
735 lines
27 KiB

using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using Dalamud.Game.Addon.Lifecycle;
using Dalamud.Game.Addon.Lifecycle.AddonArgTypes;
using Dalamud.Game.Gui.ContextMenu;
using Dalamud.Game.Text;
using Dalamud.IoC;
using Dalamud.Memory;
using Dalamud.Plugin;
using Dalamud.Plugin.Services;
using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.Game.Character;
using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.Game.Group;
using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.Graphics;
using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.UI;
using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.UI.Agent;
using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Component.GUI;
namespace PartyDamage;
public class Plugin : IDalamudPlugin {
internal static IPluginLog Log { get; private set; }
private IAddonLifecycle AddonLifecycle { get; init; }
private IClientState ClientState { get; init; }
private IFramework Framework { get; init; }
private IPartyList PartyList { get; init; }
internal IDalamudPluginInterface Interface { get; init; }
internal ICommandManager CommandManager { get; init; }
internal IContextMenu ContextMenu { get; init; }
internal Configuration Config { get; }
private Client Client { get; }
internal PluginUi Ui { get; }
private Commands Commands { get; }
private Stopwatch AlternateWatch { get; } = Stopwatch.StartNew();
private Stopwatch DelayWatch { get; } = new();
private bool _ranLastTick;
private bool _showDps = true;
private bool _reset;
private bool _wasActive;
private bool _manuallyReset = true;
private readonly byte[] _manaUsers = [
6, // cnj
7, // thm
19, // pld
24, // whm
25, // blm
26, // acn
27, // smn
28, // sch
32, // drk
33, // ast
35, // rdm
36, // blu
40, // sge
42, // pct
public Plugin() {
this.Config = this.Interface!.GetPluginConfig() as Configuration ?? new Configuration();
this.Client = new Client();
this.Ui = new PluginUi(this);
this.Commands = new Commands(this);
this.AddonLifecycle!.RegisterListener(AddonEvent.PostUpdate, "_PartyList", this.UpdateList);
this.ContextMenu!.OnMenuOpened += this.MenuOpened;
public void Dispose() {
this.ContextMenu.OnMenuOpened -= this.MenuOpened;
this.AddonLifecycle.UnregisterListener(AddonEvent.PostUpdate, "_PartyList", this.UpdateList);
internal void SaveConfig() {
private unsafe void MenuOpened(IMenuOpenedArgs args) {
var add = args.AddonName == "_PartyList";
if (!add) {
var ctx = AgentContext.Instance();
if (args.AgentPtr != (nint) ctx) {
var targetId = ctx->TargetObjectId.ObjectId;
if (targetId == 0xE000_0000) {
if (this.ClientState.LocalPlayer is { } player && player.GameObjectId == targetId) {
add = true;
} else {
var group = GroupManager.Instance()->GetGroup();
if (group != null && group->GetPartyMemberByEntityId(targetId) != null) {
add = true;
if (!add) {
args.AddMenuItem(new MenuItem {
Name = "Clear parse results",
Prefix = SeIconChar.BoxedLetterP,
PrefixColor = 37,
IsEnabled = this.Client.Data?.IsActive == false,
OnClicked = _ => {
this._reset = true;
this._manuallyReset = true;
private unsafe void UpdateList(AddonEvent type, AddonArgs args) {
var ranLast = this._ranLastTick;
this._ranLastTick = false;
var list = (AddonPartyList*) AtkStage.Instance()->RaptureAtkUnitManager->GetAddonByName("_PartyList");
if (list == null) {
var shouldUpdate = false;
var wasActive = this._wasActive;
var becameInactive = false;
if (this.Client.Data is { } data) {
if (wasActive && !data.IsActive) {
becameInactive = true;
this._wasActive = data.IsActive;
if (this.Client.Data is { IsActive: true }) {
shouldUpdate = true;
this._manuallyReset = false;
} else if (becameInactive) {
if (this.Config.ClearResultsOnInactive) {
if (this.Config.UseEvaluatorNpc && this.Client.Data != null) {
var combatants = this.Client.Data.Combatants.Values.ToList();
combatants.Sort((a, b) => b.EncDps.CompareTo(a.EncDps));
var rank = combatants.FindIndex(combatant => combatant.Name == "YOU");
// 001 Venat
// 002 Zenos
// 003 Evil? Zenos
// 004 Fandaniel
// 005 ? some garlean
// 006 ?
