PeepingTom/Peeping Tom/PluginUI.cs

510 lines
24 KiB

using Dalamud.Game.Chat;
using Dalamud.Game.Chat.SeStringHandling;
using Dalamud.Game.Chat.SeStringHandling.Payloads;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Actors.Types;
using Dalamud.Plugin;
using ImGuiNET;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Media;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace PeepingTom {
class PluginUI : IDisposable {
private readonly PeepingTomPlugin plugin;
private readonly Configuration config;
private readonly DalamudPluginInterface pi;
private readonly List<Targeter> previousTargeters = new List<Targeter>();
private IntPtr? previousFocus = null;
private long soundLastPlayed = 0;
private int lastTargetAmount = 0;
private bool visible = false;
public bool Visible {
get { return this.visible; }
set { this.visible = value; }
private bool settingsVisible = false;
public bool SettingsVisible {
get { return this.settingsVisible; }
set { this.settingsVisible = value; }
public PluginUI(PeepingTomPlugin plugin, Configuration config, DalamudPluginInterface pluginInterface) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.config = config;
this.pi = pluginInterface;
public void Dispose() {
this.Visible = false;
this.SettingsVisible = false;
public void Draw() {
if (this.SettingsVisible) {
// 700x250 if setting a size
ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(700, 250));
if (ImGui.Begin($"{this.plugin.Name} settings", ref this.settingsVisible)) {
if (ImGui.BeginTabBar("##settings-tabs")) {
if (ImGui.BeginTabItem("Markers")) {
bool markTargeted = this.config.MarkTargeted;
if (ImGui.Checkbox("Mark your target", ref markTargeted)) {
this.config.MarkTargeted = markTargeted;
Vector4 targetedColour = this.config.TargetedColour;
if (ImGui.ColorEdit4("Target mark colour", ref targetedColour)) {
this.config.TargetedColour = targetedColour;
float targetedSize = this.config.TargetedSize;
if (ImGui.DragFloat("Target mark size", ref targetedSize, 0.01f, 0f, 15f)) {
targetedSize = Math.Max(0f, targetedSize);
this.config.TargetedSize = targetedSize;
bool markTargeting = this.config.MarkTargeting;
if (ImGui.Checkbox("Mark targeting you", ref markTargeting)) {
this.config.MarkTargeting = markTargeting;
Vector4 targetingColour = this.config.TargetingColour;
if (ImGui.ColorEdit4("Targeting mark colour", ref targetingColour)) {
this.config.TargetingColour = targetingColour;
float targetingSize = this.config.TargetingSize;
if (ImGui.DragFloat("Targeting mark size", ref targetingSize, 0.01f, 0f, 15f)) {
targetingSize = Math.Max(0f, targetingSize);
this.config.TargetingSize = targetingSize;
if (ImGui.BeginTabItem("Filters")) {
bool showParty = this.config.LogParty;
if (ImGui.Checkbox("Log party members", ref showParty)) {
this.config.LogParty = showParty;
bool logAlliance = this.config.LogAlliance;
if (ImGui.Checkbox("Log alliance members", ref logAlliance)) {
this.config.LogAlliance = logAlliance;
bool logInCombat = this.config.LogInCombat;
if (ImGui.Checkbox("Log targeters engaged in combat", ref logInCombat)) {
this.config.LogInCombat = logInCombat;
if (ImGui.BeginTabItem("Behaviour")) {
bool focusTarget = this.config.FocusTargetOnHover;
if (ImGui.Checkbox("Focus target on hover", ref focusTarget)) {
this.config.FocusTargetOnHover = focusTarget;
bool playSound = this.config.PlaySoundOnTarget;
if (ImGui.Checkbox("Play sound when targeted", ref playSound)) {
this.config.PlaySoundOnTarget = playSound;
string path = this.config.SoundPath ?? "";
if (ImGui.InputText("Path to WAV file", ref path, 1_000)) {
