use async_graphql::validators::{ Email, IntEqual, IntGreaterThan, IntLessThan, IntNonZero, IntRange, ListMaxLength, ListMinLength, StringMaxLength, StringMinLength, MAC, }; use async_graphql::*; #[async_std::test] pub async fn test_input_validator_string_min_length() { struct QueryRoot; #[InputObject] struct InputMaxLength { #[field(validator(StringMinLength(length = "6")))] pub id: String, } #[Object] impl QueryRoot { async fn field_parameter( &self, #[arg(validator(StringMinLength(length = "6")))] _id: String, ) -> bool { true } async fn input_object(&self, _input: InputMaxLength) -> bool { true } } let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let test_cases = [ "abc", "acbce", "abcdef", "abcdefghi", "abcdefghijkl", "abcdefghijklmnop", ]; let validator_length = 6; for case in &test_cases { let field_query = format!("{{fieldParameter(id: \"{}\")}}", case); let object_query = format!("{{inputObject(input: {{id: \"{}\"}})}}", case); let case_length = case.len(); if case_length < validator_length { let should_fail_msg = format!( "StringMinValue case {} should have failed, but did not", case ); let field_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"id\", the value length is {}, must be greater than or equal to {}", case_length, validator_length ); let object_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"\", the value length is {}, must be greater than or equal to {}", case_length, validator_length ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } else { let error_msg = format!("Schema returned error with test_string = {}", case); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"fieldParameter": true}), "Failed to validate {} with StringMinLength", case ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"inputObject": true}), "Failed to validate {} with StringMinLength", case ); } } } #[async_std::test] pub async fn test_input_validator_string_max_length() { struct QueryRoot; #[InputObject] struct InputMaxLength { #[field(validator(StringMaxLength(length = "6")))] pub id: String, } #[Object] impl QueryRoot { async fn field_parameter( &self, #[arg(validator(StringMaxLength(length = "6")))] _id: String, ) -> bool { true } async fn input_object(&self, _input: InputMaxLength) -> bool { true } } let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let test_cases = [ "abc", "acbce", "abcdef", "abcdefghi", "abcdefghijkl", "abcdefghijklmnop", ]; let validator_length = 6; for case in &test_cases { let field_query = format!("{{fieldParameter(id: \"{}\")}}", case); let object_query = format!("{{inputObject(input: {{id: \"{}\"}})}}", case); let case_length = case.len(); if case_length > validator_length { let should_fail_msg = format!( "StringMaxValue case {} should have failed, but did not", case ); let field_error_msg = format!("Invalid value for argument \"id\", the value length is {}, must be less than or equal to {}", case_length, validator_length); let object_error_msg = format!("Invalid value for argument \"\", the value length is {}, must be less than or equal to {}", case_length, validator_length); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } else { let error_msg = format!("Schema returned error with test_string = {}", case); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"fieldParameter": true}), "Failed to validate {} with StringMaxLength", case ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"inputObject": true}), "Failed to validate {} with StringMaxLength", case ); } } } #[async_std::test] pub async fn test_input_validator_string_email() { struct QueryRoot; #[InputObject] struct InputEmail { #[field(validator(Email))] pub email: String, } #[Object] impl QueryRoot { async fn field_parameter(&self, #[arg(validator(Email))] _email: String) -> bool { true } async fn input_object(&self, _input: InputEmail) -> bool { true } } let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); // Source let test_cases = [ // Invalid emails ("plainaddress", true), // ("#@%^%#$@#$", true), ("", true), ("Joe Smith ", true), ("", true), // ("", true), // ("", true), // ("", true), // ("", true), ("あいうえお", true), // (" (Joe Smith)", true), // ("email@example", true), // ("", true), // ("email@example.web", true), // ("email@111.222.333.44444", true), // ("", true), // ("", true), // Valid Emails ("", false), ("", false), ("", false), ("", false), ("email@", false), ("email@[]", false), // This returns parsing error // (r#""email""#, false), ("", false), ("", false), ("", false), ("", false), ("", false), ("", false), ("", false), ]; for (case, should_fail) in &test_cases { let field_query = format!("{{fieldParameter(email: \"{}\")}}", case); let object_query = format!("{{inputObject(input: {{email: \"{}\"}})}}", case); if *should_fail { let should_fail_msg = format!( "Email validation case {} should have failed, but did not", case ); let field_error_msg = "Invalid value for argument \"email\", invalid email format".to_owned(); let object_error_msg = "Invalid value for argument \"\", invalid email format".to_owned(); // Testing FieldValidator assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); // Testing ObjectValidator assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } else { let error_msg = format!