use async_graphql::*; #[tokio::test] pub async fn test_input_value_custom_error() { struct Query; #[Object] impl Query { async fn parse_int(&self, _n: i8) -> bool { true } } let schema = Schema::new(Query, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); let query = r#"{ parseInt(n:289) }"#; assert_eq!( schema.execute(query).await.into_result().unwrap_err(), vec![ServerError { message: "Failed to parse \"Int\": Only integers from -128 to 127 are accepted." .to_owned(), debug_message: None, locations: vec![Pos { line: 1, column: 14, }], path: vec![PathSegment::Field("parseInt".to_owned())], extensions: None, }], ); }