//! Async-graphql integration with Tide #![warn(missing_docs)] #![allow(clippy::type_complexity)] #![allow(clippy::needless_doctest_main)] #![forbid(unsafe_code)] use async_graphql::http::{GQLRequest, GQLResponse}; use async_graphql::{ IntoQueryBuilder, ObjectType, QueryBuilder, ReceiveMultipartOptions, Response, Schema, SubscriptionType, }; use async_trait::async_trait; use std::str::FromStr; use tide::{ http::{headers, Method}, Body, Request, Response, Status, StatusCode, }; /// GraphQL request handler /// /// /// # Examples /// *[Full Example]()* /// /// ```no_run /// use async_graphql::*; /// use async_std::task; /// use tide::Request; /// /// struct QueryRoot; /// #[Object] /// impl QueryRoot { /// #[field(desc = "Returns the sum of a and b")] /// async fn add(&self, a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { /// a + b /// } /// } /// /// fn main() -> std::result::Result<(), Box> { /// task::block_on(async { /// let mut app = tide::new(); /// app.at("/").post(|req: Request<()>| async move { /// let schema = Schema::build(QueryRoot, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription).finish(); /// async_graphql_tide::graphql(req, schema, |query_builder| query_builder).await /// }); /// app.listen("").await?; /// /// Ok(()) /// }) /// } /// ``` pub async fn graphql( req: Request, schema: Schema, query_builder_configuration: F, ) -> tide::Result where Query: ObjectType + Send + Sync + 'static, Mutation: ObjectType + Send + Sync + 'static, Subscription: SubscriptionType + Send + Sync + 'static, TideState: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, F: FnOnce(QueryBuilder) -> QueryBuilder + Send, { graphql_opts(req, schema, query_builder_configuration, Default::default()).await } /// Similar to graphql, but you can set the options `IntoQueryBuilderOpts`. pub async fn graphql_opts( req: Request, schema: Schema, query_builder_configuration: F, opts: ReceiveMultipartOptions, ) -> tide::Result where Query: ObjectType + Send + Sync + 'static, Mutation: ObjectType + Send + Sync + 'static, Subscription: SubscriptionType + Send + Sync + 'static, TideState: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, F: FnOnce(QueryBuilder) -> QueryBuilder + Send, { let query_builder = req.body_graphql_opts(opts).await?; Response::new(StatusCode::Ok).body_graphql( query_builder_configuration(query_builder) .execute(&schema) .await, ) } /// Tide request extension /// #[async_trait] pub trait RequestExt: Sized { /// Convert a query to `async_graphql::QueryBuilder`. async fn body_graphql(self) -> tide::Result { self.body_graphql_opts(Default::default()).await } /// Similar to graphql, but you can set the options `IntoQueryBuilderOpts`. async fn body_graphql_opts(self, opts: ReceiveMultipartOptions) -> tide::Result; } #[async_trait] impl RequestExt for Request { async fn body_graphql_opts(self, opts: ReceiveMultipartOptions) -> tide::Result { if self.method() == Method::Get { let gql_request: GQLRequest = self.query::()?; let builder = gql_request .into_query_builder_opts(&opts) .await .status(StatusCode::BadRequest)?; Ok(builder) } else { let content_type = self .header(&headers::CONTENT_TYPE) .and_then(|values| values.get(0).map(|value| value.to_string())); Ok((content_type, self).into_query_builder_opts(&opts).await?) } } } /// Tide response extension /// pub trait ResponseExt: Sized { /// Set body as the result of a GraphQL query. fn body_graphql(self, res: async_graphql::Result) -> tide::Result; } impl ResponseExt for Response { fn body_graphql(self, res: async_graphql::Result) -> tide::Result { let mut resp = add_cache_control(self, &res); resp.set_body(Body::from_json(&GQLResponse(res))?); Ok(resp) } } fn add_cache_control(mut http_resp: Response, resp: &async_graphql::Result) -> Response { if let Ok(Response { cache_control, .. }) = resp { if let Some(cache_control) = cache_control.value() { if let Ok(header) = tide::http::headers::HeaderName::from_str("cache-control") { http_resp.insert_header(header, cache_control); return http_resp; } } } http_resp }