("Schema returned error with test_string = {}", case); // Field Paramter assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"fieldParameter": true}), "Failed to validate {} with Email", case ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"inputObject": true}), "Failed to validate {} with Email", case ); } } } #[async_std::test] pub async fn test_input_validator_string_mac() { struct QueryRootWithColon; struct QueryRootWithoutColon; #[InputObject] struct InputMACWithColon { #[field(validator(MAC(colon = "true")))] pub mac: String, } #[InputObject] struct InputMACWithoutColon { #[field(validator(MAC(colon = "false")))] pub mac: String, } #[Object] impl QueryRootWithColon { async fn field_parameter( &self, #[arg(validator(MAC(colon = "true")))] _mac: String, ) -> bool { true } async fn input_object(&self, _input: InputMACWithColon) -> bool { true } } #[Object] impl QueryRootWithoutColon { async fn field_parameter( &self, #[arg(validator(MAC(colon = "false")))] _mac: String, ) -> bool { true } async fn input_object(&self, _input: InputMACWithoutColon) -> bool { true } } let schema_with_colon = Schema::new(QueryRootWithColon, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let schema_without_colon = Schema::new(QueryRootWithoutColon, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let valid_macs = vec![ "28:11:32:7F:82:55", "B3:DC:09:DE:6B:77", "BD:FB:D5:F2:4B:1F", "1E:5B:76:FF:23:04", "00:00:00:00:00:00", "2811327F8255", "B3DC09DE6B77", "BDFBD5F24B1F", "1E5B76FF2304", "000000000000", ]; let invalid_macs = vec![ "AB:CD", "ABCD", "ABCDEFHGIJKL", "HJ11327F8255", "ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ", "AB:CD:EF:GH:IJ:KL", "AB:CD:EF:HG:IJ:KL", "HJ:11:32:7F:82:55", ]; for mac in invalid_macs { let field_query = format!("{{fieldParameter(mac: \"{}\")}}", mac); let object_query = format!("{{inputObject(input: {{mac: \"{}\"}})}}", mac); let should_fail_msg = format!( "MAC validation case {} should have failed, but did not", mac ); let field_error_msg = "Invalid value for argument \"mac\", invalid MAC format".to_owned(); let object_error_msg = "Invalid value for argument \"input.mac\", invalid MAC format".to_owned(); assert_eq!( schema_without_colon .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg.clone() }) } ); // Testing ObjectValidator assert_eq!( schema_without_colon .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg.clone() }) } ); assert_eq!( schema_with_colon .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); // Testing ObjectValidator assert_eq!( schema_with_colon .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } for mac in valid_macs { let field_query = format!("{{fieldParameter(mac: \"{}\")}}", mac); let object_query = format!("{{inputObject(input: {{mac: \"{}\"}})}}", mac); let contains_colon = mac.contains(':'); let should_fail_msg = format!( "MAC validation case {} should have failed, but did not", mac ); let field_error_msg = "Invalid value for argument \"mac\", invalid MAC format".to_owned(); let object_error_msg = "Invalid value for argument \"input.mac\", invalid MAC format".to_owned(); let error_msg = format!("Schema returned error with test_string = {}", mac); if contains_colon { // Field Paramter assert_eq!( schema_with_colon .execute(&field_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"fieldParameter": true}), "Failed to validate {} with MAC", mac ); assert_eq!( schema_with_colon .execute(&object_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"inputObject": true}), "Failed to validate {} with MAC", mac ); assert_eq!( schema_without_colon .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); // Testing ObjectValidator assert_eq!( schema_without_colon .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } else { assert_eq!( schema_without_colon .execute(&field_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"fieldParameter": true}), "Failed to validate {} with MAC", mac ); assert_eq!( schema_without_colon .execute(&object_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"inputObject": true}), "Failed to validate {} with MAC", mac ); assert_eq!( schema_with_colon .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); // Testing ObjectValidator assert_eq!( schema_with_colon .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } } } #[async_std::test] pub async fn test_input_validator_int_range() { struct QueryRoot; #[InputObject] struct InputIntRange { #[field(validator(IntRange(min = "-2", max = "5")))] pub id: i32, } #[Object] impl QueryRoot { async fn field_parameter( &self, #[arg(validator(IntRange(min = "-2", max = "5")))] _id: i32, ) -> bool { true } async fn input_object(&self, _input: InputIntRange) -> bool { true } } let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let min: i32 = -2; let max: i32 = 5; for case in -10..10 { let field_query = format!("{{fieldParameter(id: {})}}", case); let object_query = format!("{{inputObject(input: {{id: {}}})}}", case); if case < min || case > max { let should_fail_msg = format!("IntRange case {} should have failed, but did not", case); let field_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"id\", the value is {}, must be between {} and {}", case, min, max ); let object_error_msg = format!