using System.Globalization; using System.Numerics; using Dalamud.Utility; using ImGuiNET; using Lumina.Excel.GeneratedSheets; using OrangeGuidanceTomestone.Helpers; using OrangeGuidanceTomestone.Util; namespace OrangeGuidanceTomestone.Ui.MainWindowTabs; internal class Settings : ITab { public string Name => "Settings"; private Plugin Plugin { get; } private int _tab; private string _extraCode = string.Empty; private IReadOnlyList<(uint, string)> Territories { get; } private List<(uint, bool, string)> FilteredTerritories { get; set; } private delegate void DrawSettingsDelegate(ref bool anyChanged, ref bool vfx); private IReadOnlyList<(string, DrawSettingsDelegate)> Tabs { get; } private string _filter = string.Empty; private string _debugFilter = string.Empty; internal Settings(Plugin plugin) { this.Plugin = plugin; this.Territories = this.Plugin.DataManager.GetExcelSheet()! .Where(row => row.RowId != 0) .Select(row => (row.RowId, row.PlaceName.Value?.Name?.ToDalamudString().TextValue)) .Where(entry => entry.TextValue != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry.TextValue)) .ToList()!; this.FilterTerritories(null); this.Tabs = new List<(string, DrawSettingsDelegate)> { ("General", this.DrawGeneral), ("Writer", this.DrawWriter), ("Viewer", this.DrawViewer), ("Unlocks", this.DrawUnlocks), ("Account", this.DrawAccount), ("Debug", this.DrawDebug), }; } public void Dispose() { } private void FilterTerritories(string? text) { var filter = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text); var territories = this.Territories .Where(terr => !this.Plugin.Config.BannedTerritories.Contains(terr.Item1)) .Select(terr => (terr.Item1, false, terr.Item2)); var tt = this.Plugin.DataManager.GetExcelSheet()!; this.FilteredTerritories = this.Plugin.Config.BannedTerritories .OrderBy(terr => terr) .Select(terr => (terr, true, tt.GetRow(terr)?.PlaceName.Value?.Name.ToDalamudString().TextValue ?? $"{terr}")) .Concat(territories) .Where(terr => !filter || CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(terr.Item3, text!, CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1) .ToList(); } public void Draw() { ImGui.PushTextWrapPos(); var anyChanged = false; var vfx = false; var widestTabName = this.Tabs .Select(entry => ImGui.CalcTextSize(entry.Item1).X) .Max(); var leftOver = ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().X - widestTabName - ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.X - ImGui.GetStyle().FrameBorderSize; var childHeight = ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().Y - ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.Y * 2; if (ImGui.BeginTable("##settings-tabs", 2)) { ImGui.TableSetupColumn("##names", ImGuiTableColumnFlags.None, widestTabName + ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.X); ImGui.TableSetupColumn("##content", ImGuiTableColumnFlags.None, leftOver); ImGui.TableNextRow(); if (ImGui.TableSetColumnIndex(0)) { for (var i = 0; i < this.Tabs.Count; i++) { var (name, _) = this.Tabs[i]; if (ImGui.Selectable($"{name}##tab-{i}", i == this._tab)) { this._tab = i; } } } if (ImGui.TableSetColumnIndex(1)) { if (ImGui.BeginChild("##tab-content-child", new Vector2(-1, childHeight))) { var (_, draw) = this.Tabs[this._tab]; draw(ref anyChanged, ref vfx); } ImGui.EndChild(); } ImGui.EndTable(); } if (anyChanged) { this.Plugin.SaveConfig(); } if (vfx) { this.Plugin.Messages.RemoveVfx(); this.Plugin.Messages.Clear(); this.Plugin.Messages.SpawnVfx(); } ImGui.PopTextWrapPos(); } private void DrawGeneral(ref bool anyChanged, ref bool vfx) { anyChanged |= vfx |= ImGui.Checkbox("Disable in trials", ref this.Plugin.Config.DisableTrials); anyChanged |= vfx |= ImGui.Checkbox("Disable in Deep Dungeons", ref this.Plugin.Config.DisableDeepDungeon); anyChanged |= vfx |= ImGui.Checkbox("Disable in cutscenes", ref this.Plugin.Config.DisableInCutscene); anyChanged |= vfx |= ImGui.Checkbox("Disable in /gpose", ref this.Plugin.Config.DisableInGpose); anyChanged |= vfx |= ImGui.Checkbox("Remove glow effect from signs", ref this.Plugin.Config.RemoveGlow); anyChanged |= ImGui.Checkbox("Show player emotes", ref this.Plugin.Config.ShowEmotes); var tt = this.Plugin.DataManager.GetExcelSheet(); if (tt == null) { return; } ImGui.Spacing(); ImGui.TextUnformatted("Ban list (click to ban or unban)"); ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(-1); if (ImGui.InputTextWithHint("##filter", "Search...", ref this._filter, 128)) { this.FilterTerritories(this._filter); } if (ImGui.BeginChild("##ban-list", new Vector2(-1, -1), true)) { var toAdd = -1L; var toRemove = -1L; var clipper = ImGuiHelper.Clipper(this.FilteredTerritories.Count); while (clipper.Step()) { for (var i = clipper.DisplayStart; i < clipper.DisplayEnd; i++) { var (terrId, isBanned, name) = this.FilteredTerritories[i]; if (isBanned) { this.DrawBannedTerritory(terrId, name, ref toRemove); } else { this.DrawTerritory(terrId, name, ref