use async_graphql::*; use futures_util::stream::{self, Stream}; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct Circle { radius: f32, } /// Circle #[Object] impl Circle { async fn scale(&self, s: f32) -> TestInterface { Circle { radius: self.radius * s, } .into() } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct Square { width: f32, } /// Square #[Object] impl Square { #[graphql(deprecation = "Field scale is deprecated")] async fn scale(&self, s: f32) -> TestInterface { Square { width: self.width * s, } .into() } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Interface)] #[graphql(field(name = "scale", type = "TestInterface", arg(name = "s", type = "f32")))] enum TestInterface { Circle(Circle), Square(Square), } /// Test Union #[derive(Clone, Debug, Union)] enum TestUnion { Circle(Circle), Square(Square), } /// Test Enum #[derive(Enum, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] enum TestEnum { /// Kind 1 Kind1, /// Kind 2 #[graphql(deprecation = "Kind 2 deprecated")] Kind2, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, SimpleObject)] struct SimpleList { items: Vec, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, SimpleObject)] struct SimpleOption { required: i32, optional: Option, } /// TestScalar #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct TestScalar(i32); /// Test scalar #[Scalar] impl ScalarType for TestScalar { fn parse(_value: Value) -> InputValueResult { Ok(TestScalar(42)) } fn is_valid(_value: &Value) -> bool { true } fn to_value(&self) -> Value { Value::Number(self.0.into()) } } /// Is SimpleObject /// and some more ```lorem ipsum``` #[derive(SimpleObject)] struct SimpleObject { /// Value a with # 'some' `markdown`"." /// and some more lorem ipsum a: i32, /// Value b description b: String, /// Value c description c: ID, d: SimpleOption, #[graphql(deprecation = "Field e is deprecated")] e: bool, #[graphql(deprecation)] e2: bool, #[graphql(deprecation = true)] e3: bool, #[graphql(deprecation = false)] e4: bool, f: TestEnum, g: TestInterface, h: TestUnion, i: SimpleList, j: TestScalar, } struct Query; /// Global query #[Object] #[allow(unreachable_code)] impl Query { /// Get a simple object async fn simple_object(&self) -> SimpleObject { unimplemented!() } } /// Simple Input #[derive(InputObject)] pub struct SimpleInput { pub a: String, } struct Mutation; /// Global mutation #[Object] #[allow(unreachable_code)] impl Mutation { /// simple_mutation description /// line2 /// line3 async fn simple_mutation(&self, _input: SimpleInput) -> SimpleObject { unimplemented!() } } struct Subscription; /// Global subscription #[Subscription] impl Subscription { /// simple_subscription description async fn simple_subscription( &self, #[graphql(default = 1)] step: i32, ) -> impl Stream { stream::once(async move { step }) } } // #[tokio::test] // pub async fn test_introspection_schema() { // let schema = Schema::new(Query, Mutation, Subscription); // let query = r#" // { // __schema { // directives { // name // locations // } // subscriptionType { // name // fields { name } // } // types { // name // } // queryType { // name // } // mutationType { // name // } // queryType { // name // } // } // } // "#; // let res_json = value!({ // "__schema": { // } // }); // let res = schema.execute(query).await.unwrap().data; // // pretty print result // // println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&res).unwrap()); // assert_eq!(res, res_json) // } // #[tokio::test] // pub async fn test_introspection_documentation() { // let schema = Schema::new(Query, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); // // let query = r#" // { // __type(name: "SimpleObject") { // name // description // fields { // name // description // } // } // } // "#; // // let res_json = value!({ // "__type": { // "name": "SimpleObject", // "description": "Is SimpleObject", // "fields": [ // { // "name": "a", // "description": "Value a with # 'some' `markdown`\".\"" // }, // { // "name": "b", // "description": "Value b description" // }, // { // "name": "c", // "description": "Value c description" // }, // { // "name": "d", // "description": "" // }, // { // "name": "f", // "description": null // }, // { // "name": "g", // "description": null // }, // { // "name": "h", // "description": null // }, // { // "name": "i", // "description": null // }, // { // "name": "j", // "description": null // } // ] // } // }); // // let res = schema.execute(query).await.unwrap().data; // // assert_eq!(res, res_json) // } #[tokio::test] pub async fn test_introspection_deprecation() { let schema = Schema::new(Query, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let get_object_query = |obj, is_deprecated| { format!( r#" {{ __type(name: "{}") {{ fields(includeDeprecated: {}) {{ name isDeprecated deprecationReason }} }} }} "#, obj, is_deprecated ) }; // SimpleObject with deprecated inclusive let mut query = get_object_query("SimpleObject", "true"); let mut res_json = value!