// 007 Estinien
// 008 Alphinaud
// 009 radiant host dude
// 010 Forchenault
// 011 Alisaie
// 012 G'raha Tia
// 013 Thancred
// 014 oh god I should know his name
// 015 one of the padjali, the boy
// 016 Emmanelaine or however you spell it
// 017 ?
// 018 Lucia
// 019 Pipin?
// 020 Lyse
// 021 Magnai for sure
// 022 Sadu
// 023 Cirina
// 024 Thancred again
// 025 Y'shtola
// 026 Urianger
// 027 Nero with helmet on
// 028 different alphinaud's dad
// 029 Kan-E-Senna
// 030 Aymeric
// 031 ?
// 032 oh god I should know his name... stormblood main boy
// 033 ? (monster)
// 034 Alphinaud again
// 035 Estinien casual
// 036 Alisaie cold attire
// 037 some kobold
// 038 bearded roe
// 039 ?
// 040 ardbert with ascian mask?
// 041 ardbert but creepy smile
// 042 ?
// 043 oh god some fviera
// 044 another fviera
// 045 yet another fviera
// 046 ? soranus
// 047 gaius?
// 048 imperial buckethead
// 049 imperial helmet
// 050 ? soranus
// 051 imperial helmet but less aggro
// 052 Lyna
// 053 Alphinaud in a red shawl
// 054 mustachioed-man with horn helmet
// 055 different horn helmet
// 056 Alisaie in a red a shawl
// 057 horn helmet
// 058 horn helmet
// 059 fu manchu man
// 060 Minfilia (Ryne)
// 061 Alisaie cold attire
// 062 Alphi cold attire
// 063 Ranjit?
// 064 Ryne
// 065 Female Jester red
// 066 Female Jester blue
// 067 a dwarf
// 068 Fandaniel hood covering eyes
// 069 Merlwyb
// 070 Vrtra boy avatar
// 071 Krile
// 072 Tataru
// 073 Hydaelyn?
// 074 Faurchenault
// 075 Vrtra
// 076 some boss
// 077 Zero
// 078 Vrtra man avatar
// 079 Zenos Helmet?
// 080 Lyse in red dress
// 081 Yugiri
// 082 Zenos? helmet revealing eyes
// 083 Sadu
// 084 some blue au ra male
// 085 Y'shtola
// 086 garlean guy
// 087 garlean pot helmet
// 088 garlean bucket helmet
// 089 garlean pot helmet
// 090 purple haired chin strap guy
// 091 garlean bucket helmet
// 092 evil oni?
// 093 Asahi
// 094 Lakshmi
// 095 cripple man
// 096 criminal woman
// 097 ?
// 098 some machine?
// 099 some guy with radiation hair
// 100 Krile but happy
// 101 lalafell in horn helmet
// 102 some ala mhigan resistance guy
// 103 criminal lady again
// 104 Lyse in red jacket
// 105 green Kojin main guy
// 106 Yotsuyu
// 107 magnai
// 108 Gosetsu
// 109 old guy
// 110 imperial bucket head
// 111 some guy with a scar maybe ala mhigan resistance
// 112 Thancred with blindfold?
// 113 face mask ala mhigan resistance
// 114 imperial pot helmet
// 115 lupin guy
// 116 another lupin
// 117 imperial pot helmet but roe
// 118 straw hat
// 119 some boy
// 120 Raubahn
// 121 Sultana?
// 122 elezen man
// 123 angry bird thing
// 124 Haurchefant
// 125 Tataru
// 126 no idea elezen
// 127 eyepatch elezen
// 128 Alphinaud old outfit
// 129 Yugiri with dagger
// 130 Raubahn maybe with two arms?
// 131 some uldahn lalafell
// 132 Ilberd
// 133 a crystal brave
// 134 diff crystal brave
// 135 woman crystal brave
// 136 Estinien full armour
// 137 some dude in chain mail elezen face plate
// 138 someone other person in same outfit not elezen maybe hyur
// 139 Hilda
// 140 elezen guy
// 141 ishgardian soldier face plate chain mail
// 142 a vanu vanu or gundu or whatever
// 143 goblin brayflox
// 144 the machine boss from brayflox hard
// 145 imperial in cool helmet (not gaius?)