toAdd); } } } ImGui.Separator(); if (toRemove > -1) { this.Plugin.Config.BannedTerritories.Remove((uint) toRemove); if (this.Plugin.ClientState.TerritoryType == toRemove) { this.Plugin.Messages.SpawnVfx(); } } if (toAdd > -1) { this.Plugin.Config.BannedTerritories.Add((uint) toAdd); if (this.Plugin.ClientState.TerritoryType == toAdd) { this.Plugin.Framework.RunOnFrameworkThread(() => { this.Plugin.Messages.RemoveVfx(); this.Plugin.Messages.Clear(); }); } } if (toRemove > -1 || toAdd > -1) { this.Plugin.SaveConfig(); this.FilterTerritories(this._filter); } } ImGui.EndChild(); } private void DrawTerritory(uint rowId, string name, ref long toAdd) { if (this.Plugin.Config.BannedTerritories.Contains(rowId)) { return; } if (ImGui.Selectable($"{name}##{rowId}")) { toAdd = rowId; } } private void DrawBannedTerritory(uint terrId, string name, ref long toRemove) { if (ImGui.Selectable($"{name}##{terrId}", true)) { toRemove = terrId; } } private void DrawWriter(ref bool anyChanged, ref bool vfx) { if (ImGui.Button("Refresh packs")) { Pack.UpdatePacks(); } var glyph = this.Plugin.Config.DefaultGlyph + 1; if (ImGui.InputInt("Default glyph", ref glyph)) { this.Plugin.Config.DefaultGlyph = Math.Min(Messages.VfxPaths.Length - 1, Math.Max(0, glyph - 1)); anyChanged = true; } } private void DrawViewer(ref bool anyChanged, ref bool vfx) { anyChanged |= ImGui.SliderFloat("Viewer opacity", ref this.Plugin.Config.ViewerOpacity, 0f, 100.0f, $"{this.Plugin.Config.ViewerOpacity:N3}%%"); anyChanged |= ImGui.Checkbox("Open the viewer automatically when near a sign", ref this.Plugin.Config.AutoViewer); anyChanged |= ImGui.Checkbox("Close the viewer automatically when no signs are nearby", ref this.Plugin.Config.AutoViewerClose); if (this.Plugin.Config.AutoViewerClose) { ImGui.TreePush(); anyChanged |= ImGui.Checkbox("Hide viewer titlebar", ref this.Plugin.Config.HideTitlebar); ImGui.TreePop(); } anyChanged |= ImGui.Checkbox("Lock viewer in place", ref this.Plugin.Config.LockViewer); anyChanged |= ImGui.Checkbox("Click through viewer", ref this.Plugin.Config.ClickThroughViewer); } private void DrawUnlocks(ref bool anyChanged, ref bool vfx) { this.ExtraCodeInput(); } private void DrawAccount(ref bool anyChanged, ref bool vfx) { this.DeleteAccountButton(); } private void DrawDebug(ref bool anyChanged, ref bool vfx) { ImGui.Checkbox("Show debug information", ref this.Plugin.Ui.Debug); ImGui.InputText("Filter", ref this._debugFilter, 64); if (ImGui.BeginTable("###debug-info", 2)) { using var endTable = new OnDispose(ImGui.EndTable); ImGui.TableSetupColumn("ID", ImGuiTableColumnFlags.WidthStretch); ImGui.TableSetupColumn("VFX pointer"); ImGui.TableHeadersRow(); using var guard = this.Plugin.Vfx.Mutex.With(); foreach (var (id, ptr) in this.Plugin.Vfx.Spawned) { var idLabel = id.ToString("N"); var ptrLabel = ptr.ToString("X"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this._debugFilter)) { if ( !idLabel.Contains(this._debugFilter, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && !ptrLabel.Contains(this._debugFilter, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ) { continue; } } ImGui.TableNextRow(); if (ImGui.TableSetColumnIndex(0)) { ImGui.TextUnformatted(id.ToString("N")); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { ImGui.SetClipboardText(id.ToString("N")); } } if (ImGui.TableSetColumnIndex(1)) { ImGui.TextUnformatted(ptr.ToString("X")); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { ImGui.SetClipboardText(ptr.ToString("X")); } } } } } private void ExtraCodeInput() { ImGui.InputText("Extra code", ref this._extraCode, 128); if (!ImGui.Button("Claim")) { return; } var code = this._extraCode; Task.Run(async () => { var resp = await ServerHelper.SendRequest( this.Plugin.Config.ApiKey, HttpMethod.Post, "/claim", null, new StringContent(code) ); if (resp.IsSuccessStatusCode) { this._extraCode = string.Empty; var text = await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); if (uint.TryParse(text, out var extra)) { this.Plugin.Ui.MainWindow.ExtraMessages = extra; this.Plugin.Ui.ShowModal($"Code claimed.\n\nYou can now post up to {Messages.MaxAmount + extra:N0} messages."); } else { this.Plugin.Ui.ShowModal("Code claimed but the server gave an unexpected response."); } } else { this.Plugin.Ui.ShowModal("Invalid code."); } }); } private void DeleteAccountButton() { var ctrl = ImGui.GetIO().KeyCtrl; if (!ctrl) { ImGui.BeginDisabled(); } if (ImGui.Button("Delete account")) { Task.Run(async () => { var resp = await ServerHelper.SendRequest( this.Plugin.Config.ApiKey, HttpMethod.Delete, "/account" ); if (resp.IsSuccessStatusCode) { this.Plugin.Config.ApiKey = string.Empty; this.Plugin.SaveConfig(); } }); } if (!ctrl) { ImGui.EndDisabled(); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGuiHelper.HelpIcon("Hold Ctrl to enable delete button."); ImGui.TextUnformatted("This will delete all your messages and votes."); } }