//! Extensions for schema mod analyzer; #[cfg(feature = "apollo_persisted_queries")] pub mod apollo_persisted_queries; #[cfg(feature = "apollo_tracing")] mod apollo_tracing; #[cfg(feature = "log")] mod logger; #[cfg(feature = "opentelemetry")] mod opentelemetry; #[cfg(feature = "tracing")] mod tracing; pub use self::analyzer::Analyzer; #[cfg(feature = "apollo_tracing")] pub use self::apollo_tracing::ApolloTracing; #[cfg(feature = "log")] pub use self::logger::Logger; #[cfg(feature = "opentelemetry")] pub use self::opentelemetry::OpenTelemetry; #[cfg(feature = "tracing")] pub use self::tracing::Tracing; use std::any::{Any, TypeId}; use std::future::Future; use std::sync::Arc; use futures_util::stream::BoxStream; use crate::parser::types::ExecutableDocument; use crate::{ Data, Error, QueryPathNode, Request, Response, Result, SchemaEnv, ServerError, ServerResult, ValidationResult, Value, Variables, }; /// Context for extension pub struct ExtensionContext<'a> { #[doc(hidden)] pub schema_env: &'a SchemaEnv, #[doc(hidden)] pub session_data: &'a Data, #[doc(hidden)] pub query_data: Option<&'a Data>, } impl<'a> ExtensionContext<'a> { /// Convert the specified [ExecutableDocument] into a query string. /// /// Usually used for log extension, it can hide secret arguments. pub fn stringify_execute_doc(&self, doc: &ExecutableDocument, variables: &Variables) -> String { self.schema_env .registry .stringify_exec_doc(variables, doc) .unwrap_or_default() } /// Gets the global data defined in the `Context` or `Schema`. /// /// If both `Schema` and `Query` have the same data type, the data in the `Query` is obtained. /// /// # Errors /// /// Returns a `Error` if the specified type data does not exist. pub fn data(&self) -> Result<&'a D> { self.data_opt::().ok_or_else(|| { Error::new(format!( "Data `{}` does not exist.", std::any::type_name::() )) }) } /// Gets the global data defined in the `Context` or `Schema`. /// /// # Panics /// /// It will panic if the specified data type does not exist. pub fn data_unchecked(&self) -> &'a D { self.data_opt::() .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Data `{}` does not exist.", std::any::type_name::())) } /// Gets the global data defined in the `Context` or `Schema` or `None` if the specified type data does not exist. pub fn data_opt(&self) -> Option<&'a D> { self.query_data .and_then(|query_data| query_data.get(&TypeId::of::())) .or_else(|| self.session_data.get(&TypeId::of::())) .or_else(|| self.schema_env.data.get(&TypeId::of::())) .and_then(|d| d.downcast_ref::()) } } /// Parameters for `Extension::resolve_field_start` pub struct ResolveInfo<'a> { /// Current path node, You can go through the entire path. pub path_node: &'a QueryPathNode<'a>, /// Parent type pub parent_type: &'a str, /// Current return type, is qualified name. pub return_type: &'a str, } type RequestFut<'a> = &'a mut (dyn Future + Send + Unpin); type ParseFut<'a> = &'a mut (dyn Future> + Send + Unpin); type ValidationFut<'a> = &'a mut (dyn Future>> + Send + Unpin); type ExecuteFut<'a> = &'a mut (dyn Future + Send + Unpin); type ResolveFut<'a> = &'a mut (dyn Future>> + Send + Unpin); /// The remainder of a extension chain for request. pub struct NextRequest<'a> { chain: &'a [Arc], request_fut: RequestFut<'a>, } impl<'a> NextRequest<'a> { /// Call the [Extension::request] function of next extension. pub async fn run(self, ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>) -> Response { if let Some((first, next)) = self.chain.split_first() { first .request( ctx, NextRequest { chain: next, request_fut: self.request_fut, }, ) .await } else { self.request_fut.await } } } /// The remainder of a extension chain for subscribe. pub struct NextSubscribe<'a> { chain: &'a [Arc], } impl<'a> NextSubscribe<'a> { /// Call the [Extension::subscribe] function of next extension. pub fn run<'s>( self, ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, stream: BoxStream<'s, Response>, ) -> BoxStream<'s, Response> { if let Some((first, next)) = self.chain.split_first() { first.subscribe(ctx, stream, NextSubscribe { chain: next }) } else { stream } } } /// The remainder of a extension chain for subscribe. pub struct NextPrepareRequest<'a> { chain: &'a [Arc], } impl<'a> NextPrepareRequest<'a> { /// Call the [Extension::prepare_request] function of next extension. pub async fn run(self, ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, request: Request) -> ServerResult { if let Some((first, next)) = self.chain.split_first() { first .prepare_request(ctx, request, NextPrepareRequest { chain: next }) .await } else { Ok(request) } } } /// The remainder of a extension chain for parse query. pub struct NextParseQuery<'a> { chain: &'a [Arc], parse_query_fut: ParseFut<'a>, } impl<'a> NextParseQuery<'a> { /// Call the [Extension::parse_query] function of next extension. pub async fn run( self, ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, query: &str, variables: &Variables, ) -> ServerResult { if let Some((first, next)) = self.chain.split_first() { first .parse_query( ctx, query, variables, NextParseQuery { chain: next, parse_query_fut: self.parse_query_fut, }, ) .await } else { self.parse_query_fut.await } } } /// The remainder of a extension chain for validation. pub struct NextValidation<'a> { chain: &'a [Arc], validation_fut: ValidationFut<'a>, } impl<'a> NextValidation<'a> { /// Call