use actix_rt; use actix_web::{guard, web, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer}; use async_graphql::http::{graphiql_source, playground_source, GQLRequest, GQLResponse}; use async_graphql::*; use serde_json::json; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum MyError { NotFound, ServerError(String), ErrorWithoutExtensions, } // Let's implement a mapping from our MyError to async_graphql::Error (anyhow::Error). // But instead of mapping to async_graphql::Error directly we map to async_graphql::ExtendedError, // which gives us the opportunity to provide custom extensions to our errors. // Note: Values which can't get serialized to JSON-Objects simply get ignored. impl From for Error { fn from(my_error: MyError) -> Error { match my_error { MyError::NotFound => { let msg = "Could not find resource".to_owned(); let extensions = json!({"code": "NOT_FOUND"}); ExtendedError(msg, extensions).into() } MyError::ServerError(reason) => { ExtendedError("ServerError".to_owned(), json!({ "reason": reason })).into() } MyError::ErrorWithoutExtensions => ExtendedError( "No Extensions".to_owned(), json!("This will be ignored since it does not represent an object."), ) .into(), } } } fn get_my_error() -> std::result::Result { Err(MyError::ServerError("The database is locked".to_owned())) } struct QueryRoot {} #[Object] impl QueryRoot { #[field] async fn do_not_find(&self) -> Result { Err(MyError::NotFound)? } #[field] async fn fail(&self) -> Result { Ok(get_my_error()?) } #[field] async fn without_extensions(&self) -> Result { Err(MyError::ErrorWithoutExtensions)? } // Using the ResultExt trait, we can attach extensions on the fly capturing the execution // environment. This method works on foreign types as well. The trait is implemented for all // Results where the error variant implements Display. #[field] async fn parse_value(&self, val: String) -> Result { val.parse().extend_err(|err| { json!({ "description": format!("Could not parse value {}: {}", val, err) }) }) } } async fn index( s: web::Data>, req: web::Json, ) -> web::Json { web::Json(req.into_inner().execute(&s).await) } async fn gql_playgound() -> HttpResponse { HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8") .body(playground_source("/", None)) } async fn gql_graphiql() -> HttpResponse { HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8") .body(graphiql_source("/")) } #[actix_rt::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { HttpServer::new(move || { App::new() .data(Schema::new(QueryRoot {}, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription)) .service(web::resource("/").guard(guard::Post()).to(index)) .service(web::resource("/").guard(guard::Get()).to(gql_playgound)) .service( web::resource("/graphiql") .guard(guard::Get()) .to(gql_graphiql), ) }) .bind("")? .run() .await }