use crate::args; use crate::utils::{get_crate_name, get_rustdoc, GeneratorResult}; use darling::ast::Data; use inflector::Inflector; use proc_macro::TokenStream; use quote::quote; use syn::ext::IdentExt; use syn::Error; pub fn generate(enum_args: &args::Enum) -> GeneratorResult { let crate_name = get_crate_name(enum_args.internal); let ident = &enum_args.ident; let e = match & { Data::Enum(e) => e, _ => return Err(Error::new_spanned(ident, "Enum can only be applied to an enum.").into()), }; let gql_typename =|| ident.to_string()); let desc = get_rustdoc(&enum_args.attrs)? .map(|s| quote! { Some(#s) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| quote! {None}); let mut enum_items = Vec::new(); let mut items = Vec::new(); let mut schema_enum_items = Vec::new(); for variant in e { if !variant.fields.is_empty() { return Err(Error::new_spanned( &variant.ident, format!( "Invalid enum variant {}.\nGraphQL enums may only contain unit variants.", variant.ident ), ) .into()); } let item_ident = &variant.ident; let gql_item_name = variant .name .clone() .take() .unwrap_or_else(|| variant.ident.unraw().to_string().to_screaming_snake_case()); let item_deprecation = variant .deprecation .as_ref() .map(|s| quote! { Some(#s) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| quote! {None}); let item_desc = get_rustdoc(&variant.attrs)? .map(|s| quote! { Some(#s) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| quote! {None}); enum_items.push(item_ident); items.push(quote! { #crate_name::resolver_utils::EnumItem { name: #gql_item_name, value: #ident::#item_ident, } }); schema_enum_items.push(quote! { enum_items.insert(#gql_item_name, #crate_name::registry::MetaEnumValue { name: #gql_item_name, description: #item_desc, deprecation: #item_deprecation, }); }); } let remote_conversion = if let Some(remote) = &enum_args.remote { let remote_ty = if let Ok(ty) = syn::parse_str::(remote) { ty } else { return Err( Error::new_spanned(remote, format!("Invalid remote type: '{}'", remote)).into(), ); }; let local_to_remote_items = enum_items.iter().map(|item| { quote! { #ident::#item => #remote_ty::#item, } }); let remote_to_local_items = enum_items.iter().map(|item| { quote! { #remote_ty::#item => #ident::#item, } }); Some(quote! { impl ::std::convert::From<#ident> for #remote_ty { fn from(value: #ident) -> Self { match value { #(#local_to_remote_items)* } } } impl ::std::convert::From<#remote_ty> for #ident { fn from(value: #remote_ty) -> Self { match value { #(#remote_to_local_items)* } } } }) } else { None }; let expanded = quote! { #[allow(clippy::all, clippy::pedantic)] impl #crate_name::resolver_utils::EnumType for #ident { fn items() -> &'static [#crate_name::resolver_utils::EnumItem<#ident>] { &[#(#items),*] } } #[allow(clippy::all, clippy::pedantic)] impl #crate_name::Type for #ident { fn type_name() -> ::std::borrow::Cow<'static, str> { ::std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(#gql_typename) } fn create_type_info(registry: &mut #crate_name::registry::Registry) -> String { registry.create_type::(|registry| { #crate_name::registry::MetaType::Enum { name: #gql_typename.to_string(), description: #desc, enum_values: { let mut enum_items = #crate_name::indexmap::IndexMap::new(); #(#schema_enum_items)* enum_items }, } }) } } #[allow(clippy::all, clippy::pedantic)] impl #crate_name::InputValueType for #ident { fn parse(value: Option<#crate_name::Value>) -> #crate_name::InputValueResult { #crate_name::resolver_utils::parse_enum(value.unwrap_or_default()) } fn to_value(&self) -> #crate_name::Value { #crate_name::resolver_utils::enum_value(*self) } } #[#crate_name::async_trait::async_trait] impl #crate_name::OutputValueType for #ident { async fn resolve(&self, _: &#crate_name::ContextSelectionSet<'_>, _field: &#crate_name::Positioned<#crate_name::parser::types::Field>) -> #crate_name::ServerResult<#crate_name::serde_json::Value> { Ok(#crate_name::resolver_utils::enum_value(*self).into_json().unwrap()) } } #remote_conversion impl #crate_name::type_mark::TypeMarkEnum for #ident {} }; Ok(expanded.into()) }