feat: start adding more evaluators

This commit is contained in:
Anna 2024-07-28 01:16:47 -04:00
parent 4b2f88850e
commit d3eb675e49
Signed by: anna
GPG Key ID: D0943384CD9F87D1
5 changed files with 192 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ public class Configuration : IPluginConfiguration {
public int EvaluationMinSameRole;
public Dictionary<Guid, bool> EvaluatorsRandomEnabled = Evaluator.Evaluators.ToDictionary(
e => e.Id,
_ => true
e => e.Default
public float EvaluationLength = 5f;
public bool BlendEvaluations;
public enum MeterMode {

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@ -7,41 +7,68 @@ namespace PartyDamage;
public class Evaluator {
public required Guid Id { get; init; }
public required string Name { get; init; }
public string? ConfigName { get; init; }
public required uint BattleTalkImage { get; init; }
public required bool Default { get; init; }
public required Dictionary<Evaluation, SeString[]> Lines { get; init; }
public bool IsMammet { get; init; }
public SeString? GetLineFor(Evaluation evaluation) {
if (!this.Lines.TryGetValue(evaluation, out var lines)) {
public SeString? GetLineFor(Evaluation evaluation, bool blend, int rank) {
var lines = new List<SeString>();
if (blend) {
if (evaluation.Next() is { } next && this.Lines.TryGetValue(next, out var nextLines)) {
if (evaluation.Previous() is { } prev && this.Lines.TryGetValue(prev, out var prevLines)) {
if (!this.Lines.TryGetValue(evaluation, out var currentLines)) {
return null;
var line = Random.Shared.GetItems(lines, 1)[0];
if (!this.IsMammet) {
return line;
foreach (var payload in line.Payloads) {
var template = Random.Shared.GetItems(lines.ToArray(), 1)[0];
var line = new SeStringBuilder();
foreach (var payload in template.Payloads) {
if (payload is not TextPayload text) {
var newText = new StringBuilder();
var upper = true;
foreach (var ch in text.Text!) {
if (!char.IsLetter(ch)) {
var newText = this.IsMammet
? Mammetise(text.Text!)
: text.Text!;
newText = string.Format(
newText.Append(upper ? char.ToUpperInvariant(ch) : char.ToLowerInvariant(ch));
upper = !upper;
text.Text = newText.ToString();
return line;
return line.Build();
private static string Mammetise(string input) {
var newText = new StringBuilder();
var upper = true;
foreach (var ch in input) {
if (!char.IsLetter(ch)) {
newText.Append(upper ? char.ToUpperInvariant(ch) : char.ToLowerInvariant(ch));
upper = !upper;
return newText.ToString();
public static readonly Guid RandomId = new("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001");
@ -51,6 +78,7 @@ public class Evaluator {
Id = new Guid("ebbccc44-13b5-4843-a635-3b693fe47840"),
Name = "Parser Mammet",
BattleTalkImage = 73160,
Default = true,
Lines = new Dictionary<Evaluation, SeString[]> {
[Evaluation.Best] = [
"Parse result: greatly exceeds expectations!",
@ -85,10 +113,35 @@ public class Evaluator {
IsMammet = true,
new Evaluator {
Id = new("3e833290-bc1f-4318-9461-391dcc66c739"),
Name = "Ranking Mammet",
ConfigName = "Ranking Mammet (displays rank explicitly)",
BattleTalkImage = 73160,
Default = false,
Lines = new Dictionary<Evaluation, SeString[]> {
[Evaluation.Best] = [
"You ranked #{0}.",
[Evaluation.Good] = [
"You ranked #{0}.",
[Evaluation.Fair] = [
"You ranked #{0}.",
[Evaluation.Poor] = [
"You ranked #{0}.",
[Evaluation.Awful] = [
"You ranked #{0}.",
new Evaluator {
Id = new Guid("5053c386-192a-416f-b025-223af8d592bf"),
Name = "G'raha Tia",
BattleTalkImage = 73012,
Default = true,
Lines = new Dictionary<Evaluation, SeString[]> {
[Evaluation.Best] = [
"Impressive! No surprise coming from someone as skilled as you.",
@ -116,11 +169,12 @@ public class Evaluator {
Id = new Guid("1dd9addb-f0d3-4a8d-b087-62ae10cb5423"),
Name = "Wuk Lamat",
BattleTalkImage = 73265,
Default = true,
Lines = new Dictionary<Evaluation, SeString[]> {
[Evaluation.Best] = [
new SeStringBuilder()
.AddText("Incredible! You have ")
.AddText("Incredible! You ")
.AddText(" to show me how to do that sometime!")
"Amazing! You truly are the best there is!",
@ -135,7 +189,7 @@ public class Evaluator {
[Evaluation.Poor] = [
new SeStringBuilder()
.AddText("Whoa! Is Eorzea's champion ")
.AddText("Hey... Is Eorzea's champion ")
.AddText("? Huh. What will everyone say when I tell them?")
@ -154,7 +208,43 @@ public class Evaluator {
"It's okay. I won't tell anyone about that.",
new Evaluator {
Id = new("3f862fca-cb18-4f48-b067-71b116070fa8"),
Name = "Estinien",
BattleTalkImage = 73007,
Default = true,
Lines = new Dictionary<Evaluation, SeString[]> {
[Evaluation.Best] = [
"Ha! Well fought, friend! If only I had been there to join you. It looked like fun.",
"Now there's a fight that will make a good story. Expertly fought.",
new Evaluator {
Id = new("37ac5883-c008-4dc2-8c6b-a605a4698c04"),
Name = "Thancred",
ConfigName = "Thancred (\"This is Thancred\" meme)",
BattleTalkImage = 73013,
Default = false,
Lines = new Dictionary<Evaluation, SeString[]> {
[Evaluation.Best] = [
"This is Thancred.",
[Evaluation.Good] = [
"This is Thancred.",
[Evaluation.Fair] = [
"This is Thancred.",
[Evaluation.Poor] = [
"This is Thancred.",
[Evaluation.Awful] = [
"This is Thancred.",
@ -166,6 +256,24 @@ public enum Evaluation {
public static class EvaluationExt {
public static Evaluation? Next(this Evaluation evaluation) {
if (evaluation == 0) {
return null;
return evaluation - 1;
public static Evaluation? Previous(this Evaluation evaluation) {
if (evaluation == Evaluation.Awful) {
return null;
return evaluation + 1;
// 001 Venat
// 002 Zenos
// 003 Evil? Zenos

