using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Dalamud.Game; using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects.Types; using Dalamud.Game.Text.SeStringHandling; using Dalamud.Hooking; using Dalamud.Plugin.Services; namespace XivCommon.Functions; /// /// Class containing chat bubble events and functions /// public class ChatBubbles : IDisposable { private static class Signatures { internal const string ChatBubbleOpen = "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? C7 43 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ?? E8"; internal const string ChatBubbleUpdate = "48 85 D2 0F 84 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 89 5C 24 ?? 57 48 83 EC 20 8B 41 0C"; } private IObjectTable ObjectTable { get; } private delegate void OpenChatBubbleDelegate(IntPtr manager, IntPtr @object, IntPtr text, byte a4); private delegate void UpdateChatBubbleDelegate(IntPtr bubblePtr, IntPtr @object); private Hook? OpenChatBubbleHook { get; } private Hook? UpdateChatBubbleHook { get; } /// /// The delegate for chat bubble events. /// public delegate void OnChatBubbleDelegate(ref GameObject @object, ref SeString text); /// /// The delegate for chat bubble update events. /// public delegate void OnUpdateChatBubbleDelegate(ref GameObject @object); /// /// /// The event that is fired when a chat bubble is shown. /// /// /// Requires the hook to be enabled. /// /// public event OnChatBubbleDelegate? OnChatBubble; /// /// /// The event that is fired when a chat bubble is updated. /// /// /// Requires the hook to be enabled. /// /// public event OnUpdateChatBubbleDelegate? OnUpdateBubble; internal ChatBubbles(IObjectTable objectTable, ISigScanner scanner, IGameInteropProvider interop, bool hookEnabled) { this.ObjectTable = objectTable; if (!hookEnabled) { return; } if (scanner.TryScanText(Signatures.ChatBubbleOpen, out var openPtr, "chat bubbles open")) { this.OpenChatBubbleHook = interop.HookFromAddress(openPtr, this.OpenChatBubbleDetour); this.OpenChatBubbleHook.Enable(); } if (scanner.TryScanText(Signatures.ChatBubbleUpdate, out var updatePtr, "chat bubbles update")) { this.UpdateChatBubbleHook = interop.HookFromAddress(updatePtr + 9, this.UpdateChatBubbleDetour); this.UpdateChatBubbleHook.Enable(); } } /// public void Dispose() { this.OpenChatBubbleHook?.Dispose(); this.UpdateChatBubbleHook?.Dispose(); } private void OpenChatBubbleDetour(IntPtr manager, IntPtr @object, IntPtr text, byte a4) { try { this.OpenChatBubbleDetourInner(manager, @object, text, a4); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log.Error(ex, "Exception in chat bubble detour"); this.OpenChatBubbleHook!.Original(manager, @object, text, a4); } } private void OpenChatBubbleDetourInner(IntPtr manager, IntPtr objectPtr, IntPtr textPtr, byte a4) { var @object = this.ObjectTable.CreateObjectReference(objectPtr); if (@object == null) { return; } var text = Util.ReadSeString(textPtr); try { this.OnChatBubble?.Invoke(ref @object, ref text); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log.Error(ex, "Exception in chat bubble event"); } var newText = text.Encode().Terminate(); unsafe { fixed (byte* newTextPtr = newText) { this.OpenChatBubbleHook!.Original(manager, @object.Address, (IntPtr) newTextPtr, a4); } } } private void UpdateChatBubbleDetour(IntPtr bubblePtr, IntPtr @object) { try { this.UpdateChatBubbleDetourInner(bubblePtr, @object); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log.Error(ex, "Exception in update chat bubble detour"); this.UpdateChatBubbleHook!.Original(bubblePtr, @object); } } private void UpdateChatBubbleDetourInner(IntPtr bubblePtr, IntPtr objectPtr) { // var bubble = (ChatBubble*) bubblePtr; var @object = this.ObjectTable.CreateObjectReference(objectPtr); if (@object == null) { return; } try { this.OnUpdateBubble?.Invoke(ref @object); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log.Error(ex, "Exception in chat bubble update event"); } this.UpdateChatBubbleHook!.Original(bubblePtr, @object.Address); } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 0x80)] internal unsafe struct ChatBubble { [FieldOffset(0x0)] internal readonly uint Id; [FieldOffset(0x4)] internal float Timer; [FieldOffset(0x8)] internal readonly uint Unk_8; // enum probably [FieldOffset(0xC)] internal ChatBubbleStatus Status; // state of the bubble [FieldOffset(0x10)] internal readonly byte* Text; [FieldOffset(0x78)] internal readonly ulong Unk_78; // check whats in memory here } internal enum ChatBubbleStatus : uint { GetData = 0, On = 1, Init = 2, Off = 3, }