use std::sync::Arc; use anyhow::Context; use warp::{Filter, Rejection, Reply}; use warp::filters::BoxedFilter; use crate::message::RetrievedMessage; use crate::State; use crate::web::AnyhowRejection; pub fn get_location(state: Arc) -> BoxedFilter<(impl Reply, )> { warp::get() .and(warp::path("messages")) .and(warp::path::param()) .and(warp::path::end()) .and(super::get_id(Arc::clone(&state))) .and_then(move |location: u32, id: i64| logic(Arc::clone(&state), id, location)) .boxed() } async fn logic(state: Arc, id: i64, location: u32) -> Result { // TODO: when we're not just returning all results, make sure own messages are always present let id = location as i64; let messages = sqlx::query_as!( RetrievedMessage, // language=sqlite r#" select, m.x, m.y, m.z, m.message, coalesce(sum( between 0 and 1), 0) as positive_votes, coalesce(sum( between -1 and 0), 0) as negative_votes from messages m left join votes v on = v.message where m.territory = ? group by"#, id, ) .fetch_all(&state.db) .await .context("could not get messages from database") .map_err(AnyhowRejection) .map_err(warp::reject::custom)?; Ok(warp::reply::json(&messages)) }