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@ -15,4 +15,15 @@ public static class ImGuiHelper {
public static OnDispose? DisabledUnless(bool unless) {
return DisabledIf(!unless);
public static bool BeginComboVertical(
string label,
string id,
string preview,
float width = -1
) {
return ImGui.BeginCombo($"##{id}", preview);

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@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ public class Plugin : IDalamudPlugin {
var evaluator = GetEvaluator();
var evaluator = this.GetEvaluator();
if (evaluator == null) {
@ -247,13 +247,13 @@ public class Plugin : IDalamudPlugin {
var msg = evaluator.GetLineFor(threshold.Key);
var msg = evaluator.GetLineFor(threshold.Key, this.Config.BlendEvaluations, youIndex + 1);
if (msg != null) {
var bytes = msg.EncodeWithNullTerminator();
@ -263,19 +263,19 @@ public class Plugin : IDalamudPlugin {
Evaluator? GetEvaluator() {
if (this.Config.EvaluatorId != Evaluator.RandomId) {
return Evaluator.Evaluators.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == this.Config.EvaluatorId);
var pool = Evaluator.Evaluators
.Where(e => this.Config.EvaluatorsRandomEnabled.GetValueOrDefault(e.Id))
return pool.Length == 0
? null
: Random.Shared.GetItems(pool, 1).GetIndexOrDefault(0);
internal Evaluator? GetEvaluator() {
if (this.Config.EvaluatorId != Evaluator.RandomId) {
return Evaluator.Evaluators.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == this.Config.EvaluatorId);
var pool = Evaluator.Evaluators
.Where(e => this.Config.EvaluatorsRandomEnabled.GetValueOrDefault(e.Id))
return pool.Length == 0
? null
: Random.Shared.GetItems(pool, 1).GetIndexOrDefault(0);
/// <summary>