path = path.Trim();
this.config.SoundPath = path.Length == 0 ? null : path;
ImGui.Text("Leave this blank to use a built-in sound.");
float soundCooldown = this.config.SoundCooldown;
if (ImGui.DragFloat("Cooldown for sound (seconds)", ref soundCooldown, .01f, 0f, 30f)) {
soundCooldown = Math.Max(0f, soundCooldown);
this.config.SoundCooldown = soundCooldown;
if (ImGui.BeginTabItem("Window")) {
bool allowMovement = this.config.AllowMovement;
if (ImGui.Checkbox("Allow moving the main window", ref allowMovement)) {
this.config.AllowMovement = allowMovement;
bool showInCombat = this.config.ShowInCombat;
if (ImGui.Checkbox("Show window while in combat", ref showInCombat)) {
this.config.ShowInCombat = showInCombat;
bool showInInstance = this.config.ShowInInstance;
if (ImGui.Checkbox("Show window while in instance", ref showInInstance)) {
this.config.ShowInInstance = showInInstance;
bool showInCutscenes = this.config.ShowInCutscenes;
if (ImGui.Checkbox("Show window while in cutscenes", ref showInCutscenes)) {
this.config.ShowInCutscenes = showInCutscenes;
if (ImGui.BeginTabItem("History")) {
bool keepHistory = this.config.KeepHistory;
if (ImGui.Checkbox("Show previous targeters", ref keepHistory)) {
this.config.KeepHistory = keepHistory;
int numHistory = this.config.NumHistory;
if (ImGui.InputInt("Number of previous targeters to keep", ref numHistory)) {
numHistory = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(10, numHistory));
this.config.NumHistory = numHistory;
if (ImGui.BeginTabItem("Debug")) {
bool debugMarkers = this.config.DebugMarkers;
if (ImGui.Checkbox("Debug markers", ref debugMarkers)) {
this.config.DebugMarkers = debugMarkers;
if (ImGui.Button("Log targeting you")) {
PlayerCharacter player = this.pi.ClientState.LocalPlayer;
if (player != null) {
// loop over all players looking at the current player
var actors = this.pi.ClientState.Actors
.Where(actor => actor.TargetActorID == player.ActorId && actor is PlayerCharacter)
.Select(actor => actor as PlayerCharacter);
foreach (PlayerCharacter actor in actors) {
PlayerPayload payload = new PlayerPayload(actor.Name, actor.HomeWorld.Id);
Payload[] payloads = { payload };
this.pi.Framework.Gui.Chat.PrintChat(new XivChatEntry {
MessageBytes = new SeString(payloads).Encode()
if (ImGui.Button("Log your target")) {
PlayerCharacter target = GetCurrentTarget();
if (target != null) {
PlayerPayload payload = new PlayerPayload(target.Name, target.HomeWorld.Id);
Payload[] payloads = { payload };
this.pi.Framework.Gui.Chat.PrintChat(new XivChatEntry {
MessageBytes = new SeString(payloads).Encode()
if (this.pi.ClientState.LocalPlayer != null) {
PlayerCharacter player = this.pi.ClientState.LocalPlayer;
IntPtr statusPtr = this.pi.TargetModuleScanner.ResolveRelativeAddress(player.Address, 0x1901);
byte status = Marshal.ReadByte(statusPtr);
ImGui.Text($"Status: {status}");
bool inCombat = this.pi.ClientState.Condition[ConditionFlag.InCombat];
bool inInstance = this.pi.ClientState.Condition[ConditionFlag.BoundByDuty];
bool inCutscene = this.pi.ClientState.Condition[ConditionFlag.WatchingCutscene];
// FIXME: this could just be a boolean expression
bool shouldBeShown = this.Visible;
if (inCombat && !this.config.ShowInCombat) {
shouldBeShown = false;
} else if (inInstance && !this.config.ShowInInstance) {
shouldBeShown = false;
} else if (inCutscene && !this.config.ShowInCutscenes) {
shouldBeShown = false;
if (shouldBeShown) {
PlayerCharacter player = this.pi.ClientState.LocalPlayer;
if (player != null) {
PlayerCharacter[] targeting = this.GetTargeting(player);
