//! `pest_derive` crate has large dependency tree, and, as a build dependency, //! it imposes these deps onto our consumers. //! //! To avoid that, let's just dump generated code to string into this //! repository, and add a test that checks that the code is fresh. use std::{ fs, io::Write, process::{Command, Stdio}, }; const PREAMBLE: &str = "\ //! This is @generated code, do not edit by hand. //! See `graphql.pest` and `tests/codegen.rs`. #![allow(unused_attributes)] use super::GraphQLParser; "; #[test] fn generated_code_is_fresh() { let input = r###" #[derive(Parser)] #[grammar = r#"graphql.pest"#] struct GraphQLParser; "### .parse::() .unwrap(); let tokens = pest_generator::derive_parser(input, false); let current = String::from_utf8(fs::read("./src/parse/generated.rs").unwrap_or_default()).unwrap(); let normalized = normalize(match current.len() > PREAMBLE.len() { true => ¤t[PREAMBLE.len()..], false => current.as_str(), }); let new = tokens.to_string(); let is_up_to_date = normalized == normalize(&new); if is_up_to_date { return; } let code = format!("{}\n{}", PREAMBLE, reformat(&new)); fs::write("./src/parse/generated.rs", code).unwrap(); panic!("Generated code in the repository is outdated, updating..."); } fn reformat(code: &str) -> String { let mut cmd = Command::new("rustfmt") .args(&["--config", "tab_spaces=2"]) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap(); cmd.stdin .take() .unwrap() .write_all(code.as_bytes()) .unwrap(); let output = cmd.wait_with_output().unwrap(); assert!(output.status.success()); String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap() } fn normalize(code: &str) -> String { code.replace(|c: char| c.is_ascii_whitespace() || "{},".contains(c), "") }