PeepingTom/Peeping Tom/TargetWatcher.cs
Anna Clemens 02dd910d86
refactor: pull targeting code out of ui
This has some consequences. First, LocalPlayer is no longer necessary
for rendering the UI, meaning the UI stays open even during loading
screens and other situations where there is no player.

Secondly, the sound effect will play even when the window is closed.

Thirdly, the history will update even when the window is closed.

The last two points will become config options in future.

I would also like to make TargetWatcher run in a task and run perhaps
every 100ms instead of every framework update.
2020-08-08 05:20:48 -04:00

173 lines
6.6 KiB

using Dalamud.Game.Chat;
using Dalamud.Game.Chat.SeStringHandling;
using Dalamud.Game.Chat.SeStringHandling.Payloads;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Actors.Types;
using Dalamud.Game.Internal;
using Dalamud.Plugin;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Media;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace PeepingTom {
class TargetWatcher : IDisposable {
private readonly DalamudPluginInterface pi;
private readonly Configuration config;
private long soundLastPlayed = 0;
private int lastTargetAmount = 0;
public readonly Mutex currentMutex = new Mutex();
private PlayerCharacter[] current = Array.Empty<PlayerCharacter>();
public IReadOnlyCollection<PlayerCharacter> CurrentTargeters {
get {
PlayerCharacter[] current = (PlayerCharacter[])this.current.Clone();
return current;
public readonly Mutex previousMutex = new Mutex();
private readonly List<Targeter> previousTargeters = new List<Targeter>();
public IReadOnlyCollection<Targeter> PreviousTargeters {
get {
Targeter[] previous = this.previousTargeters.ToArray();
return previous;
public TargetWatcher(DalamudPluginInterface pi, Configuration config) {
this.pi = pi ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pi), "DalamudPluginInterface cannot be null");
this.config = config ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(config), "Configuration cannot be null");
public Out WithCurrent<Out>(Func<IReadOnlyCollection<PlayerCharacter>, Out> func) {
Out output = func(this.current);
return output;
public void OnFrameworkUpdate(Framework framework) {
PlayerCharacter player = this.pi.ClientState.LocalPlayer;
if (player == null) {
// block until lease
// get targeters and set a copy so we can release the mutex faster
PlayerCharacter[] current = this.GetTargeting(player);
this.current = (PlayerCharacter[])current.Clone();
// release
// play sound if necessary
if (this.config.PlaySoundOnTarget && this.current.Length > this.lastTargetAmount && this.CanPlaySound()) {
this.soundLastPlayed = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
this.lastTargetAmount = this.current.Length;
private void HandleHistory(PlayerCharacter[] targeting) {
if (!this.config.KeepHistory) {
foreach (PlayerCharacter targeter in targeting) {
// add the targeter to the previous list
if (this.previousTargeters.Any(old => old.ActorId == targeter.ActorId)) {
this.previousTargeters.RemoveAll(old => old.ActorId == targeter.ActorId);
this.previousTargeters.Insert(0, new Targeter(targeter));
// only keep the configured number of previous targeters (ignoring ones that are currently targeting)
while (this.previousTargeters.Where(old => targeting.All(actor => actor.ActorId != old.ActorId)).Count() > this.config.NumHistory) {
this.previousTargeters.RemoveAt(this.previousTargeters.Count - 1);
private PlayerCharacter[] GetTargeting(Actor player) {
return this.pi.ClientState.Actors
.Where(actor => actor.TargetActorID == player.ActorId && actor is PlayerCharacter)
.Select(actor => actor as PlayerCharacter)
.Where(actor => this.config.LogParty || this.pi.ClientState.PartyList.All(member => member.Actor?.ActorId != actor.ActorId))
.Where(actor => this.config.LogAlliance || !this.InAlliance(actor))
.Where(actor => this.config.LogInCombat || !this.InCombat(actor))
.Where(actor => this.config.LogSelf || actor.ActorId != player.ActorId)
private byte GetStatus(Actor actor) {
IntPtr statusPtr = this.pi.TargetModuleScanner.ResolveRelativeAddress(actor.Address, 0x1901);
return Marshal.ReadByte(statusPtr);
private bool InCombat(Actor actor) {
return (GetStatus(actor) & 2) > 0;
private bool InAlliance(Actor actor) {
return (GetStatus(actor) & 32) > 0;
private bool CanPlaySound() {
if (this.soundLastPlayed == 0) {
return true;
long current = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
long diff = current - this.soundLastPlayed;
// only play every 10 seconds?
float secs = (float)diff / Stopwatch.Frequency;
return secs >= this.config.SoundCooldown;
private void PlaySound() {
SoundPlayer player;
if (this.config.SoundPath == null) {
player = new SoundPlayer(Properties.Resources.Target);
} else {
player = new SoundPlayer(this.config.SoundPath);
using (player) {
try {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
this.SendError($"Could not play sound: {e.Message}");
} catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
this.SendError($"Could not play sound: {e.Message}");
private void SendError(string message) {
Payload[] payloads = { new TextPayload($"[Who's Looking] {message}") };
this.pi.Framework.Gui.Chat.PrintChat(new XivChatEntry {
MessageBytes = new SeString(payloads).Encode(),
Type = XivChatType.ErrorMessage
public void Dispose() {