the [Extension::validation] function of next extension. pub async fn run( self, ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, ) -> Result> { if let Some((first, next)) = self.chain.split_first() { first .validation( ctx, NextValidation { chain: next, validation_fut: self.validation_fut, }, ) .await } else { self.validation_fut.await } } } /// The remainder of a extension chain for execute. pub struct NextExecute<'a> { chain: &'a [Arc], execute_fut: ExecuteFut<'a>, } impl<'a> NextExecute<'a> { /// Call the [Extension::execute] function of next extension. pub async fn run(self, ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, operation_name: Option<&str>) -> Response { if let Some((first, next)) = self.chain.split_first() { first .execute( ctx, operation_name, NextExecute { chain: next, execute_fut: self.execute_fut, }, ) .await } else { self.execute_fut.await } } } /// The remainder of a extension chain for resolve. pub struct NextResolve<'a> { chain: &'a [Arc], resolve_fut: ResolveFut<'a>, } impl<'a> NextResolve<'a> { /// Call the [Extension::resolve] function of next extension. pub async fn run( self, ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, info: ResolveInfo<'_>, ) -> ServerResult> { if let Some((first, next)) = self.chain.split_first() { first .resolve( ctx, info, NextResolve { chain: next, resolve_fut: self.resolve_fut, }, ) .await } else { self.resolve_fut.await } } } /// Represents a GraphQL extension #[async_trait::async_trait] pub trait Extension: Sync + Send + 'static { /// Called at start query/mutation request. async fn request(&self, ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, next: NextRequest<'_>) -> Response { next.run(ctx).await } /// Called at subscribe request. fn subscribe<'s>( &self, ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, stream: BoxStream<'s, Response>, next: NextSubscribe<'_>, ) -> BoxStream<'s, Response> { next.run(ctx, stream) } /// Called at prepare request. async fn prepare_request( &self, ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, request: Request, next: NextPrepareRequest<'_>, ) -> ServerResult { next.run(ctx, request).await } /// Called at parse query. async fn parse_query( &self, ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, query: &str, variables: &Variables, next: NextParseQuery<'_>, ) -> ServerResult { next.run(ctx, query, variables).await } /// Called at validation query. async fn validation( &self, ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, next: NextValidation<'_>, ) -> Result> { next.run(ctx).await } /// Called at execute query. async fn execute( &self, ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, operation_name: Option<&str>, next: NextExecute<'_>, ) -> Response { next.run(ctx, operation_name).await } /// Called at resolve field. async fn resolve( &self, ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, info: ResolveInfo<'_>, next: NextResolve<'_>, ) -> ServerResult> { next.run(ctx, info).await } } /// Extension factory /// /// Used to create an extension instance. pub trait ExtensionFactory: Send + Sync + 'static { /// Create an extended instance. fn create(&self) -> Arc; } #[derive(Clone)] #[doc(hidden)] pub struct Extensions { extensions: Vec>, schema_env: SchemaEnv, session_data: Arc, query_data: Option>, } #[doc(hidden)] impl Extensions { pub(crate) fn new( extensions: impl IntoIterator>, schema_env: SchemaEnv, session_data: Arc, ) -> Self { Extensions { extensions: extensions.into_iter().collect(), schema_env, session_data, query_data: None, } } #[inline] pub fn attach_query_data(&mut self, data: Arc) { self.query_data = Some(data); } #[inline] pub(crate) fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.extensions.is_empty() } #[inline] fn create_context(&self) -> ExtensionContext { ExtensionContext { schema_env: &self.schema_env, session_data: &self.session_data, query_data: self.query_data.as_deref(), } } pub async fn request(&self, request_fut: RequestFut<'_>) -> Response { let next = NextRequest { chain: &self.extensions, request_fut, }; next.run(&self.create_context()).await } pub fn subscribe<'s>(&self, stream: BoxStream<'s, Response>) -> BoxStream<'s, Response> { let next = NextSubscribe { chain: &self.extensions, }; next.run(&self.create_context(), stream) } pub async fn prepare_request(&self, request: Request) -> ServerResult { let next = NextPrepareRequest { chain: &self.extensions, }; next.run(&self.create_context(), request).await } pub async fn parse_query( &self, query: &str, variables: &Variables, parse_query_fut: ParseFut<'_>, ) -> ServerResult { let next = NextParseQuery { chain: &self.extensions, parse_query_fut, }; next.run(&self.create_context(), query, variables).await } pub async fn validation( &self, validation_fut: ValidationFut<'_>, ) -> Result> { let next = NextValidation { chain: &self.extensions, validation_fut, }; next.run(&self.create_context()).await } pub async fn execute( &self, operation_name: Option<&str>, execute_fut: ExecuteFut<'_>, ) -> Response { let next = NextExecute { chain: &self.extensions, execute_fut, }; next.run(&self.create_context(), operation_name).await } pub async fn resolve( &self, info: ResolveInfo<'_>, resolve_fut: ResolveFut<'_>, ) -> ServerResult> { let next = NextResolve { chain: &self.extensions, resolve_fut, }; next.run(&self.create_context(), info).await } }