use std::future::Future; use std::str::FromStr; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use actix::{ Actor, ActorContext, ActorFuture, ActorStream, AsyncContext, ContextFutureSpawner, StreamHandler, WrapFuture, WrapStream, }; use actix_http::error::PayloadError; use actix_http::{ws, Error}; use actix_web::web::Bytes; use actix_web::{HttpRequest, HttpResponse}; use actix_web_actors::ws::{CloseReason, Message, ProtocolError, WebsocketContext}; use async_graphql::http::{WebSocket, WebSocketProtocols, WsMessage, ALL_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOLS}; use async_graphql::{Data, ObjectType, Result, Schema, SubscriptionType}; use futures_util::future::Ready; use futures_util::stream::Stream; const HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5); const CLIENT_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10); /// Actor for subscription via websocket pub struct WSSubscription { schema: Schema, protocol: WebSocketProtocols, last_heartbeat: Instant, messages: Option>>, initializer: Option, continuation: Vec, } impl WSSubscription Ready>> where Query: ObjectType + 'static, Mutation: ObjectType + 'static, Subscription: SubscriptionType + 'static, { /// Start an actor for subscription connection via websocket. pub fn start( schema: Schema, request: &HttpRequest, stream: T, ) -> Result where T: Stream> + 'static, { Self::start_with_initializer(schema, request, stream, |_| { futures_util::future::ready(Ok(Default::default())) }) } } impl WSSubscription where Query: ObjectType + 'static, Mutation: ObjectType + 'static, Subscription: SubscriptionType + 'static, F: FnOnce(serde_json::Value) -> R + Unpin + Send + 'static, R: Future> + Send + 'static, { /// Start an actor for subscription connection via websocket with an initialization function. pub fn start_with_initializer( schema: Schema, request: &HttpRequest, stream: T, initializer: F, ) -> Result where T: Stream> + 'static, F: FnOnce(serde_json::Value) -> R + Unpin + Send + 'static, R: Future> + Send + 'static, { let protocol = match request .headers() .get("sec-websocket-protocol") .and_then(|value| value.to_str().ok()) .and_then(|protocols| { protocols .split(',') .find_map(|p| WebSocketProtocols::from_str(p.trim()).ok()) }) { Some(protocol) => protocol, None => { // default to the prior standard WebSocketProtocols::SubscriptionsTransportWS } }; actix_web_actors::ws::start_with_protocols( Self { schema, protocol, last_heartbeat: Instant::now(), messages: None, initializer: Some(initializer), continuation: Vec::new(), }, &ALL_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOLS, request, stream, ) } fn send_heartbeats(&self, ctx: &mut WebsocketContext) { ctx.run_interval(HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL, |act, ctx| { if Instant::now().duration_since(act.last_heartbeat) > CLIENT_TIMEOUT { ctx.stop(); }""); }); } } impl Actor for WSSubscription where Query: ObjectType + 'static, Mutation: ObjectType + 'static, Subscription: SubscriptionType + 'static, F: FnOnce(serde_json::Value) -> R + Unpin + Send + 'static, R: Future> + Send + 'static, { type Context = WebsocketContext; fn started(&mut self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) { self.send_heartbeats(ctx); let (tx, rx) = async_channel::unbounded(); WebSocket::with_data( self.schema.clone(), rx, self.initializer.take().unwrap(), self.protocol, ) .into_actor(self) .map(|response, _act, ctx| match response { WsMessage::Text(text) => ctx.text(text), WsMessage::Close(code, msg) => ctx.close(Some(CloseReason { code: code.into(), description: Some(msg), })), }) .finish() .spawn(ctx); self.messages = Some(tx); } } impl StreamHandler> for WSSubscription where Query: ObjectType + 'static, Mutation: ObjectType + 'static, Subscription: SubscriptionType + 'static, F: FnOnce(serde_json::Value) -> R + Unpin + Send + 'static, R: Future> + Send + 'static, { fn handle(&mut self, msg: Result, ctx: &mut Self::Context) { let msg = match msg { Err(_) => { ctx.stop(); return; } Ok(msg) => msg, }; let message = match msg { Message::Ping(msg) => { self.last_heartbeat = Instant::now(); ctx.pong(&msg); None } Message::Pong(_) => { self.last_heartbeat = Instant::now(); None } Message::Continuation(item) => match item { ws::Item::FirstText(bytes) | ws::Item::FirstBinary(bytes) => { self.continuation = bytes.to_vec(); None } ws::Item::Continue(bytes) => { self.continuation.extend_from_slice(&bytes); None } ws::Item::Last(bytes) => { self.continuation.extend_from_slice(&bytes); Some(std::mem::take(&mut self.continuation)) } }, Message::Text(s) => Some(s.into_bytes()), Message::Binary(bytes) => Some(bytes.to_vec()), Message::Close(_) => { ctx.stop(); None } Message::Nop => None, }; if let Some(message) = message { let sender = self.messages.as_ref().unwrap().clone(); async move { sender.send(message).await } .into_actor(self) .map(|res, _actor, ctx| match res { Ok(()) => {} Err(_) => ctx.stop(), }) .spawn(ctx) } } }