
251 lines
9.0 KiB
Executable File

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using Dalamud;
using Dalamud.Game;
using Dalamud.Game.Command;
using Dalamud.Hooking;
using Dalamud.IoC;
using Dalamud.Plugin;
using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Component.GUI;
namespace TheGreatSeparator {
// ReSharper disable once ClassNeverInstantiated.Global
public class TheGreatSeparator : IDalamudPlugin {
public string Name => "The Great Separator";
private static class Signatures {
internal const string ShowFlyText = "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? FF C7 41 D1 C7";
internal const string SprintfNumber = "48 83 EC 28 44 8B C9";
internal const string FlyTextStringify = "45 33 C0 C6 44 24 ?? ?? 8B D3 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 41 8B CF E8";
internal const string HotbarManaStringify = "45 33 C0 44 88 64 24 ?? 44 88 64 24 ?? 8B 14 08 48 8B CE E8";
internal const string PartyListStringify = "45 33 C0 C6 44 24 ?? ?? 8B D5 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? EB";
internal const string Separator = "44 0F B6 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 45 84 C0 74 36 F6 87";
private static readonly byte[] ThirdArgOne = {
0x41, 0xB0, 0x01,
private delegate void ShowFlyTextDelegate(IntPtr addon, uint actorIndex, uint messageMax, IntPtr numbers, int offsetNum, int offsetNumMax, IntPtr strings, int offsetStr, int offsetStrMax, int a10);
private Hook<ShowFlyTextDelegate>? ShowFlyTextHook { get; }
private delegate IntPtr SprintfNumberDelegate(uint number);
private Hook<SprintfNumberDelegate>? SprintfNumberHook { get; }
internal DalamudPluginInterface Interface { get; init; } = null!;
internal CommandManager CommandManager { get; init; } = null!;
internal SigScanner SigScanner { get; init; } = null!;
internal Configuration Config { get; }
internal PluginUi Ui { get; }
private Commands Commands { get; }
private Dictionary<IntPtr, byte[]> OldBytes { get; } = new();
private byte OriginalSeparator { get; }
private IntPtr SeparatorPtr { get; } = IntPtr.Zero;
public TheGreatSeparator() {
this.Config = this.Interface.GetPluginConfig() as Configuration ?? new Configuration();
this.Ui = new PluginUi(this);
this.Commands = new Commands(this);
if (this.SigScanner.TryScanText(Signatures.ShowFlyText, out var showFlyPtr)) {
this.ShowFlyTextHook = new Hook<ShowFlyTextDelegate>(showFlyPtr + 9, this.ShowFlyTextDetour);
if (this.SigScanner.TryScanText(Signatures.SprintfNumber, out var sprintfPtr)) {
this.SprintfNumberHook = new Hook<SprintfNumberDelegate>(sprintfPtr, this.SprintfNumberDetour);
if (this.SigScanner.TryGetStaticAddressFromSig(Signatures.Separator, out var separatorPtr)) {
this.SeparatorPtr = separatorPtr;
this.OriginalSeparator = Marshal.ReadByte(this.SeparatorPtr);
public void Dispose() {
if (this.SeparatorPtr != IntPtr.Zero && this.OriginalSeparator != 0) {
Marshal.WriteByte(this.SeparatorPtr, this.OriginalSeparator);
internal void SetSeparator(char? sep) {
if (this.SeparatorPtr == IntPtr.Zero) {
var separator = (byte?) sep ?? this.OriginalSeparator;
if (separator == 0) {
separator = (byte) ',';
Marshal.WriteByte(this.SeparatorPtr, separator);
internal void ConfigureInstructions() {
this.ConfigureInstruction(Signatures.FlyTextStringify, this.Config.FlyText);
this.ConfigureInstruction(Signatures.HotbarManaStringify, this.Config.AbilityCost);
this.ConfigureInstruction(Signatures.PartyListStringify, this.Config.PartyList);
private void ConfigureInstruction(string sig, bool enabled) {
if (!this.SigScanner.TryScanText(sig, out var ptr)) {
if (enabled) {
} else {
private void ReplaceBytes(IntPtr ptr) {
if (this.OldBytes.ContainsKey(ptr)) {
SafeMemory.ReadBytes(ptr, ThirdArgOne.Length, out var oldBytes);
SafeMemory.WriteBytes(ptr, ThirdArgOne);
this.OldBytes[ptr] = oldBytes;
private void RestoreBytes(IntPtr ptr) {
if (!this.OldBytes.TryGetValue(ptr, out var oldBytes)) {
SafeMemory.WriteBytes(ptr, oldBytes);
private void RestoreAllBytes() {
foreach (var ptr in this.OldBytes.Keys.ToList()) {
private unsafe IntPtr SprintfNumberDetour(uint number) {
var ret = (byte*) this.SprintfNumberHook!.Original(number);
if (!this.Config.AbilityTooltip) {
goto Return;
var nfi = (NumberFormatInfo) NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.Clone();
if (this.Config.CustomSeparator != null) {
nfi.NumberGroupSeparator = this.Config.CustomSeparator.ToString();
var str = number.ToString("N0", nfi);
var strBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);
fixed (byte* bytesPtr = strBytes) {
Buffer.MemoryCopy(bytesPtr, ret, 0x40, strBytes.Length);
*(ret + strBytes.Length) = 0;
return (IntPtr) ret;
private unsafe void ShowFlyTextDetour(IntPtr addon, uint actorIndex, uint messageMax, IntPtr numbers, int offsetNum, int offsetNumMax, IntPtr strings, int offsetStr, int offsetStrMax, int a10) {
this.ShowFlyTextHook!.Original(addon, actorIndex, messageMax, numbers, offsetNum, offsetNumMax, strings, offsetStr, offsetStrMax, a10);
if (!this.Config.FlyText) {
static void Action(IntPtr ptr) {
// only check text nodes
var node = (AtkResNode*) ptr;
if (node->Type != NodeType.Text) {
var text = (AtkTextNode*) node;
var font = (text->AlignmentFontType & 0xF0) >> 4;
// only touch text nodes with a font above four and less than eight
if (font is not (> 4 and < 8)) {
// only touch text nodes with a string starting with a digit
var stringPtr = text->NodeText.StringPtr;
if (stringPtr == null || !char.IsDigit((char) *stringPtr)) {
// set the font type of the node to 4 for non-number support
text->AlignmentFontType = (byte) ((text->AlignmentFontType & 0xF) | (4 << 4));
var unit = (AtkUnitBase*) addon;
if (unit->RootNode != null) {
this.TraverseNodes(unit->RootNode, Action);
for (var i = 0; i < unit->UldManager.NodeListCount; i++) {
var node = unit->UldManager.NodeList[i];
this.TraverseNodes(node, Action);
private unsafe void TraverseNodes(AtkResNode* node, Action<IntPtr> action, bool siblings = true) {
if (node == null) {
action((IntPtr) node);
if ((int) node->Type < 1000) {
this.TraverseNodes(node->ChildNode, action);
} else {
var comp = (AtkComponentNode*) node;
for (var i = 0; i < comp->Component->UldManager.NodeListCount; i++) {
this.TraverseNodes(comp->Component->UldManager.NodeList[i], action);
if (!siblings) {
var prev = node;
while ((prev = prev->PrevSiblingNode) != null) {
this.TraverseNodes(prev, action, false);
var next = node;
while ((next = next->NextSiblingNode) != null) {
this.TraverseNodes(next, action, false);