("Invalid value for argument \"\", the value is {}, must be between {} and {}", case, min, max); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } else { let error_msg = format!("Schema returned error with test case = {}", case); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"fieldParameter": true}), "Failed to validate {} with IntRange", case ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"inputObject": true}), "Failed to validate {} with IntRange", case ); } } } #[async_std::test] pub async fn test_input_validator_int_less_than() { struct QueryRoot; #[InputObject] struct InputIntLessThan { #[field(validator(IntLessThan(value = "5")))] pub id: i32, } #[Object] impl QueryRoot { async fn field_parameter( &self, #[arg(validator(IntLessThan(value = "5")))] _id: i32, ) -> bool { true } async fn input_object(&self, _input: InputIntLessThan) -> bool { true } } let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let max: i32 = 5; for case in -10..10 { let field_query = format!("{{fieldParameter(id: {})}}", case); let object_query = format!("{{inputObject(input: {{id: {}}})}}", case); if case >= max { let should_fail_msg = format!("IntLessThan case {} should have failed, but did not", case); let field_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"id\", the value is {}, must be less than {}", case, max ); let object_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"\", the value is {}, must be less than {}", case, max ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } else { let error_msg = format!("Schema returned error with test case = {}", case); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"fieldParameter": true}), "Failed to validate {} with IntLessThan", case ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"inputObject": true}), "Failed to validate {} with IntLessThan", case ); } } } #[async_std::test] pub async fn test_input_validator_int_greater_than() { struct QueryRoot; #[InputObject] struct InputIntGreaterThan { #[field(validator(IntGreaterThan(value = "3")))] pub id: i32, } #[Object] impl QueryRoot { async fn field_parameter( &self, #[arg(validator(IntGreaterThan(value = "3")))] _id: i32, ) -> bool { true } async fn input_object(&self, _input: InputIntGreaterThan) -> bool { true } } let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let min: i32 = 3; for case in -10..10 { let field_query = format!("{{fieldParameter(id: {})}}", case); let object_query = format!("{{inputObject(input: {{id: {}}})}}", case); if case <= min { let should_fail_msg = format!( "IntGreaterThan case {} should have failed, but did not", case ); let field_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"id\", the value is {}, must be greater than {}", case, min ); let object_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"\", the value is {}, must be greater than {}", case, min ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } else { let error_msg = format!("Schema returned error with test case = {}", case); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"fieldParameter": true}), "Failed to validate {} with IntGreaterThan", case ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"inputObject": true}), "Failed to validate {} with IntGreaterThan", case ); } } } #[async_std::test] pub async fn test_input_validator_int_nonzero() { struct QueryRoot; #[InputObject] struct InputIntNonZero { #[field(validator(IntNonZero))] pub id: i32, } #[Object] impl QueryRoot { async fn field_parameter(&self, #[arg(validator(IntNonZero))] _id: i32) -> bool { true } async fn input_object(&self, _input: InputIntNonZero) -> bool { true } } let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); for case in -10..10 { let field_query = format!("{{fieldParameter(id: {})}}", case); let object_query = format!("{{inputObject(input: {{id: {}}})}}", case); if case == 0 { let should_fail_msg = format!("IntNonZero case {} should have failed, but did not", case); let field_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"id\", the value is {}, must be nonzero", case ); let object_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"\", the value is {}, must be nonzero", case ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } else { let error_msg = format!("Schema returned error with test case = {}", case); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"fieldParameter": true}), "Failed to validate {} with IntNonZero", case ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"inputObject": true}), "Failed to validate {} with IntNonZero", case ); } } } #[async_std::test] pub async fn test_input_validator_int_equal() { struct QueryRoot; #[InputObject] struct InputIntEqual { #[field(validator(IntEqual(value = "5")))] pub id: i32, } #[Object] impl QueryRoot { async fn field_parameter(&self, #[arg(validator(IntEqual(value = "5")))] _id: i32) -> bool { true } async fn input_object(&self, _input: InputIntEqual) -> bool { true } } let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let equal_to = 5; for case in -10..10 { let field_query = format!("{{fieldParameter(id: {})}}", case); let object_query = format!("{{inputObject(input: {{id: {}}})}}", case); if case != equal_to { let should_fail_msg = format!