name: FINAL FANTASY XIV (v2) id: 7fe38343-efb5-477b-a17f-71d910ae075b visible: false templates: - '{0} ahead' - 'No {0} ahead' - '{0} required ahead' - 'Be wary of {0}' - 'Try {0}' - 'Likely {0}' - 'First off, {0}' - 'Seek {0}' - 'Still no {0}...' - 'Why is it always {0}?' - 'If only I had a {0}...' - 'Didn''t expect {0}...' - 'Visions of {0}...' - 'Could this be a {0}?' - 'Time for {0}' - '{0}, O {0}' - 'Behold, {0}!' - 'Offer {0}' - 'Praise the {0}' - 'Let there be {0}' - 'Ahh, {0}...' - 'Such {0}...' - '{0}' - '{0}!' - '{0}?' - '{0}...' conjunctions: - 'and then' - 'or' - 'but' - 'therefore' - 'in short' - 'except' - 'by the way' - 'so to speak' - 'all the more' - ',' words: - name: Enemies words: - enemy - weak foe - strong foe - monster - voidsent - dragon - boss - group - zombie - wolf - skeleton - goblin - primal - name: People words: - Warrior of Light - Warrior of Darkness - Garlean - Allagan - Ascian - paladin - warrior - dark knight - gunbreaker - white mage - scholar - astrologian - sage - monk - ninja - dragoon - samurai - reaper - bard - machinist - dancer - black mage - summoner - red mage - blue mage - merchant - teacher - master - friend - lover - angel - sinner - good sort - wicked sort - plump sort - skinny sort - lovable sort - pathetic sort - strange sort - nimble sort - laggardly sort - invisible sort - unfathomable sort - giant sort - liar - traitor - hero - champion - pair - trio - thief - uplander - name: The Twelve words: - Halone - Menphina - Thaliak - Nymeia - Llymlaen - Oschon - Byregot - Rhalgr - Azeyma - Nald'thal - Nophica - Althyk - name: Things words: - item - necessary item - something - something incredible - weapon - crystal - job stone - map - Allagan tomestone - gil - name: Battle Tactics words: - stealth - kiting - jumping off - aggro - pursuit - confusion - single-target - area of effect - name: Actions words: - attacking - healing - jumping - casting - crafting - running - walking - skill - summoning - fishing - name: Beings words: - goobbue - chocobo - cactuar - porxie - moogle - goblin - dragon - namazu - goat - mameshiba - name: Situations words: - morning - noon - evening - night - clear sky - overcast - rain - storm - mist - snow - battle - ritual - explosion - safety - danger - hidden path - secret passage - dead end - name: Places words: - Eorzea - Garlemald - high road - bridge - castle - fort - city - ruins - church - tower - camp site - house - tunnel - cave - great tree - surface - underground - forest - river - lake - mountain - valley - cliff - waterside - nest - hole - name: Directions words: - east - west - south - north - ahead - behind - left - right - centre - up - down - edge - name: Body parts words: - head - stomach - back - arms - legs - rump - tail - core - fingers - horns - name: Affinities words: - physical - magical - magic - fire - lightning - wind - ice - earth - water - unaspected - poison - bleed - death - name: Concepts words: - life - death - aether - astral - umbral - calamity - light - darkness - devastation - fear - despair - joy - bliss - good luck - bad luck - secret - faith - loyalty - name: Phrases words: - good luck - look carefully - listen carefully - think carefully - well done - I did it! - I've failed... - here! - not here! - don't you dare! - do it! - I can't take this... - don't think - so lonely... - here again... - just getting started - stay calm - keep moving - turn back - give up - don't give up - help me... - I don't believe it... - too high up - I want to go home... - it's like a dream... - seems familiar... - beautiful... - you don't have the right - are you ready? - this was not my intention