({ "__type": { "fields": [ { "name": "a", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "b", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "c", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "d", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "e", "isDeprecated": true, "deprecationReason": "Field e is deprecated" }, { "name": "e2", "isDeprecated": true, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "e3", "isDeprecated": true, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "e4", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "f", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "g", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "h", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "i", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "j", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null } ] } }); let mut res = schema.execute(&query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); // SimpleObject with deprecated fields exclusive query = get_object_query("SimpleObject", "false"); res_json = value!({ "__type": { "fields": [ { "name": "a", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "b", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "c", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "d", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "e4", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "f", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "g", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "h", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "i", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "j", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null } ] } }); res = schema.execute(&query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); // Object with only one deprecated field inclusive query = get_object_query("Square", "true"); res_json = value!({ "__type": { "fields": [ { "name": "scale", "isDeprecated": true, "deprecationReason": "Field scale is deprecated" } ] } }); res = schema.execute(&query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); // Object with only one deprecated field exclusive query = get_object_query("Square", "false"); res_json = value!({ "__type": { "fields": [] } }); res = schema.execute(&query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); let get_enum_query = |obj, is_deprecated| { format!( r#" {{ __type(name: "{}") {{ enumValues(includeDeprecated: {}) {{ name isDeprecated deprecationReason }} }} }} "#, obj, is_deprecated ) }; // Enum with deprecated value inclusive query = get_enum_query("TestEnum", "true"); res_json = value!({ "__type": { "enumValues": [ { "name": "KIND_1", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "KIND_2", "isDeprecated": true, "deprecationReason": "Kind 2 deprecated" } ] } }); res = schema.execute(&query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); // Enum with deprecated value exclusive query = get_enum_query("TestEnum", "false"); res_json = value!({ "__type": { "enumValues": [ { "name": "KIND_1", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null } ] } }); res = schema.execute(&query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); } #[tokio::test] pub async fn test_introspection_type_kind() { let schema = Schema::new(Query, Mutation, EmptySubscription); let get_type_kind_query = |obj| { format!( r#"{{ __type(name: "{}") {{ name kind }} }}"#, obj ) }; // Test simple object let mut query = get_type_kind_query("SimpleObject"); let mut res_json = value!({ "__type": { "name": "SimpleObject", "kind": "OBJECT" } }); let mut res = schema.execute(&query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); // Test object query = get_type_kind_query("Square"); res_json = value!({ "__type": { "name": "Square", "kind": "OBJECT" } }); res = schema.execute(&query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); // Test enum query = get_type_kind_query("TestEnum"); res_json = value!({ "__type": { "name": "TestEnum", "kind": "ENUM" } }); res = schema.execute(&query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); // Test union query = get_type_kind_query("TestUnion"); res_json = value!({ "__type": { "name": "TestUnion", "kind": "UNION" } }); res = schema.execute(&query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); // Test scalar query = get_type_kind_query("ID"); res_json = value!({ "__type": { "name": "ID", "kind": "SCALAR" } }); res = schema.execute(&query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); let get_field_kind_query = |obj| { format!( r#"{{ __type(name: "{}") {{ fields {{ name type {{ name kind ofType {{ name kind }} }} }} }} }}"#, obj ) }; // Test list query = get_field_kind_query("SimpleList"); res_json = value!({ "__type": { "fields": [ { "name": "items", "type": { "name": null, "kind": "NON_NULL", "ofType": { "name": null, "kind": "LIST" } } } ] } }); res = schema.execute(&query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); // Test NON_NULL query = get_field_kind_query("SimpleOption"); res_json = value!({ "__type": { "fields": [ { "name": "required", "type": { "name": null, "kind": "NON_NULL", "ofType": { "name": "Int", "kind": "SCALAR" } } }, { "name": "optional", "type": { "name": "Int", "kind": "SCALAR", "ofType": null } } ] } }); res = schema.execute(&query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); } #[tokio::test] pub async fn test_introspection_scalar() { let schema = Schema::new(Query, Mutation, EmptySubscription); let query = r#" { __type(name: "TestScalar") { kind name description } } "#; let res_json = value!