use async_graphql::{ registry::{MetaType, Registry}, *, }; #[tokio::test] async fn test_oneof_object() { #[derive(Debug, InputObject, PartialEq)] struct MyInput { a: i32, b: String, } #[derive(Debug, OneofObject, PartialEq)] enum MyOneofObj { A(i32), B(MyInput), } assert_eq!( MyOneofObj::parse(Some(value!({ "a": 100, }))) .unwrap(), MyOneofObj::A(100) ); assert_eq!( MyOneofObj::A(100).to_value(), value!({ "a": 100, }) ); assert_eq!( MyOneofObj::parse(Some(value!({ "b": { "a": 200, "b": "abc", }, }))) .unwrap(), MyOneofObj::B(MyInput { a: 200, b: "abc".to_string() }) ); assert_eq!( MyOneofObj::B(MyInput { a: 200, b: "abc".to_string() }) .to_value(), value!({ "b": { "a": 200, "b": "abc", }, }) ); struct Query; #[Object] impl Query { async fn test(&self, obj: MyOneofObj) -> String { match obj { MyOneofObj::A(value) => format!("a:{}", value), MyOneofObj::B(MyInput { a, b }) => format!("b:{}/{}", a, b), } } } let schema = Schema::new(Query, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); assert_eq!( schema .execute("{ test(obj: {a: 100}) }") .await .into_result() .unwrap() .data, value!({ "test": "a:100" }) ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(r#"{ test(obj: {b: {a: 200, b: "abc"}}) }"#) .await .into_result() .unwrap() .data, value!({ "test": "b:200/abc" }) ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(r#"{ __type(name: "MyOneofObj") { name oneOf } }"#) .await .into_result() .unwrap() .data, value!({ "__type": { "name": "MyOneofObj", "oneOf": true } }) ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_oneof_object_concrete() { #[derive(Debug, OneofObject, PartialEq)] #[graphql( concrete(name = "MyObjI32", params(i32)), concrete(name = "MyObjString", params(String)) )] enum MyObj { A(i32), B(T), } assert_eq!(MyObj::::type_name(), "MyObjI32"); assert_eq!(MyObj::::type_name(), "MyObjString"); assert_eq!( MyObj::::parse(Some(value!({ "a": 100, }))) .unwrap(), MyObj::A(100) ); assert_eq!( MyObj::::A(100).to_value(), value!({ "a": 100, }) ); assert_eq!( MyObj::::B("abc".to_string()).to_value(), value!({ "b": "abc", }) ); struct Query; #[Object] impl Query { async fn test(&self, obj: MyObj) -> String { match obj { MyObj::A(value) => format!("a:{}", value), MyObj::B(value) => format!("b:{}", value), } } } let schema = Schema::new(Query, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription); assert_eq!( schema .execute("{ test(obj: {a: 100}) }") .await .into_result() .unwrap() .data, value!({ "test": "a:100" }) ); assert_eq!( schema .execute(r#"{ test(obj: {b: "abc"}) }"#) .await .into_result() .unwrap() .data, value!({ "test": "b:abc" }) ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_oneof_object_rename_fields() { #[derive(OneofObject)] #[graphql(rename_fields = "lowercase")] enum MyInput { Name(i32), CreateAt(String), } let mut registry = Registry::default(); MyInput::create_type_info(&mut registry); let ty: &MetaType = registry.types.get("MyInput").unwrap(); match ty { MetaType::InputObject { input_fields, .. } => { assert_eq!( input_fields.keys().collect::>(), vec!["name", "createat"] ); } _ => unreachable!(), } } #[tokio::test] async fn test_oneof_object_rename_field() { #[derive(OneofObject)] enum MyInput { Name(i32), #[graphql(name = "create_At")] CreateAt(String), } let mut registry = Registry::default(); MyInput::create_type_info(&mut registry); let ty: &MetaType = registry.types.get("MyInput").unwrap(); match ty { MetaType::InputObject { input_fields, .. } => { assert_eq!( input_fields.keys().collect::>(), vec!["name", "create_At"] ); } _ => unreachable!(), } } #[tokio::test] async fn test_oneof_object_validation() { #[derive(Debug, OneofObject, PartialEq)] enum MyOneofObj { #[graphql(validator(maximum = 10))] A(i32), #[graphql(validator(max_length = 3))] B(String), } assert_eq!( MyOneofObj::parse(Some(value!({ "a": 5, }))) .unwrap(), MyOneofObj::A(5) ); assert_eq!( MyOneofObj::parse(Some(value!({ "a": 20, }))) .unwrap_err() .into_server_error(Default::default()) .message, r#"Failed to parse "Int": the value is 20, must be less than or equal to 10 (occurred while parsing "MyOneofObj")"# ); }