2024-07-05 17:25:21 -04:00

89 lines
3.5 KiB

using Dalamud.Hooking;
using Dalamud.Utility.Signatures;
using FileMode = FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.System.File.FileMode;
namespace OrangeGuidanceTomestone.MiniPenumbra;
internal unsafe class VfxReplacer : IDisposable {
private delegate byte ReadSqPackDelegate(void* resourceManager, SeFileDescriptor* pFileDesc, int priority, bool isSync);
[Signature("40 56 41 56 48 83 EC 28 0F BE 02", DetourName = nameof(ReadSqPackDetour))]
private Hook<ReadSqPackDelegate> _readSqPackHook;
[Signature("48 89 5C 24 ?? 48 89 6C 24 ?? 48 89 74 24 ?? 57 41 54 41 55 41 56 41 57 48 81 EC ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 33 C4 48 89 84 24 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 63 42 28")]
private delegate* unmanaged<void*, SeFileDescriptor*, int, bool, byte> _readFile;
private Plugin Plugin { get; }
internal VfxReplacer(Plugin plugin) {
this.Plugin = plugin;
public void Dispose() {
private byte ReadSqPackDetour(void* resourceManager, SeFileDescriptor* fileDescriptor, int priority, bool isSync) {
try {
return this.ReadSqPackDetourInner(resourceManager, fileDescriptor, priority, isSync);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Plugin.Log.Error(ex, "Error in ReadSqPackDetour");
return this._readSqPackHook.Original(resourceManager, fileDescriptor, priority, isSync);
private byte ReadSqPackDetourInner(void* resourceManager, SeFileDescriptor* fileDescriptor, int priority, bool isSync) {
if (!this.Plugin.Config.RemoveGlow) {
goto Original;
if (fileDescriptor == null || fileDescriptor->ResourceHandle == null) {
goto Original;
var fileName = fileDescriptor->ResourceHandle->FileName;
if (fileName.BasicString.First == null) {
goto Original;
var path = fileName.ToString();
var index = Array.IndexOf(Messages.VfxPaths, path);
if (index == -1) {
goto Original;
var letter = (char) ('a' + index);
var newPath = Path.Join(this.Plugin.AvfxFilePath, $"sign_{letter}.avfx");
return this.DefaultRootedResourceLoad(newPath, resourceManager, fileDescriptor, priority, isSync);
return this._readSqPackHook.Original(resourceManager, fileDescriptor, priority, isSync);
// Load the resource from a path on the users hard drives.
private byte DefaultRootedResourceLoad(string gamePath, void* resourceManager, SeFileDescriptor* fileDescriptor, int priority, bool isSync) {
// Specify that we are loading unpacked files from the drive.
// We need to copy the actual file path in UTF16 (Windows-Unicode) on two locations,
// but since we only allow ASCII in the game paths, this is just a matter of upcasting.
fileDescriptor->FileMode = FileMode.LoadUnpackedResource;
var fd = stackalloc byte[0x20 + 2 * gamePath.Length + 0x16];
fileDescriptor->FileDescriptor = fd;
var fdPtr = (char*) (fd + 0x21);
for (var i = 0; i < gamePath.Length; ++i) {
(&fileDescriptor->Utf16FileName)[i] = gamePath[i];
fdPtr[i] = gamePath[i];
(&fileDescriptor->Utf16FileName)[gamePath.Length] = '\0';
fdPtr[gamePath.Length] = '\0';
// Use the SE ReadFile function.
var ret = this._readFile(resourceManager, fileDescriptor, priority, isSync);
return ret;