// 146 red dragoon but doesn't look like estinien
// 147 some child
// 148 some old elezen
// 149 emmanelaine's brother
// 150 old elezen woman
// 151 someone in a hat
// 152 other person in a hat
// 153 Raubahn in big helmet
// 154 Ardbert?
// 155 old outfit Urianger no mask
// 156 Yda
// 157 imperial pot helmet long hair
// 158 ???
// 159 ???
// 160 mammet with green face
// 161 Hancock
// 162 pink haired fem elezen
// 163 not sure dragoon
// 164 Papalymo
// 165 old Thancred
// 166 some elezen girl
// 167 Yugiri in full face mask
// 168 roe in big plate armour
// 169 child f (doman?)
// 170 another child m
// 171 m elezen caster in witch's hat
// 172 another child m/f
// 173 another child m
// 174 Thancred ascian mask
// 175 full armour person
// 176 red imperial buckethead
// 177 Minfilia (original)
// 178 Urianger (old outfit with mask thing)
// 179 imperial pot helmet
// 180 imperial pot helmet
// 181 biggs or wedge (the lala)
// 182 biggs or wedge (the roe)
// 183 imperial buckethead
// 184 Cid (old outfit)
// 185 imperial pot helmet
// 186 imperial pot helmet (roe)
// 187 Y'shtola with normal sight and aetherometer or whatever
// 188 crazy hair girl
// 189 an elezen with a beard whoa
// 190 some kind of monster? maybe old mamool ja
// 191 Haurchefant in chain mail
// 192 Haurchefant in chain mail
// 193 elezen with a soul patch
// 194 young elezen (emman?)
// 195 elezen with awful facial hair
// 196 roe with straw hat (not the ronin kind)
// 197 generic man
// 198 generic anime man
// 199 Ranjit
// 200 Amalj'aa
// 201 shirtless roe man
// 202 different shirtless roe man
// 203 mutton chops guy
// 204 elezen with a sick red beard whoa
// 205 imperial pot helmet roe beard
// 206 creepy mask miqo
// 207 sylph purple
// 208 sylph green
// 209 weird monster guy
// 210 Erenville
// 211 Wuk Lamat (with hat)
// 212 giant Toucan
// 213 Arkasodara
// 214 some guy
// 215 imperial pot helmet
// 216 gridanian guy?
// 217 lady with cap
// 218 man with cap
// 219 roe with hat
// 220 lalafell with pot helm
// 221 miqo with pot helm
// 222 dude with mask
// 223 girl with pot helm
// 224 lala with pot helm
// 225 guy with cool hair
// 226 dude with pot helm
// 227 lala pot helm
// 228 hyur pot helm
// 229 pot helm
// 230 roe with bandana mask
// 231 yet another pot helm
// 232 poooot helm
// 233 thief rogue?
// 234 full face mask ascian with red floaty mask and hood
// 235 POT. HELM.
// 236 ph
// 237 roe man
// 238 sailor roe man
// 239 maelstrom roe lady
// 240 Mamool Ja
// 241 pot helm
// 242 creepy mask guy
// 243 wood wailer creepy mask
// 244
// 245 cfm
// 246 cfm ww
// 247 elezen with face paint
// 248 Moogle
// 249 lala with tiara and mustache
// 250 boy
// 251 hooded m roe
// 252 hyur m
// 253 hyur m
// 254 Papa...lymo?
