# Integrations for async-graphql This directory provides various integrations for `async-graphql` to various crates in the ecosystem. ## Requirements for an HTTP integration This is a list of criteria for HTTP integrations with `async-graphql` in order to make sure all integrations are implemented consistently. Integrations may provide additional functionality to better integrate with the specific library, but they must all internally use the below functions. - Conversion from HTTP library's request to `async_graphql::BatchRequest`: 1. If the request is a `GET` request: 1. Return the request's query parameters deserialized as an `async_graphql::Request`. 1. If the request is a `POST` request: 1. Get the request's `Content-Type` header. 1. Call `async_graphql::http::receive_batch_body` on the request's body. 1. Convert `ParseRequestError::PayloadTooLarge` to a 413 Payload Too Large response. 1. Convert all other errors to a 400 Bad Request response. 1. Otherwise return a 405 Method Not Allowed. - Conversion from HTTP library's request to `async_graphql::Request`: 1. Call the above function to convert the request to an `async_graphql::BatchRequest`. 1. Call `BatchRequest::into_single` on the result. 1. Convert all errors to a 400 Bad Request response. - Conversion from `async_graphql::BatchResponse` to HTTP library's response: 1. Create a 200 OK response. 1. If the GraphQL response is ok, set the response's `Cache-Control` header to the response's cache control value. 1. Set the response's body to the GraphQL response serialized as JSON, also setting the `Content-Type` header to `application/json`. - GraphQL over websocket support: 1. Create an `async_graphql::http:WebSocket` using `async_graphql::http::WebSocket::with_data`. 1. Support the basics of the websocket protocol: - Respond to ping messages with pong messages. - Treat continuation messages identically to data messages. 1. Stream all websocket messages that send data (bytes/text/continuations) to the `async_graphql::http::WebSocket`. 1. Convert all responses to websocket text responses. ## Integration Status - **Poem**: Complete integration. - **Actix-web**: Complete integration. - **Rocket**: Missing websocket support (blocked on [support in Rocket itself](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues/90)). - **Tide**: Complete integration. - **Warp**: Complete integration.