Define a GraphQL input object *[See also the Book](* # Macro attributes | Attribute | description | Type | Optional | |---------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|----------| | name | Object name | string | Y | | rename_fields | Rename all the fields according to the given case convention. The possible values are "lowercase", "UPPERCASE", "PascalCase", "camelCase", "snake_case", "SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE". | string | Y | | visible | If `false`, it will not be displayed in introspection. *[See also the Book](* | bool | Y | | visible | Call the specified function. If the return value is `false`, it will not be displayed in introspection. | string | Y | | concretes | Specify how the concrete type of the generic SimpleObject should be implemented. | ConcreteType | Y | # Field attributes | Attribute | description | Type | Optional | |--------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|----------| | name | Field name | string | Y | | default | Use `Default::default` for default value | none | Y | | default | Argument default value | literal | Y | | default_with | Expression to generate default value | code string | Y | | validator | Input value validator *[See also the Book](* | object | Y | | flatten | Similar to serde (flatten) | boolean | Y | | skip | Skip this field, use `Default::default` to get a default value for this field. | bool | Y | | skip_input | Skip this field, similar to `skip`, but avoids conflicts when this macro is used with `SimpleObject`. | bool | Y | | process_with | Upon successful parsing, invokes specified function. Its signature must be `fn(&mut T)`. | code path | Y | | visible | If `false`, it will not be displayed in introspection. *[See also the Book](* | bool | Y | | visible | Call the specified function. If the return value is `false`, it will not be displayed in introspection. | string | Y | | secret | Mark this field as a secret, it will not output the actual value in the log. | bool | Y | # Examples ```rust use async_graphql::*; #[derive(InputObject)] struct MyInputObject { a: i32, #[graphql(default = 10)] b: i32, } struct Query; #[Object] impl Query { /// value async fn value(&self, input: MyInputObject) -> i32 { input.a * input.b } } # tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(async move { let schema = Schema::new(Query, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let res = schema.execute(r#" { value1: value(input:{a:9, b:3}) value2: value(input:{a:9}) }"#).await.into_result().unwrap().data; assert_eq!(res, value!({ "value1": 27, "value2": 90 })); # }); ```