// 255 dude
// 256 Emet Selch elpis version
// 257 Krile
// 258 Gulool Ja Ja with cover for dead head
// 259 some mamool ja
// 260 Bakool Ja Ja mystic
// 261 Bakool Ja Ja both heads
// 262 a mamool ja
// 263 another mamool ja
// 264 another mamool ja
// 265 Wuk Lamat without hat
// 266 Koana
// 267 old Gulool Ja Ja with both heads alive
// 268 head of resolve
// 269 head of reason
// 270 Sphene
// 271 evil Otis in machine form
// 272 good Otis in machine form
// 273 Sphene final boss form
// 274 looks like Zero kind of
// "73" + str(number) for index
var msg = rank switch {
< 0 => null,
1 => "Well done! I never doubted for a second that you'd do so well.",
_ => "Keep trying, friend! You'll get there in the end.",
UIModule.Instance()->ShowBattleTalkImage("G'raha Tia", msg, 5f, 73012, 0);
if (this.Config.ClearResultsOnInactive && this.DelayWatch.IsRunning && this.DelayWatch.Elapsed >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(this.Config.ClearDelaySeconds)) {
this._reset = true;
if (!this._reset && !this._manuallyReset) {
// only do these checks if we shouldn't reset and if we're waiting for active data
// keep running if we're in the delay period
if (this.DelayWatch.IsRunning) {
shouldUpdate = true;
// keep running if the user wants to manually clear results
if (!this.Config.ClearResultsOnInactive) {
shouldUpdate = true;
if (this._reset) {
this._reset = false;
this._manuallyReset = true;
if (shouldUpdate && this.UpdateListInner(list) && ranLast) {
/// <summary>
/// Update the party list.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if the list should be reset immediately</returns>
private unsafe bool UpdateListInner(AddonPartyList* list) {
if (this.Client.Data is not { } data) {
return false;
if (this.ClientState.LocalPlayer is not { } player) {
return false;
var chara = (Character*) player.Address;
var playerName = player.Name.TextValue;
if (list->HoveredIndex >= 0 || list->TargetedIndex >= 0) {
return true;
var names = new List<(string, int)>();
var members = AgentHUD.Instance()->PartyMembers;
for (var i = 0; i < members.Length && i < list->PartyMembers.Length; i++) {
var member = members[i];
if (member.Name == null) {
// controller soft target not handled by hoveredindex above
if (chara->GetSoftTargetId() == member.EntityId) {
return true;
var name = MemoryHelper.ReadStringNullTerminated((nint) member.Name);
names.Add((name, i));
this._ranLastTick = true;
if (this.AlternateWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds > this.Config.AlternateSeconds * 1_000) {
this._showDps ^= true;
for (var i = 0; i < names.Count; i++) {
var (name, membersIdx) = names[i];
var lookupName = name == playerName
? "YOU"
: name;
var member = members[membersIdx];
if (!data.Combatants.TryGetValue(lookupName, out var combatant)) {
this.UpdateMember(list, i, member.Object, data.Encounter, combatant);
return false;
private unsafe void ResetMember(
AddonPartyList* list,
BattleChara* chara,
int listIndex,
bool includeTargeted
) {
var unit = list->PartyMembers[listIndex];
if (unit.TargetGlow != null && (includeTargeted || list->TargetedIndex != listIndex)) {
unit.TargetGlow->AddRed = 0;
unit.TargetGlow->AddGreen = 0;
unit.TargetGlow->AddBlue = 0;
unit.TargetGlow->MultiplyRed = 100;
unit.TargetGlow->MultiplyGreen = 100;
unit.TargetGlow->MultiplyBlue = 100;
var left = (AtkTextNode*) unit.MPGaugeBar->GetTextNodeById(2);
var right = (AtkTextNode*) unit.MPGaugeBar->GetTextNodeById(3);
var hasLeft = left != null && left->IsVisible();
var hasRight = right != null && right->IsVisible();
var hasChara = chara != null;
if (!hasLeft) {
left->TextColor = new ByteColor {
var manaString = hasChara
? chara->Mana.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
: "???";
if (hasRight) {
if (manaString.Length <= 1) {
} else {
} else {
left->AddRed = 0;
left->AddGreen = 0;
left->AddBlue = 0;
left->MultiplyRed = 100;
left->MultiplyGreen = 100;
left->MultiplyBlue = 100;
if (hasRight) {
right->TextColor = left->TextColor;
right->AddRed = left->AddRed;
right->AddGreen = left->AddGreen;
right->AddBlue = left->AddBlue;
right->MultiplyRed = left->MultiplyRed;
