name: Sekiro id: 9eab71b5-4f13-4571-b6a4-531fa2d8d0d8 visible: true order: 8 templates: - "{0}" - "{0}..." - "might be {0}" - "hm. so it's a {0}" - "which means...{0}" - "{0} you say..." - "{0}...!" - "ought to be {0}..." - "surely not {0}..." - "what is a {0}...?" - "{0}...?" - "it's not a {0}" - "{0}... I'll think about it" - "{0}? I see..." - "in case of {0}..." - "perform {0}" - "should try {0}" - "confront {0}" - "while {0}" - "avoid {0}" - "no need for {0}" - "the pinnacle of {0}" - "offer to {0}" - "for the sake of {0}..." - "{0} is precious..." - "surely, not {0}" - "code of {0}" conjunctions: - "and" - "because" - "all the more" - "therefore" - "but" - "is" - "in short" - "that is to say" - "or" - "also" - "however" - "if" - "then" - "by the way" - "as it were" - "," words: - name: 'People' words: - "divine child" - "divine heir" - "Kuro" - "Lord Kuro" - "sculptor" - "physician" - "memorial mob" - "peddler" - "Wolf" - "Sekiro" - "I" - "me" - "oneself" - "you" - "equal" - "superior" - "comrade" - "pious one" - "villain" - "forlorn" - "misfit" - "graceful one" - "swift one" - "straggler" - "brute" - "mule" - "horror" - "moneybags" - "vagabond" - "deserter" - "cheat" - "fiend" - "youth" - "man" - "woman" - "elder" - "geezer" - "hag" - "master" - "friend" - "ally" - "lord" - "parent" - "foster father" - "child" - name: 'Enemies/Beasts/Monsters' words: - "enemy" - "foe" - "worthy opponent" - "extraordinary foe" - "shinobi" - "bandit" - "villager" - "Ashina clan" - "sniper" - "fencer" - "warrior" - "seeker" - "beast" - "hound" - "monkey" - "serpent" - "insect" - "parasite" - "gamefowl" - "monster" - "spirit" - "apparition" - "infested" - "undying" - "demon" - "shura" - name: 'Objects' words: - "sculptor's idol" - "offering box" - "treasure" - "chest" - "mechanism" - "tatami mat" - "under the floor" - "door" - "key" - "sen" - "katana" - "shinobi prosthetic" - "prosthetic tool" - "item" - "valuable item" - "material" - "gourd" - "sugar" - "balloon" - "spirit emblem" - "document" - "blood" - "rice" - "sake" - "prayer bead" - "prayer necklace" - "memory" - "remnant" - name: 'Tactics' words: - "swordplay" - "projectile" - "mid-air battle" - "stealth" - "reconnaisance" - "taking them one by one" - "luring out" - "ambushing" - "pincer attack" - "taking them all at once" - "fleeing" - "charging" - "jumping off" - "sprinting through" - "flanking" - "leaving to fate" - "caution" - "distracting" - "controlling" - "stripping away" - "feigning death" - name: 'Techniques' words: - "movement" - "sprinting" - "grappling hook" - "jumping" - "crouching" - "jump kick" - "attacking" - "sweep attack" - "grab attack" - "thrust attack" - "counter-slash attack" - "shinobi deathblow" - "backstab deathblow" - "plunging deathblow" - "guard" - "deflecting" - "consecutive deflects" - "mikiri counter" - "evasion" - "ledge hang" - "wall hug" - "peeking" - "swimming" - "eavesdropping" - name: 'Locations' words: - "castle keep" - "outskirts" - "village" - "rooftop" - "hallway" - "stairs" - "temple" - "valley" - "cliff" - "abyss" - "mountain path" - "forest" - "treetop" - "swamp" - "cave" - "tall grass" - "underwater" - "water surface" - "mid-air" - "shortcut" - "detour" - "hidden path" - "escape route" - "dead end" - "bright place" - "dark place" - "open place" - "cramped place" - "safe area" - "dangerous area" - "ladder" - "stunning view" - "oversight" - "misfortune" - "carelessness" - "encounter" - "enemy group" - "lone enemy" - "enemy patrol" - "training" - name: 'Orientations' words: - "front" - "back" - "left" - "right" - "up" - "down" - "below" - "above" - "behind" - "ahead" - name: 'Attributes' words: - "poison" - "burn" - "terror" - "shock" - "enfeeblement" - "forbidden" - "sinister burden" - "slash attacks" - "blunt attacks" - "thrust attacks" - "ranged attacks" - "flame" - "apparition" - "posture" - name: 'Concepts' words: - "fighting chance" - "escape" - "perilous pass" - "certain death" - "secret" - "gibberish" - "bliss" - "misery" - "life" - "death" - "wrath" - "pain" - "sadness" - "loyalty" - "betrayal" - "cowardice" - "hope" - "fear" - "victory" - "defeat" - "sacrifice" - "risk one's life" - "relief" - "vigor" - "resignation" - "critical moment" - "regret" - "futility" - "friendship" - "love" - "abandon" - "composure" - "persistence" - "solace" - "quiet" - "depth" - "stagnation" - "strength" - "speed" - "toughness" - "skill" - "hatred" - "revenge" - "repayment" - "auspicious" - "foreboding" - "panic" - "hesitation" - "comfort" - "blink" - "short" - "long" - "beautiful" - "hideous" - name: 'Musings' words: - "well done" - "I've done it" - "regretful..." - "here..." - "not here..." - "no turning back..." - "enough" - "look carefully" - "listen carefully" - "think carefully" - "this place again..." - "this is it" - "is this a trick...?" - "go" - "go back" - "give up" - "stay strong" - "impossible..." - "so high up..." - "so deep..." - "keep calm..." - "an illusion..." - "nostalgic..." - "prepare yourself..." - "you'll know it when you see it" - "as you command" - "face me" - "I don't mind" - "yes" - "no" - "what...?" - "alright" - "I cannot" - "I cannot say" - "forgive me" - "I don't think" - "you have my gratitude" - "farewell" - "do what must be done" - "I will lose" - "........"