Any, Context, ContextSelectionSet, ObjectType, OutputType, Positioned, ServerError, ServerResult, SimpleObject, Value, }; /// Federation service #[derive(SimpleObject)] #[graphql(internal, name = "_Service")] struct Service { sdl: Option, } pub(crate) struct QueryRoot { pub(crate) inner: T, } #[async_trait::async_trait] impl ContainerType for QueryRoot { async fn resolve_field(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> ServerResult> { if matches!( ctx.schema_env.registry.introspection_mode, IntrospectionMode::Enabled | IntrospectionMode::IntrospectionOnly ) && matches!( ctx.query_env.introspection_mode, IntrospectionMode::Enabled | IntrospectionMode::IntrospectionOnly, ) { if == "__schema" { let ctx_obj = ctx.with_selection_set(&ctx.item.node.selection_set); let visible_types = ctx.schema_env.registry.find_visible_types(ctx); return OutputType::resolve( &__Schema::new(&ctx.schema_env.registry, &visible_types), &ctx_obj, ctx.item, ) .await .map(Some); } else if == "__type" { let (_, type_name) = ctx.param_value::("name", None)?; let ctx_obj = ctx.with_selection_set(&ctx.item.node.selection_set); let visible_types = ctx.schema_env.registry.find_visible_types(ctx); return OutputType::resolve( &ctx.schema_env .registry .types .get(&type_name) .filter(|_| visible_types.contains(type_name.as_str())) .map(|ty| __Type::new_simple(&ctx.schema_env.registry, &visible_types, ty)), &ctx_obj, ctx.item, ) .await .map(Some); } } if ctx.schema_env.registry.introspection_mode == IntrospectionMode::IntrospectionOnly || ctx.query_env.introspection_mode == IntrospectionMode::IntrospectionOnly { return Ok(None); } if ctx.schema_env.registry.enable_federation || ctx.schema_env.registry.has_entities() { if == "_entities" { let (_, representations) = ctx.param_value::>("representations", None)?; let res = futures_util::future::try_join_all(representations.iter().map( |item| async move { self.inner.find_entity(ctx, &item.0).await?.ok_or_else(|| { ServerError::new("Entity not found.", Some(ctx.item.pos)) }) }, )) .await?; return Ok(Some(Value::List(res))); } else if == "_service" { let ctx_obj = ctx.with_selection_set(&ctx.item.node.selection_set); return OutputType::resolve( &Service { sdl: Some( ctx.schema_env .registry .export_sdl(SDLExportOptions::new().federation()), ), }, &ctx_obj, ctx.item, ) .await .map(Some); } } self.inner.resolve_field(ctx).await } } #[async_trait::async_trait] impl OutputType for QueryRoot { fn type_name() -> Cow<'static, str> { T::type_name() } fn create_type_info(registry: &mut registry::Registry) -> String { let root = T::create_type_info(registry); if matches!( registry.introspection_mode, IntrospectionMode::Enabled | IntrospectionMode::IntrospectionOnly ) { let schema_type = __Schema::create_type_info(registry); if let Some(registry::MetaType::Object { fields, .. }) = registry.types.get_mut(T::type_name().as_ref()) { fields.insert( "__schema".to_string(), registry::MetaField { name: "__schema".to_string(), description: Some("Access the current type schema of this server."), args: Default::default(), ty: schema_type, deprecation: Default::default(), cache_control: Default::default(), external: false, requires: None, provides: None, visible: None, compute_complexity: None, oneof: false, }, ); fields.insert( "__type".to_string(), registry::MetaField { name: "__type".to_string(), description: Some("Request the type information of a single type."), args: { let mut args = IndexMap::new(); args.insert( "name".to_string(), registry::MetaInputValue { name: "name", description: None, ty: "String!".to_string(), default_value: None, visible: None, is_secret: false, }, ); args }, ty: "__Type".to_string(), deprecation: Default::default(), cache_control: Default::default(), external: false, requires: None, provides: None, visible: None, compute_complexity: None, oneof: false, }, ); } } root } async fn resolve( &self, ctx: &ContextSelectionSet<'_>, _field: &Positioned, ) -> ServerResult { resolve_container(ctx, self).await } } impl ObjectType for QueryRoot {}