("IntNonZero case {} should have failed, but did not", case); let field_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"id\", the value is {}, must be equal to {}", case, equal_to ); let object_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"\", the value is {}, must be equal to {}", case, equal_to ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } else { let error_msg = format!("Schema returned error with test case = {}", case); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"fieldParameter": true}), "Failed to validate {} with IntEqual", case ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"inputObject": true}), "Failed to validate {} with IntEqual", case ); } } } #[async_std::test] pub async fn test_input_validator_list_max_length() { struct QueryRoot; #[InputObject] struct InputListMaxLength { #[field(validator(ListMaxLength(length = "5")))] pub id: Vec, } #[Object] impl QueryRoot { async fn field_parameter( &self, #[arg(validator(ListMaxLength(length = "5")))] _id: Vec, ) -> bool { true } async fn input_object(&self, _input: InputListMaxLength) -> bool { true } } let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let max_length: usize = 5; let test_cases: Vec> = vec![ vec![1], vec![1, 2, 3], vec![1, 2, 3, 4], vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5], vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], ]; for case in test_cases.iter() { let field_query = format!("{{fieldParameter(id: {:?})}}", case); let object_query = format!("{{inputObject(input: {{id: {:?}}})}}", case); let case_length = case.len(); if case_length > max_length { let should_fail_msg = format!( "ListMaxLength case {:?} should have failed, but did not", case ); let field_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"id\", the value length is {}, must be less than or equal to {}", case_length, max_length ); let object_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"\", the value length is {}, must be less than or equal to {}", case_length, max_length ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } else { let error_msg = format!("Schema returned error with test case = {:?}", case); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"fieldParameter": true}), "Failed to validate {:?} with ListMaxLength", case ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"inputObject": true}), "Failed to validate {:?} with ListMaxLength", case ); } } } #[async_std::test] pub async fn test_input_validator_list_min_length() { struct QueryRoot; #[InputObject] struct InputListMinLength { #[field(validator(ListMinLength(length = "4")))] pub id: Vec, } #[Object] impl QueryRoot { async fn field_parameter( &self, #[arg(validator(ListMinLength(length = "4")))] _id: Vec, ) -> bool { true } async fn input_object(&self, _input: InputListMinLength) -> bool { true } } let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let min_length: usize = 4; let test_cases: Vec> = vec![ vec![1], vec![1, 2, 3], vec![1, 2, 3, 4], vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5], vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], ]; for case in test_cases.iter() { let field_query = format!("{{fieldParameter(id: {:?})}}", case); let object_query = format!("{{inputObject(input: {{id: {:?}}})}}", case); let case_length = case.len(); if case_length < min_length { let should_fail_msg = format!( "ListMinLength case {:?} should have failed, but did not", case ); let field_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"id\", the value length is {}, must be greater than or equal to {}", case_length, min_length ); let object_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"\", the value length is {}, must be greater than or equal to {}", case_length, min_length ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } else { let error_msg = format!("Schema returned error with test case = {:?}", case); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"fieldParameter": true}), "Failed to validate {:?} with ListMinLength", case ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"inputObject": true}), "Failed to validate {:?} with ListMinLength", case ); } } } #[async_std::test] pub async fn test_input_validator_operator_or() { struct QueryRoot; #[InputObject] struct InputOrValidator { #[field(validator(or(Email, MAC(colon = "false"))))] pub id: String, } #[Object] impl QueryRoot { async fn field_parameter( &self, #[arg(validator(or(Email, MAC(colon = "false"))))] _id: String, ) -> bool { true } async fn input_object(&self, _input: InputOrValidator) -> bool { true } } let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let test_cases = [ ("2811327F8255", false), ("B3DC09DE6B77", false), ("BDFBD5F24B1F", false), ("1E5B76FF2304", false), ("000000000000", false), ("", false), ("", false), ("", false), ("", false), ("AB:CD", true), ("ABCD", true), ("ABCDEFHGIJKL", true), ("HJ11327F8255", true), ("ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ", true), ("AB:CD:EF:GH:IJ:KL", true), ("AB:CD:EF:HG:IJ:KL", true), ("HJ:11:32:7F:82:55", true), ("plainaddress", true), ("", true), ("Joe Smith ", true), ("", true), ]; for (case, should_fail) in &test_cases { let field_query = format!("{{fieldParameter(id: {:?})}}", case); let object_query = format!