right->MultiplyGreen = left->MultiplyGreen;
right->MultiplyBlue = left->MultiplyBlue;
// fixme: need to figure out a way to get the game to repop
// var defaultName = new StringBuilder("\ue06a");
// foreach (var digit in member.Object->Level.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) {
// var offset = digit - '0';
// defaultName.Append((char) ('\ue060' + offset));
// }
// defaultName.Append(' ');
// defaultName.Append(member.Object->NameString);
// unit.Name->SetText(defaultName.ToString());
// unit.Name->TextColor = new ByteColor {
// };
// unit.Name->AddRed = 0;
// unit.Name->AddGreen = 0;
// unit.Name->AddBlue = 0;
// unit.Name->MultiplyRed = 100;
// unit.Name->MultiplyGreen = 100;
// unit.Name->MultiplyBlue = 100;
private unsafe void ResetMembers(AddonPartyList* list) {
var members = AgentHUD.Instance()->PartyMembers;
for (var i = 0; i < members.Length && i < list->PartyMembers.Length; i++) {
this.ResetMember(list, members[i].Object, i, false);
private unsafe void UpdateMember(
AddonPartyList* list,
int listIndex,
BattleChara* chara,
Encounter encounter,
Combatant combatant
) {
var member = list->PartyMembers[listIndex];
if (this.Config.UseDpsBar && member.TargetGlow != null) {
member.TargetGlow->SetAlpha((byte) Math.Round(this.Config.BarAlpha * 255));
encounter.EncDps == 0
? 0
: combatant.EncDps / encounter.EncDps
member.TargetGlow->AddRed = (byte) Math.Clamp(this.Config.BarAddRed, 0, 255);
member.TargetGlow->AddGreen = (byte) Math.Clamp(this.Config.BarAddGreen, 0, 255);
member.TargetGlow->AddBlue = (byte) Math.Clamp(this.Config.BarAddBlue, 0, 255);
member.TargetGlow->MultiplyRed = (byte) Math.Clamp(this.Config.BarMulRed, 0, 100);
member.TargetGlow->MultiplyGreen = (byte) Math.Clamp(this.Config.BarMulGreen, 0, 100);
member.TargetGlow->MultiplyBlue = (byte) Math.Clamp(this.Config.BarMulBlue, 0, 100);
if (this.Config.Mode == MeterMode.Mana) {
var left = (AtkTextNode*) member.MPGaugeBar->GetTextNodeById(2);
var right = (AtkTextNode*) member.MPGaugeBar->GetTextNodeById(3);
var hasLeft = left != null && left->IsVisible();
var hasRight = right != null && right->IsVisible();
var hasChara = chara != null;
if (!hasLeft) {
if (this.Config.Alternate && !this._showDps) {
var isCaster = hasChara && Array.IndexOf(this._manaUsers, chara->ClassJob) != -1;
if (!this.Config.ManaModeAlternateOnlyManaUsers || isCaster) {
this.ResetMember(list, chara, listIndex, true);
left->TextColor = new ByteColor {
RGBA = this.Config.TextColour,
left->AddRed = (byte) Math.Clamp(this.Config.TextAddRed, 0, 255);
left->AddGreen = (byte) Math.Clamp(this.Config.TextAddGreen, 0, 255);
left->AddBlue = (byte) Math.Clamp(this.Config.TextAddBlue, 0, 255);
left->MultiplyRed = (byte) Math.Clamp(this.Config.TextMulRed, 0, 100);
left->MultiplyGreen = (byte) Math.Clamp(this.Config.TextMulGreen, 0, 100);
left->MultiplyBlue = (byte) Math.Clamp(this.Config.TextMulBlue, 0, 100);
if (hasRight) {
right->TextColor = left->TextColor;
right->AddRed = left->AddRed;
right->AddGreen = left->AddGreen;
right->AddBlue = left->AddBlue;
right->MultiplyRed = left->MultiplyRed;
right->MultiplyGreen = left->MultiplyGreen;
right->MultiplyBlue = left->MultiplyBlue;
string leftText, rightText;
if (combatant.EncDps == 0 || float.IsInfinity(combatant.EncDps) || float.IsNaN(combatant.EncDps)) {
leftText = "0.";
rightText = "00";
} else if (combatant.EncDps < 1_000) {
var dps = Math.Round(combatant.EncDps * 100).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
leftText = $"{dps[..^2]}.";
rightText = dps[^2..];
} else if (combatant.EncDps < 1_000_000) {
var dps = Math.Round(combatant.EncDps / 100).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
leftText = $"{dps[..^1]}.";
rightText = $"{dps[^1..]}K";
} else if (combatant.EncDps < 1_000_000_000) {
var dps = Math.Round(combatant.EncDps / 100_000).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
leftText = $"{dps[..^1]}.";
rightText = $"{dps[^1..]}M";
} else {
var dps = Math.Round(combatant.EncDps / 100_000_000).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
leftText = $"{dps[..^1]}.";
rightText = $"{dps[^1..]}B";
if (hasRight) {
} else {