if (this.config.PlaySoundOnTarget && targeting.Length > this.lastTargetAmount && this.CanPlaySound()) {
this.soundLastPlayed = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
this.lastTargetAmount = targeting.Length;
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize;
if (!this.config.AllowMovement) {
flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove;
if (ImGui.Begin(this.plugin.Name, ref this.visible, flags)) {
ImGui.Text("Targeting you");
bool anyHovered = false;
if (ImGui.ListBoxHeader("##targeting", targeting.Length, 5)) {
// add the two first players for testing
//foreach (PlayerCharacter p in this.pi.ClientState.Actors
// .Where(actor => actor is PlayerCharacter)
// .Skip(1)
// .Select(actor => actor as PlayerCharacter)
// .Take(2)) {
// this.AddEntry(p);
foreach (PlayerCharacter targeter in targeting) {
if (this.config.KeepHistory) {
// add the targeter to the previous list
if (this.previousTargeters.Any(old => old.ActorId == targeter.ActorId)) {
this.previousTargeters.RemoveAll(old => old.ActorId == targeter.ActorId);
this.previousTargeters.Insert(0, new Targeter(targeter));
this.AddEntry(new Targeter(targeter), targeter.Address, ref anyHovered);
if (this.config.KeepHistory) {
// only keep the configured number of previous targeters (ignoring ones that are currently targeting)
while (this.previousTargeters.Where(old => targeting.All(actor => actor.ActorId != old.ActorId)).Count() > this.config.NumHistory) {
this.previousTargeters.RemoveAt(this.previousTargeters.Count - 1);
// get a list of the previous targeters that aren't currently targeting
Targeter[] previous = this.previousTargeters
.Where(old => targeting.All(actor => actor.ActorId != old.ActorId))
// add previous targeters to the list
foreach (Targeter oldTargeter in previous) {
this.AddEntry(oldTargeter, null, ref anyHovered, ImGuiSelectableFlags.Disabled);
if (this.config.FocusTargetOnHover && !anyHovered && this.previousFocus != null) {
// old focus target still here
if (this.pi.ClientState.Actors.Any(actor => actor.Address == this.previousFocus)) {
} else {
this.previousFocus = null;
ImGui.Text("Click to link or right click to target.");
if (this.config.MarkTargeted) {
PlayerCharacter target = GetCurrentTarget();
MarkPlayer(GetCurrentTarget(), this.config.TargetedColour, this.config.TargetedSize);
if (this.config.MarkTargeting) {
PlayerCharacter player = this.pi.ClientState.LocalPlayer;
if (player != null) {
PlayerCharacter[] targeting = this.GetTargeting(player);
foreach (PlayerCharacter targeter in targeting) {
MarkPlayer(targeter, this.config.TargetingColour, this.config.TargetingSize);
private void AddEntry(Targeter targeter, IntPtr? address, ref bool anyHovered, ImGuiSelectableFlags flags = ImGuiSelectableFlags.None) {
ImGui.Selectable(targeter.Name, false, flags);
bool hover = ImGui.IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags.AllowWhenDisabled);
anyHovered |= hover;
bool left = hover && ImGui.IsMouseClicked(0);
bool right = hover && ImGui.IsMouseClicked(1);
if (address == null) {
address = this.pi.ClientState.Actors
.Where(actor => actor.ActorId == targeter.ActorId)
if (this.config.FocusTargetOnHover && hover && address != null) {
if (this.previousFocus == null) {
this.previousFocus = this.GetRawFocusTarget();
if (left) {
PlayerPayload payload = new PlayerPayload(targeter.Name, targeter.HomeWorld.Id);
Payload[] payloads = { payload };
this.pi.Framework.Gui.Chat.PrintChat(new XivChatEntry {
MessageBytes = new SeString(payloads).Encode()
} else if (right && address != null) {
