
429 lines
14 KiB

using System.Numerics;
using System.Text;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Conditions;
using Dalamud.Interface.Textures;
using ImGuiNET;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using OrangeGuidanceTomestone.Helpers;
using OrangeGuidanceTomestone.Util;
namespace OrangeGuidanceTomestone.Ui.MainWindowTabs;
internal class Write : ITab {
public string Name => "Write";
private Plugin Plugin { get; }
private int _pack;
private int _part1 = -1;
private (int, int) _word1 = (-1, -1);
private int _conj = -1;
private int _part2 = -1;
private (int, int) _word2 = (-1, -1);
private int _glyph;
private const string Placeholder = "****";
private Pack? Pack => Pack.All.Get(this._pack);
private Template? Template1 => this.Pack?.Templates.Get(this._part1);
private Template? Template2 => this.Pack?.Templates.Get(this._part2);
private string? Word1 => this.GetWord(this._word1, this.Template1);
private string? Word2 => this.GetWord(this._word2, this.Template2);
private string? Conjunction => this.Pack?.Conjunctions?.Get(this._conj);
private string? GetWord((int, int) word, Template? template) {
if (word.Item2 == -1) {
return Placeholder;
if (template == null) {
return null;
if (template.Words == null) {
if (word.Item1 == -1) {
return Placeholder;
var pack = this.Pack;
if (pack?.Words == null) {
return null;
return pack.Words.Get(word.Item1)?.Words.Get(word.Item2);
return template.Words.Get(word.Item2);
internal Write(Plugin plugin) {
this.Plugin = plugin;
this._glyph = this.Plugin.Config.DefaultGlyph;
public void Dispose() {
private ISharedImmediateTexture GetGlyphImage(int i) {
return this.Plugin.TextureProvider.GetFromManifestResource(
public void Draw() {
try {
} finally {
private void DrawInner() {
if (Pack.All.Length == 0) {
ImGui.TextUnformatted("Please refresh the packs from the settings.");
if (this._pack < 0 || this._pack >= Pack.All.Length) {
this._pack = 0;
var packPrev = Pack.All[this._pack].Name;
if (ImGui.BeginCombo("Pack", packPrev)) {
using var endCombo = new OnDispose(ImGui.EndCombo);
for (var i = 0; i < Pack.All.Length; i++) {
var selPack = Pack.All[i];
if (!ImGui.Selectable(selPack.Name)) {
this._pack = i;
const string placeholder = "****";
bool DrawPicker(string id, IReadOnlyList<string> items, ref int x) {
var preview = x == -1 ? "" : items[x].Replace("{0}", placeholder);
if (!ImGui.BeginCombo(id, preview)) {
return false;
using var endCombo = new OnDispose(ImGui.EndCombo);
var changed = false;
if (ImGui.Selectable("<none>")) {
x = -1;
changed = true;
for (var i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) {
var template = items[i].Replace("{0}", placeholder);
if (!ImGui.Selectable(template, i == x)) {
x = i;
changed = true;
return changed;
void DrawTemplatePicker(string id, IReadOnlyList<string> items, ref int x, ref (int, int) word) {
var wasAdvanced = this.Pack?.Templates.Get(x)?.Words != null;
var changed = DrawPicker(id, items, ref x);
if (changed && wasAdvanced) {
word = (-1, -1);
void DrawSpecificWordPicker(string id, Template template, ref (int, int) x) {
if (template.Words == null) {
var preview = x == (-1, -1) ? "" : template.Words[x.Item2];
if (!ImGui.BeginCombo(id, preview)) {
for (var wordIdx = 0; wordIdx < template.Words.Length; wordIdx++) {
if (ImGui.Selectable(template.Words[wordIdx], x == (-1, wordIdx))) {
x = (-1, wordIdx);
void DrawWordPicker(string id, IReadOnlyList<WordList> words, ref (int, int) x) {
var preview = x == (-1, -1) ? "" : words[x.Item1].Words[x.Item2];
if (!ImGui.BeginCombo(id, preview)) {
using var endCombo = new OnDispose(ImGui.EndCombo);
for (var listIdx = 0; listIdx < words.Count; listIdx++) {
var list = words[listIdx];
if (!ImGui.BeginMenu(list.Name)) {
using var endMenu = new OnDispose(ImGui.EndMenu);
for (var wordIdx = 0; wordIdx < list.Words.Length; wordIdx++) {
if (ImGui.MenuItem(list.Words[wordIdx])) {
x = (listIdx, wordIdx);
var pack = Pack.All[this._pack];
var lineHeight = ImGui.CalcTextSize("A").Y;
var imageHeight = lineHeight * 4;
var actualText = string.Empty;
if (ImGui.BeginTable("##message-preview", 2)) {
using var endTable = new OnDispose(ImGui.EndTable);
ImGui.TableSetupColumn("##image", ImGuiTableColumnFlags.WidthFixed);
ImGui.TableSetupColumn("##message", ImGuiTableColumnFlags.WidthStretch);
if (ImGui.TableSetColumnIndex(0)) {
var glyphImage = this.GetGlyphImage(this._glyph);
var wrap = glyphImage.GetWrapOrEmpty();
ImGui.Image(wrap.ImGuiHandle, new Vector2(imageHeight));
if (ImGui.TableSetColumnIndex(1) && this._part1 != -1) {
var preview = new StringBuilder();
var word1 = this.Word1;
if (this.Template1 is { } template1Preview && word1 != null) {
preview.Append(string.Format(template1Preview.Text, word1));
if (this.Conjunction is { } conj) {
var isPunc = conj.Length == 1 && char.IsPunctuation(conj[0]);
if (isPunc) {
} else {
preview.Append(' ');
var word2 = this.Word2;