("{{inputObject(input: {{id: {:?}}})}}", case); if *should_fail { let should_fail_msg = format!( "OR operator case {:?} should have failed, but did not", case ); let field_error_msg = "Invalid value for argument \"id\", invalid MAC format".to_owned(); let object_error_msg = "Invalid value for argument \"\", invalid MAC format".to_owned(); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } else { let error_msg = format!("Schema returned error with test case = {:?}", case); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"fieldParameter": true}), "Failed to validate {:?} with OR operator", case ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"inputObject": true}), "Failed to validate {:?} with OR operator", case ); } } } #[async_std::test] pub async fn test_input_validator_operator_and() { struct QueryRoot; #[InputObject] struct InputAndValidator { #[field(validator(and(Email, StringMinLength(length = "14"))))] pub email: String, } #[Object] impl QueryRoot { async fn field_parameter( &self, #[arg(validator(and(Email, StringMinLength(length = "14"))))] _email: String, ) -> bool { true } async fn input_object(&self, _input: InputAndValidator) -> bool { true } } let min_length = 14; let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let test_cases = [ ("2811327F8255", true, true), ("", true, false), ("", false, false), ("", false, false), ]; for (case, should_fail, should_be_invalid_email) in &test_cases { let case_length = case.len(); let field_query = format!("{{fieldParameter(email: {:?})}}", case); let object_query = format!("{{inputObject(input: {{email: {:?}}})}}", case); if *should_fail { let should_fail_msg = format!( "AND operator case {:?} should have failed, but did not", case ); let field_error_msg = if *should_be_invalid_email { "Invalid value for argument \"email\", invalid email format".to_owned() } else { format!("Invalid value for argument \"email\", the value length is {}, must be greater than or equal to {}", case_length, min_length) }; let object_error_msg = if *should_be_invalid_email { "Invalid value for argument \"\", invalid email format".to_owned() } else { format!("Invalid value for argument \"\", the value length is {}, must be greater than or equal to {}", case_length, min_length) }; assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 17 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 14 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } else { let error_msg = format!("Schema returned error with test case = {:?}", case); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&field_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"fieldParameter": true}), "Failed to validate {:?} with AND operator", case ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(&object_query) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"inputObject": true}), "Failed to validate {:?} with AND operator", case ); } } } #[async_std::test] pub async fn test_input_validator_variable() { struct QueryRoot; #[InputObject] struct InputMaxLength { #[field(validator(StringMinLength(length = "6")))] pub id: String, } #[Object] impl QueryRoot { async fn field_parameter( &self, #[arg(validator(StringMinLength(length = "6")))] _id: String, ) -> bool { true } async fn input_object(&self, _input: InputMaxLength) -> bool { true } } let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let test_cases = [ "abc", "acbce", "abcdef", "abcdefghi", "abcdefghijkl", "abcdefghijklmnop", ]; let validator_length = 6; for case in &test_cases { let mut variables = Variables::default(); variables.0.insert("id".to_string(), Value::String(case.to_string())); let field_query = "query($id: String!) {fieldParameter(id: $id)}"; let object_query = "query($id: String!) {inputObject(input: {id: $id})}"; let case_length = case.len(); if case_length < validator_length { let should_fail_msg = format!( "StringMinValue case {} should have failed, but did not", case ); let field_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"id\", the value length is {}, must be greater than or equal to {}", case_length, validator_length ); let object_error_msg = format!( "Invalid value for argument \"\", the value length is {}, must be greater than or equal to {}", case_length, validator_length ); assert_eq!( QueryBuilder::new(field_query) .variables(variables.clone()) .execute(&schema) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 37 }), message: field_error_msg }) } ); assert_eq!( QueryBuilder::new(object_query) .variables(variables.clone()) .execute(&schema) .await .expect_err(&should_fail_msg[..]), Error::Rule { errors: vec!(RuleError { locations: vec!(Pos { line: 1, column: 34 }), message: object_error_msg }) } ); } else { let error_msg = format!("Schema returned error with test_string = {}", case); assert_eq!( QueryBuilder::new(field_query) .variables(variables.clone()) .execute(&schema) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"fieldParameter": true}), "Failed to validate {} with StringMinLength", case ); assert_eq!( QueryBuilder::new(object_query) .variables(variables.clone()) .execute(&schema) .await .expect(&error_msg[..]) .data, serde_json::json!({"inputObject": true}), "Failed to validate {} with StringMinLength", case ); } } }