({ "__type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "TestScalar", "description": "Test scalar", } }); let res = schema.execute(query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json) } #[tokio::test] pub async fn test_introspection_union() { let schema = Schema::new(Query, Mutation, EmptySubscription); let query = r#" { __type(name: "TestUnion") { kind name description possibleTypes { name } } } "#; let res_json = value!({ "__type": { "kind": "UNION", "name": "TestUnion", "description": "Test Union", "possibleTypes": [ { "name": "Circle" }, { "name": "Square" } ] } }); let res = schema.execute(query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json) } #[tokio::test] pub async fn test_introspection_interface() { let schema = Schema::new(Query, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); // Test if possibleTypes and other fields are set let mut query = r#" { __type(name: "TestInterface") { kind name description possibleTypes { name } fields { name } } } "#; let mut res_json = value!({ "__type": { "kind": "INTERFACE", "name": "TestInterface", "description": null, "possibleTypes": [ { "name": "Circle" }, { "name": "Square" } ], "fields": [ { "name": "scale" } ] } }); let mut res = schema.execute(query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); // Test if interfaces and other fields are set query = r#" { __type(name: "Circle") { kind name description interfaces { name } fields { name } } } "#; res_json = value!({ "__type": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "Circle", "description": "Circle", "interfaces": [ { "name": "TestInterface" } ], "fields": [ { "name": "scale" } ] } }); res = schema.execute(query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); } #[tokio::test] pub async fn test_introspection_enum() { let schema = Schema::new(Query, Mutation, EmptySubscription); let query = r#" { __type(name: "TestEnum") { kind name description enumValues(includeDeprecated: true) { name description isDeprecated deprecationReason } } } "#; let res_json = value!({ "__type": { "kind": "ENUM", "name": "TestEnum", "description": "Test Enum", "enumValues": [ { "name": "KIND_1", "description": "Kind 1", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "KIND_2", "description": "Kind 2", "isDeprecated": true, "deprecationReason": "Kind 2 deprecated" } ] } }); let res = schema.execute(query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&res).unwrap()); assert_eq!(res, res_json) } #[tokio::test] pub async fn test_introspection_input_object() { let schema = Schema::new(Query, Mutation, EmptySubscription); let query = r#" { __type(name: "SimpleInput") { kind name description inputFields { name } } } "#; let res_json = value!({ "__type": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "SimpleInput", "description": "Simple Input", "inputFields": [ { "name": "a" } ], } }); let res = schema.execute(query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json) } #[tokio::test] pub async fn test_introspection_mutation() { let schema = Schema::new(Query, Mutation, EmptySubscription); let query = r#" { __type(name: "Mutation") { name kind description fields { description name type { kind name } args { name } } } } "#; let res_json = value!({ "__type": { "name": "Mutation", "kind": "OBJECT", "description": "Global mutation", "fields": [ { "description": "simple_mutation description\nline2\nline3", "name": "simpleMutation", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null }, "args": [ { "name": "input" } ] } ] } }); let res = schema.execute(query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json) } #[tokio::test] pub async fn test_introspection_subscription() { let schema = Schema::new(Query, EmptyMutation, Subscription); let query = r#" { __type(name: "Subscription") { name kind description fields { description name type { kind name } args { name } } } } "#; let res_json = value!({ "__type": { "name": "Subscription", "kind": "OBJECT", "description": "Global subscription", "fields": [ { "description": "simple_subscription description", "name": "simpleSubscription", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null }, "args": [ { "name": "step" } ] } ] } }); let res = schema.execute(query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json) } // #[tokio::test] // pub async fn test_introspection_full() { // let schema = Schema::new(Query, EmptyMutation, Subscription); // // let query = r#" // { // __type(name: "SimpleObject") { // kind // name // description // fields(includeDeprecated: true) { // name // description // args { name } // type { name kind ofType { name kind } } // isDeprecated // deprecationReason // } // interfaces { name } // possibleTypes { name } // enumValues { name } // inputFields { name } // ofType { name } // } // } // "#; // // let res_json = value!({ // "__type": { // "kind": "OBJECT", // "name": "SimpleObject", // "description": "Is SimpleObject", // "fields": [ // { // "name": "a", // "description": "Value a with # 'some' `markdown`\".