if (this.Template2 is { } template2Preview && word2 != null) {
preview.Append(string.Format(template2Preview.Text, word2));
actualText = preview.ToString();
var actualSize = ImGui.CalcTextSize(actualText);
ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(1, imageHeight / 2 - actualSize.Y / 2 - ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.Y));
var templateStrings = pack.Templates
.Select(template => template.Text)
DrawTemplatePicker("Template##part-1", templateStrings, ref this._part1, ref this._word1);
if (this.Template1 is { } template1 && template1.Text.Contains("{0}")) {
if (template1.Words == null && pack.Words != null) {
DrawWordPicker("Word##word-1", pack.Words, ref this._word1);
} else if (template1.Words != null) {
DrawSpecificWordPicker("Word##word-1", template1, ref this._word1);
if (pack.Conjunctions != null) {
DrawPicker("Conjunction##conj", pack.Conjunctions, ref this._conj);
if (this._conj != -1) {
DrawTemplatePicker("Template##part-2", templateStrings, ref this._part2, ref this._word2);
if (this.Template1 is { } template2 && template2.Text.Contains("{0}")) {
if (template2.Words == null && pack.Words != null) {
DrawWordPicker("Word##word-2", pack.Words, ref this._word2);
} else if (template2.Words != null) {
DrawSpecificWordPicker("Word##word-2", template2, ref this._word2);
if (ImGui.BeginCombo("Glyph", $"{this._glyph + 1}")) {
using var endCombo = new OnDispose(ImGui.EndCombo);
var tooltipShown = false;
for (var i = 0; i < Messages.VfxPaths.Length; i++) {
if (ImGui.Selectable($"{i + 1}", this._glyph == i)) {
this._glyph = i;
if (tooltipShown || !ImGui.IsItemHovered()) {
using var endTooltip = new OnDispose(ImGui.EndTooltip);
var glyphImage = this.GetGlyphImage(i);
var wrap = glyphImage.GetWrapOrEmpty();
ImGui.Image(wrap.ImGuiHandle, new Vector2(imageHeight));
tooltipShown = true;
var valid = this.ValidSetup();
if (!valid) {
var inAir = this.Plugin.Condition[ConditionFlag.Jumping]
|| this.Plugin.Condition[ConditionFlag.Jumping61]
|| this.Plugin.Condition[ConditionFlag.InFlight];
if (ImGui.Button("Write") && valid && !inAir && this.Plugin.ClientState.LocalPlayer is { } player) {
var location = HousingLocation.Current();
var req = new MessageRequest {
Territory = this.Plugin.ClientState.TerritoryType,
World = this.Plugin.ClientState.LocalPlayer?.CurrentWorld.Id ?? 0,
Ward = location?.Ward,
Plot = location?.CombinedPlot(),
X = player.Position.X,
Y = player.Position.Y,
Z = player.Position.Z,
Yaw = player.Rotation,
PackId = pack.Id,
Template1 = this._part1,
Word1List = this._word1.Item1 == -1 ? null : this._word1.Item1,
Word1Word = this._word1.Item2 == -1 ? null : this._word1.Item2,
Conjunction = this._conj == -1 ? null : this._conj,
Template2 = this._part2 == -1 ? null : this._part2,
Word2List = this._word2.Item1 == -1 ? null : this._word2.Item1,
Word2Word = this._word2.Item2 == -1 ? null : this._word2.Item2,
Glyph = this._glyph,
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(req);
Task.Run(async () => {
var resp = await ServerHelper.SendRequest(
new StringContent(json)
var content = await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
if (resp.IsSuccessStatusCode) {
var newMsg = new Message {
Id = Guid.Parse(content),
X = player.Position.X,
Y = player.Position.Y,
Z = player.Position.Z,
Yaw = player.Rotation,
Text = actualText,
NegativeVotes = 0,
PositiveVotes = 0,
Glyph = this._glyph,
this.Plugin.Ui.MainWindow.Visible = false;
} else {
var error = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ErrorMessage>(content);
this.Plugin.Ui.ShowModal($"Error writing message.\n\nMessage from server:\n{error?.Message}");
if (!valid) {
private void ResetWriter() {
this._part1 = this._part2 = this._conj = -1;
this._word1 = (-1, -1);
this._word2 = (-1, -1);
this._glyph = this.Plugin.Config.DefaultGlyph;
private void ClearIfNecessary() {
if (this._pack == -1) {
this._part1 = -1;
var pack = Pack.All[this._pack];
if (this._part1 == -1 || !pack.Templates[this._part1].Text.Contains("{0}")) {
this._word1 = (-1, -1);
if (this._conj == -1) {
this._part2 = -1;
if (this._part2 == -1 || !pack.Templates[this._part2].Text.Contains("{0}")) {
this._word2 = (-1, -1);
private bool ValidSetup() {
if (this._pack == -1 || this._part1 == -1) {
return false;
var pack = Pack.All[this._pack];
var template1 = pack.Templates[this._part1];
var temp1Variable = template1.Text.Contains("{0}");
switch (temp1Variable) {
case true when this._word1 == (-1, -1):
case false when this._word1 != (-1, -1):
return false;
if (this._conj == -1 && (this._part2 != -1 || this._word2 != (-1, -1))) {
return false;
if (this._conj != -1) {
if (this._part2 == -1) {
return false;
var template2 = pack.Templates[this._part2];
var temp2Variable = template2.Text.Contains("{0}");
switch (temp2Variable) {
case true when this._word2 == (-1, -1):
case false when this._word2 != (-1, -1):
return false;
return true;