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@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
using System.Numerics;
using System.Text;
using Dalamud.Interface.Utility;
using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.UI;
using ImGuiNET;
namespace PartyDamage;
@ -118,13 +121,19 @@ public class PluginUi : IDisposable {
anyChanged |= ImGui.Checkbox("Show an NPC text bubble rating your performance after an encounter", ref this.Plugin.Config.UseEvaluatorNpc);
using (ImGuiHelper.DisabledUnless(this.Plugin.Config.UseEvaluatorNpc)) {
const string previewLabel = "Preview";
var previewButtonSize = ImGuiHelpers.GetButtonSize(previewLabel);
var comboSize = ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().X
- ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.X
- previewButtonSize.X;
var current = Evaluator.Evaluators.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == this.Plugin.Config.EvaluatorId);
var preview = current == null
? this.Plugin.Config.EvaluatorId == Evaluator.RandomId
? "Random"
: "None"
: current.Name;
if (ImGui.BeginCombo("Evaluator", preview)) {
if (ImGuiHelper.BeginComboVertical("Evaluator", "evaluator", preview, comboSize)) {
using var endCombo = new OnDispose(ImGui.EndCombo);
if (ImGui.Selectable("None", this.Plugin.Config.EvaluatorId == Guid.Empty)) {
@ -138,13 +147,31 @@ public class PluginUi : IDisposable {
foreach (var evaluator in Evaluator.Evaluators) {
if (ImGui.Selectable(evaluator.Name, this.Plugin.Config.EvaluatorId == evaluator.Id)) {
if (ImGui.Selectable(evaluator.ConfigName ?? evaluator.Name, this.Plugin.Config.EvaluatorId == evaluator.Id)) {
anyChanged = true;
this.Plugin.Config.EvaluatorId = evaluator.Id;
if (ImGui.Button(previewLabel)) {
if (this.Plugin.GetEvaluator() is { } evaluator) {
var evaluation = Random.Shared.GetItems(Enum.GetValues<Evaluation>(), 1)[0];
var msg = evaluator.GetLineFor(evaluation, this.Plugin.Config.BlendEvaluations, Random.Shared.Next(1, 8));
if (msg != null) {
unsafe {
if (ImGui.TreeNodeEx("Evaluation thresholds")) {
using var treePop = new OnDispose(ImGui.TreePop);
ImGui.TextUnformatted("If your rank is equal to or above the thresholds defined below, you will get the ranking specified. For example, if best is set to 85% and good is set to 65% and you were 3/4 (75%), you would be evaluated as good.");
@ -168,13 +195,15 @@ public class PluginUi : IDisposable {
foreach (var evaluator in Evaluator.Evaluators) {
var enabled = this.Plugin.Config.EvaluatorsRandomEnabled.GetValueOrDefault(evaluator.Id, false);
if (ImGui.Checkbox(evaluator.Name, ref enabled)) {
if (ImGui.Checkbox(evaluator.ConfigName ?? evaluator.Name, ref enabled)) {
anyChanged = true;
this.Plugin.Config.EvaluatorsRandomEnabled[evaluator.Id] = enabled;
anyChanged |= ImGui.Checkbox("Mix in lines from the next and previous evaluation levels", ref this.Plugin.Config.BlendEvaluations);
anyChanged |= ImGui.SliderFloat("Seconds to display evaluation", ref this.Plugin.Config.EvaluationLength, 0.5f, 30);
anyChanged |= ImGui.SliderInt("Minimum players to show evaluation", ref this.Plugin.Config.EvaluationMinCombatants, 0, 24);
anyChanged |= ImGui.SliderInt("Minimum players on the same role to show evaluation", ref this.Plugin.Config.EvaluationMinSameRole, 0, 8);