# The GraphQL server library implemented by rust
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`async-graphql` is a GraphQL server library that fully supports async/await and is easy to use. It supports all of the GraphQL specifications and is easy to integrate into existing web servers. * [Docs](https://docs.rs/async-graphql) * [GitHub repository](https://github.com/sunli829/async-graphql) * [Cargo package](https://crates.io/crates/async-graphql) * Minimum supported Rust version: 1.40 or later ## Example ```shell script cargo run --example actix-web ``` Open `http://localhost:8000` in browser ## Features * Fully support async/await * Type safety * Rustfmt friendly (Procedural Macro) * Custom scalar * Minimal overhead * Easy integration (hyper, actix_web, tide ...) * Upload files (Multipart request) * Subscription (WebSocket transport) ## Integrations * Actix-web [async-graphql-actix-web](https://crates.io/crates/async-graphql-actix-web) ## Goals - [X] Types - [X] Scalar - [X] Integer - [X] Float - [X] String - [X] Bool - [X] ID - [X] DateTime - [X] UUID - [X] Url - [X] ObjectId - [X] Containers - [X] List - [X] Non-Null - [X] Object - [X] Enum - [X] InputObject - [X] Field default value - [X] Deprecated flag - [X] Interface - [X] Union - [X] Query - [X] Fields - [X] Arguments - [X] Default value - [X] Deprecated flag - [X] Alias - [X] Fragments - [X] Inline fragments - [X] Operation name - [X] Variables - [X] Default value - [X] Parse value - [X] Directives - [X] @include - [X] FIELD - [X] FRAGMENT_SPREAD - [X] INLINE_FRAGMENT - [X] @skip - [X] FIELD - [X] FRAGMENT_SPREAD - [X] INLINE_FRAGMENT - [X] Schema - [X] Multipart Request (https://github.com/jaydenseric/graphql-multipart-request-spec) - [X] Actix-web - [X] Cursor Connections - [X] Input value validators - [X] Custom validator - [X] Combination - [X] and - [X] or - [X] Integer - [X] IntRange - [X] IntLessThan - [X] IntGreaterThan - [X] String - [X] Email - [X] MAC - [X] String - [X] Subscription - [X] Filter - [X] WebSocket transport - [X] Validation rules - [X] ArgumentsOfCorrectType - [X] DefaultValuesOfCorrectType - [X] FieldsOnCorrectType - [X] FragmentsOnCompositeTypes - [X] KnownArgumentNames - [X] KnownDirectives - [X] KnownFragmentNames - [X] KnownTypeNames - [X] LoneAnonymousOperation - [X] NoFragmentCycles - [X] NoUndefinedVariables - [X] NoUnusedFragments - [X] NoUnusedVariables - [X] OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged - [X] PossibleFragmentSpreads - [X] ProvidedNonNullArguments - [X] ScalarLeafs - [X] UniqueArgumentNames - [X] UniqueFragmentNames - [X] UniqueOperationNames - [X] UniqueVariableNames - [X] VariablesAreInputTypes - [X] VariableInAllowedPosition - [ ] Integration examples - [X] Actix-web - [ ] Hyper - [X] Tide ## License Licensed under either of * Apache License, Version 2.0, (./LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) * MIT license (./LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) at your option. ## References * [GraphQL](https://graphql.org) * [GraphQL Multipart Request](https://github.com/jaydenseric/graphql-multipart-request-spec) * [GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification](https://facebook.github.io/relay/graphql/connections.htm) * [GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol](https://github.com/apollographql/subscriptions-transport-ws/blob/master/PROTOCOL.md)