use crate::extensions::BoxExtension; use crate::registry::Registry; use crate::{ErrorWithPosition, InputValueType, QueryError, Result, Type}; use bytes::Bytes; use fnv::FnvHasher; use graphql_parser::query::{ Directive, Field, FragmentDefinition, SelectionSet, Value, VariableDefinition, }; use serde::ser::SerializeSeq; use serde::{Serialize, Serializer}; use std::any::{Any, TypeId}; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap}; use std::hash::BuildHasherDefault; use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut}; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize; /// Variables of query #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Variables(Value); impl Default for Variables { fn default() -> Self { Self(Value::Object(Default::default())) } } impl Deref for Variables { type Target = BTreeMap; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { if let Value::Object(obj) = &self.0 { obj } else { unreachable!() } } } impl DerefMut for Variables { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { if let Value::Object(obj) = &mut self.0 { obj } else { unreachable!() } } } impl Variables { /// Parse variables from JSON object. pub fn parse_from_json(value: serde_json::Value) -> Result { let gql_value = json_value_to_gql_value(value); if let Value::Object(_) = gql_value { Ok(Variables(gql_value)) } else { Ok(Default::default()) } } pub(crate) fn set_upload( &mut self, var_path: &str, filename: &str, content_type: Option<&str>, content: Bytes, ) { let mut it = var_path.split('.').peekable(); if let Some(first) = { if first != "variables" { return; } } let mut current = &mut self.0; while let Some(s) = { let has_next = it.peek().is_some(); if let Ok(idx) = s.parse::() { if let Value::List(ls) = current { if let Some(value) = ls.get_mut(idx as usize) { if !has_next { *value = Value::String(file_string(filename, content_type, &content)); return; } else { current = value; } } else { return; } } } else if let Value::Object(obj) = current { if let Some(value) = obj.get_mut(s) { if !has_next { *value = Value::String(file_string(filename, content_type, &content)); return; } else { current = value; } } else { return; } } } } } fn file_string(filename: &str, content_type: Option<&str>, content: &[u8]) -> String { if let Some(content_type) = content_type { format!("file:{}:{}|", filename, content_type) + unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(content) } } else { format!("file:{}|", filename) + unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(content) } } } fn json_value_to_gql_value(value: serde_json::Value) -> Value { match value { serde_json::Value::Null => Value::Null, serde_json::Value::Bool(n) => Value::Boolean(n), serde_json::Value::Number(n) if n.is_f64() => Value::Float(n.as_f64().unwrap()), serde_json::Value::Number(n) => Value::Int((n.as_i64().unwrap() as i32).into()), serde_json::Value::String(s) => Value::String(s), serde_json::Value::Array(ls) => { Value::List(ls.into_iter().map(json_value_to_gql_value).collect()) } serde_json::Value::Object(obj) => Value::Object( obj.into_iter() .map(|(name, value)| (name, json_value_to_gql_value(value))) .collect(), ), } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct Data(HashMap, BuildHasherDefault>); impl Data { pub fn insert(&mut self, data: D) { self.0.insert(TypeId::of::(), Box::new(data)); } } /// Context for `SelectionSet` pub type ContextSelectionSet<'a> = ContextBase<'a, &'a SelectionSet>; /// Context object for resolve field pub type Context<'a> = ContextBase<'a, &'a Field>; /// The query path segment #[derive(Clone)] pub enum QueryPathSegment { /// Index Index(usize), /// Field name Name(String), } impl Serialize for QueryPathSegment { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> std::result::Result { match self { QueryPathSegment::Index(idx) => serializer.serialize_i32(*idx as i32), QueryPathSegment::Name(name) => serializer.serialize_str(name), } } } /// The query path, consists of multiple segments `QueryPathSegment` #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct QueryPath(im::Vector); impl Serialize for QueryPath { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> std::result::Result { let mut seq = serializer.serialize_seq(Some(self.0.len()))?; for segment in &self.0 { seq.serialize_element(segment)?; } seq.end() } } impl std::fmt::Display for QueryPath { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { for (idx, segment) in self.0.iter().enumerate() { if idx > 0 { write!(f, ".")?; } match segment { QueryPathSegment::Name(name) => write!(f, "{}", name)?, QueryPathSegment::Index(idx) => write!(f, "{}", idx)?, } } Ok(()) } } impl QueryPath { fn append(&self, segment: QueryPathSegment) -> QueryPath { let mut p = self.0.clone(); p.push_back(segment); QueryPath(p) } pub(crate) fn field_name(&self) -> &str { for segment in self.0.iter().rev() { if let QueryPathSegment::Name(name) = segment { return name.as_str(); } } unreachable!