\"", // "args": [], // "type": { // "name": null, // "kind": "NON_NULL", // "ofType": { // "name": "Int", // "kind": "SCALAR" // } // }, // "isDeprecated": false, // "deprecationReason": null // }, // { // "name": "b", // "description": "Value b description", // "args": [], // "type": { // "name": null, // "kind": "NON_NULL", // "ofType": { // "name": "String", // "kind": "SCALAR" // } // }, // "isDeprecated": false, // "deprecationReason": null // }, // { // "name": "c", // "description": "Value c description", // "args": [], // "type": { // "name": null, // "kind": "NON_NULL", // "ofType": { // "name": "ID", // "kind": "SCALAR" // } // }, // "isDeprecated": false, // "deprecationReason": null // }, // { // "name": "d", // "description": "", // "args": [], // "type": { // "name": null, // "kind": "NON_NULL", // "ofType": { // "name": "SimpleOption", // "kind": "OBJECT" // } // }, // "isDeprecated": false, // "deprecationReason": null // }, // { // "name": "e", // "description": null, // "args": [], // "type": { // "name": null, // "kind": "NON_NULL", // "ofType": { // "name": "Boolean", // "kind": "SCALAR" // } // }, // "isDeprecated": true, // "deprecationReason": "Field e is deprecated" // }, // { // "name": "f", // "description": null, // "args": [], // "type": { // "name": null, // "kind": "NON_NULL", // "ofType": { // "name": "TestEnum", // "kind": "ENUM" // } // }, // "isDeprecated": false, // "deprecationReason": null // }, // { // "name": "g", // "description": null, // "args": [], // "type": { // "name": null, // "kind": "NON_NULL", // "ofType": { // "name": "TestInterface", // "kind": "INTERFACE" // } // }, // "isDeprecated": false, // "deprecationReason": null // }, // { // "name": "h", // "description": null, // "args": [], // "type": { // "name": null, // "kind": "NON_NULL", // "ofType": { // "name": "TestUnion", // "kind": "UNION" // } // }, // "isDeprecated": false, // "deprecationReason": null // }, // { // "name": "i", // "description": null, // "args": [], // "type": { // "name": null, // "kind": "NON_NULL", // "ofType": { // "name": "SimpleList", // "kind": "OBJECT" // } // }, // "isDeprecated": false, // "deprecationReason": null // }, // { // "name": "j", // "description": null, // "args": [], // "type": { // "name": null, // "kind": "NON_NULL", // "ofType": { // "name": "TestScalar", // "kind": "SCALAR" // } // }, // "isDeprecated": false, // "deprecationReason": null // } // ], // "interfaces": [], // "possibleTypes": null, // "enumValues": null, // "inputFields": null, // "ofType": null // } // }); // // let res = schema.execute(query).await.unwrap().data; // // // pretty print result // // println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&res).unwrap()); // // assert_eq!(res, res_json) // } #[tokio::test] pub async fn test_disable_introspection() { #[derive(SimpleObject)] struct Query { value: i32, } let schema = Schema::build(Query, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription) .disable_introspection() .finish(); assert_eq!( schema .execute("{ __type(name: \"Query\") { name } }") .await .into_result() .unwrap() .data, value!({ "__type": null }) ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(Request::new("{ __type(name: \"Query\") { name } }").disable_introspection()) .await .into_result() .unwrap() .data, value!({ "__type": null }) ); let schema = Schema::build(Query, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription).finish(); assert_eq!( schema .execute("{ __type(name: \"Query\") { name } }") .await .into_result() .unwrap() .data, value!({ "__type": { "name": "Query" } }) ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(Request::new("{ __type(name: \"Query\") { name } }").disable_introspection()) .await .into_result() .unwrap() .data, value!({ "__type": null }) ); } #[tokio::test] pub async fn test_introspection_only() { let schema = Schema::build(Query, Mutation, EmptySubscription) .introspection_only() .finish(); // Test whether introspection works. let query = r#" { __type(name: "Mutation") { name kind description fields { description name type { kind name } args { name } } } } "#; let res_json = value!({ "__type": { "name": "Mutation", "kind": "OBJECT", "description": "Global mutation", "fields": [ { "description": "simple_mutation description\nline2\nline3", "name": "simpleMutation", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null }, "args": [ { "name": "input" } ] } ] } }); let res = schema.execute(query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); // Test whether introspection works. let query = r#" { __type(name: "Query") { name kind description fields { description name type { kind name } args { name } } } } "#; let res_json = value!({ "__type": { "name": "Query", "kind": "OBJECT", "description": "Global query", "fields": [ { "description": "Get a simple object", "name": "simpleObject", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null }, "args": [] } ] } }); let res = schema.execute(query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); // Queries shouldn't work in introspection only mode. let query = r#" { simpleObject { a } } "#; let res_json = value!({ "simpleObject": null }); let res = schema.execute(query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); // Mutations shouldn't work in introspection only mode. let query = r#" mutation { simpleMutation(input: { a: "" }) { a } } "#; let res_json = value!({ "simpleMutation": null }); let res = schema.execute(query).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, res_json); }