use std::collections::BTreeMap; use tracing::{span, Level, Span}; use crate::extensions::{Extension, ExtensionContext, ExtensionFactory, ResolveInfo}; use crate::parser::types::ExecutableDocument; use crate::{ServerError, Variables}; /// Tracing extension /// /// # References /// /// #[derive(Default)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", doc(cfg(feature = "tracing")))] pub struct Tracing; impl ExtensionFactory for Tracing { fn create(&self) -> Box { Box::new(TracingExtension::default()) } } #[derive(Default)] struct TracingExtension { root: Option, parse: Option, validation: Option, execute: Option, fields: BTreeMap, } impl Extension for TracingExtension { fn parse_start( &mut self, _ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, query_source: &str, _variables: &Variables, ) { let root_span = span!( target: "async_graphql::graphql", parent: None, Level::INFO, "query", source = %query_source ); let parse_span = span!( target: "async_graphql::graphql", parent: &root_span, Level::INFO, "parse" ); root_span.with_subscriber(|(id, d)| d.enter(id)); self.root.replace(root_span); parse_span.with_subscriber(|(id, d)| d.enter(id)); self.parse.replace(parse_span); } fn parse_end(&mut self, _ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, _document: &ExecutableDocument) { self.parse .take() .and_then(|span| span.with_subscriber(|(id, d)| d.exit(id))); } fn validation_start(&mut self, _ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>) { if let Some(parent) = &self.root { let validation_span = span!( target: "async_graphql::graphql", parent: parent, Level::INFO, "validation" ); validation_span.with_subscriber(|(id, d)| d.enter(id)); self.validation.replace(validation_span); } } fn validation_end(&mut self, _ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>) { self.validation .take() .and_then(|span| span.with_subscriber(|(id, d)| d.exit(id))); } fn execution_start(&mut self, _ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>) { let execute_span = if let Some(parent) = &self.root { span!( target: "async_graphql::graphql", parent: parent, Level::INFO, "execute" ) } else { // For every step of the subscription stream. span!( target: "async_graphql::graphql", parent: None, Level::INFO, "execute" ) }; execute_span.with_subscriber(|(id, d)| d.enter(id)); self.execute.replace(execute_span); } fn execution_end(&mut self, _ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>) { self.execute .take() .and_then(|span| span.with_subscriber(|(id, d)| d.exit(id))); self.root .take() .and_then(|span| span.with_subscriber(|(id, d)| d.exit(id))); } fn resolve_start(&mut self, _ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, info: &ResolveInfo<'_>) { let parent_span = match info.resolve_id.parent { Some(parent_id) if parent_id > 0 => self.fields.get(&parent_id), _ => self.execute.as_ref(), }; if let Some(parent_span) = parent_span { let span = span!( target: "async_graphql::graphql", parent: parent_span, Level::INFO, "field", id = %info.resolve_id.current, path = %info.path_node, parent_type = %info.parent_type, return_type = %info.return_type, ); span.with_subscriber(|(id, d)| d.enter(id)); self.fields.insert(info.resolve_id.current, span); } } fn resolve_end(&mut self, _ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, info: &ResolveInfo<'_>) { if let Some(span) = self.fields.remove(&info.resolve_id.current) { span.with_subscriber(|(id, d)| d.exit(id)); } } fn error(&mut self, _ctx: &ExtensionContext<'_>, err: &ServerError) { tracing::error!(target: "async_graphql::graphql", error = %err.message); for span in self.fields.values() { span.with_subscriber(|(id, d)| d.exit(id)); } self.fields.clear(); self.execute .take() .and_then(|span| span.with_subscriber(|(id, d)| d.exit(id))); self.validation .take() .and_then(|span| span.with_subscriber(|(id, d)| d.exit(id))); self.parse .take() .and_then(|span| span.with_subscriber(|(id, d)| d.exit(id))); self.root .take() .and_then(|span| span.with_subscriber(|(id, d)| d.exit(id))); } }