() } } /// Query context #[derive(Clone)] pub struct ContextBase<'a, T> { pub(crate) resolve_id: &'a AtomicUsize, pub(crate) extensions: &'a [BoxExtension], pub(crate) item: T, pub(crate) variables: &'a Variables, pub(crate) variable_definitions: Option<&'a [VariableDefinition]>, pub(crate) registry: &'a Registry, pub(crate) data: &'a Data, pub(crate) fragments: &'a HashMap, pub(crate) current_path: QueryPath, } impl<'a, T> Deref for ContextBase<'a, T> { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.item } } impl<'a, T> ContextBase<'a, T> { #[doc(hidden)] pub fn get_resolve_id(&self) -> usize { self.resolve_id .fetch_add(1, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) } #[doc(hidden)] pub fn with_field(&self, field: &'a Field) -> ContextBase<'a, &'a Field> { ContextBase { extensions: self.extensions, item: field, resolve_id: self.resolve_id, variables: self.variables, variable_definitions: self.variable_definitions, registry: self.registry, data:, fragments: self.fragments, current_path: self.current_path.append(QueryPathSegment::Name( field.alias.clone().unwrap_or_else(||, )), } } #[doc(hidden)] pub fn with_selection_set( &self, selection_set: &'a SelectionSet, ) -> ContextBase<'a, &'a SelectionSet> { ContextBase { extensions: self.extensions, item: selection_set, resolve_id: self.resolve_id, variables: self.variables, variable_definitions: self.variable_definitions, registry: self.registry, data:, fragments: self.fragments, current_path: self.current_path.clone(), } } /// Gets the global data defined in the `Schema`. pub fn data(&self) -> &D { .0 .get(&TypeId::of::()) .and_then(|d| d.downcast_ref::()) .expect("The specified data type does not exist.") } fn var_value(&self, name: &str) -> Result { let def = self .variable_definitions .and_then(|defs| defs.iter().find(|def| == name)); if let Some(def) = def { if let Some(var_value) = self.variables.get(& { return Ok(var_value.clone()); } else if let Some(default) = &def.default_value { return Ok(default.clone()); } } Err(QueryError::VarNotDefined { var_name: name.to_string(), } .into()) } fn resolve_input_value(&self, mut value: Value) -> Result { match value { Value::Variable(var_name) => self.var_value(&var_name), Value::List(ref mut ls) => { for value in ls { if let Value::Variable(var_name) = value { *value = self.var_value(&var_name)?; } } Ok(value) } Value::Object(ref mut obj) => { for value in obj.values_mut() { if let Value::Variable(var_name) = value { *value = self.var_value(&var_name)?; } } Ok(value) } _ => Ok(value), } } #[doc(hidden)] pub fn is_skip(&self, directives: &[Directive]) -> Result { for directive in directives { if == "skip" { if let Some(value) = directive .arguments .iter() .find(|(name, _)| name == "if") .map(|(_, value)| value) { let value = self.resolve_input_value(value.clone())?; let res: bool = InputValueType::parse(&value).ok_or_else(|| { QueryError::ExpectedType { expect: bool::qualified_type_name(), actual: value, } .with_position(directive.position) })?; if res { return Ok(true); } } else { return Err(QueryError::RequiredDirectiveArgs { directive: "@skip", arg_name: "if", arg_type: "Boolean!", } .with_position(directive.position) .into()); } } else if == "include" { if let Some(value) = directive .arguments .iter() .find(|(name, _)| name == "if") .map(|(_, value)| value) { let value = self.resolve_input_value(value.clone())?; let res: bool = InputValueType::parse(&value).ok_or_else(|| { QueryError::ExpectedType { expect: bool::qualified_type_name(), actual: value, } .with_position(directive.position) })?; if !res { return Ok(true); } } else { return Err(QueryError::RequiredDirectiveArgs { directive: "@include", arg_name: "if", arg_type: "Boolean!", } .with_position(directive.position) .into()); } } else { return Err(QueryError::UnknownDirective { name:, } .with_position(directive.position) .into()); } } Ok(false) } } impl<'a> ContextBase<'a, &'a SelectionSet> { #[doc(hidden)] pub fn with_index(&self, idx: usize) -> ContextBase<'a, &'a SelectionSet> { ContextBase { extensions: self.extensions, item: self.item, resolve_id: self.resolve_id, variables: self.variables, variable_definitions: self.variable_definitions, registry: self.registry, data:, fragments: self.fragments, current_path: self.current_path.append(QueryPathSegment::Index(idx)), } } } impl<'a> ContextBase<'a, &'a Field> { #[doc(hidden)] pub fn param_value Value>( &self, name: &str, default: F, ) -> Result { match self .arguments .iter() .find(|(n, _)| n == name) .map(|(_, v)| v) .cloned() { Some(value) => { let value = self.resolve_input_value(value)?; let res = InputValueType::parse(&value).ok_or_else(|| { QueryError::ExpectedType { expect: T::qualified_type_name(), actual: value, } .with_position(self.item.position) })?; Ok(res) } None => { let value = default(); let res = InputValueType::parse(&value).ok_or_else(|| { QueryError::ExpectedType { expect: T::qualified_type_name(), actual: value.clone(), } .with_position(self.item.position) })?; Ok(res) } } } #[doc(hidden)] pub fn result_name(&self) -> &str { if let Some(QueryPathSegment::Name(segment)) = self.current_path.0.last() { &segment } else { unreachable!() } } }