private void MarkPlayer(PlayerCharacter player, Vector4 colour, float size) {
if (player == null) {
if (!this.pi.Framework.Gui.WorldToScreen(player.Position, out SharpDX.Vector2 screenPos)) {
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBackground | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoFocusOnAppearing;
if (this.config.DebugMarkers) {
flags &= ~ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBackground;
// smallest window size is 32x32
if (ImGui.Begin($"Targeting Marker: {player.Name}@{player.HomeWorld}", flags)) {
// determine the window size, giving it lots of space
float winSize = Math.Max(32, size * 10);
ImGui.SetWindowPos(new Vector2(screenPos.X - winSize / 2, screenPos.Y - winSize / 2));
ImGui.SetWindowSize(new Vector2(winSize, winSize));
new Vector2(screenPos.X, screenPos.Y),
private PlayerCharacter GetCurrentTarget() {
PlayerCharacter player = this.pi.ClientState.LocalPlayer;
if (player == null) {
return null;
int targetId = player.TargetActorID;
if (targetId <= 0) {
return null;
return this.pi.ClientState.Actors
.Where(actor => actor.ActorId == targetId && actor is PlayerCharacter)
.Select(actor => actor as PlayerCharacter)
private void Target(IntPtr actor) {
IntPtr targetPtr = this.pi.TargetModuleScanner.ResolveRelativeAddress(this.pi.TargetModuleScanner.Module.BaseAddress, 0x1c64150);
Marshal.WriteIntPtr(targetPtr, actor);
private void FocusTarget(IntPtr ptr) {
IntPtr targetPtr = this.pi.TargetModuleScanner.ResolveRelativeAddress(this.pi.TargetModuleScanner.Module.BaseAddress, 0x1c641c8);
Marshal.WriteIntPtr(targetPtr, ptr);
private IntPtr GetRawFocusTarget() {
IntPtr targetPtr = this.pi.TargetModuleScanner.ResolveRelativeAddress(this.pi.TargetModuleScanner.Module.BaseAddress, 0x1c641c8);
return Marshal.ReadIntPtr(targetPtr);
private bool CanPlaySound() {
if (this.soundLastPlayed == 0) {
return true;
long current = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
long diff = current - this.soundLastPlayed;
// only play every 10 seconds?
float secs = (float)diff / Stopwatch.Frequency;
return secs >= this.config.SoundCooldown;
private void PlaySound() {
SoundPlayer player;
if (this.config.SoundPath == null) {
player = new SoundPlayer(Properties.Resources.Target);
} else {
player = new SoundPlayer(this.config.SoundPath);
using (player) {
try {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
this.SendError($"Could not play sound: {e.Message}");
} catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
this.SendError($"Could not play sound: {e.Message}");
private void SendError(string message) {
Payload[] payloads = { new TextPayload($"[Who's Looking] {message}") };
this.pi.Framework.Gui.Chat.PrintChat(new XivChatEntry {
MessageBytes = new SeString(payloads).Encode(),
Type = XivChatType.ErrorMessage
private byte GetStatus(Actor actor) {
IntPtr statusPtr = this.pi.TargetModuleScanner.ResolveRelativeAddress(actor.Address, 0x1901);
return Marshal.ReadByte(statusPtr);
private bool InCombat(Actor actor) {
return (GetStatus(actor) & 2) > 0;
private bool InAlliance(Actor actor) {
return (GetStatus(actor) & 32) > 0;
private PlayerCharacter[] GetTargeting(Actor player) {
return this.pi.ClientState.Actors
.Where(actor => actor.TargetActorID == player.ActorId && actor is PlayerCharacter)
.Select(actor => actor as PlayerCharacter)
.Where(actor => this.config.LogParty || this.pi.ClientState.PartyList.All(member => member.Actor?.ActorId != actor.ActorId))
.Where(actor => this.config.LogAlliance || !this.InAlliance(actor))
.Where(actor => this.config.LogInCombat || !this.InCombat(actor))