name: Dark Souls id: d8be51e4-ddce-4c91-9adf-a7a42457da28 visible: true order: 4 templates: - '{0} ahead' - 'Be wary of {0}' - 'Try {0}' - 'Need {0}' - 'Imminent {0}...' - 'Weakness:{0}' - '{0}' - '{0}?' - 'Good Luck' - 'I did it!' - 'Here!' - 'I can''t take this...' - 'Praise the Sun!' conjunctions: - 'and then' - 'or' - 'but' - 'therefore' - 'in short' - 'except' - 'by the way' - 'so to speak' - 'all the more' - ',' words: - name: Characters words: - 'enemy' - 'tough enemy' - 'hollow' - 'soldier' - 'knight' - 'sniper' - 'caster' - 'giant' - 'skeleton' - 'ghost' - 'bug' - 'poison bug' - 'lizard' - 'drake' - 'flier' - 'golem' - 'statue' - 'monster' - 'strange creature' - 'demon' - 'darkwraith' - 'dragon' - 'boss' - 'saint' - 'wretch' - 'charmer' - 'miscreant' - 'liar' - 'fatty' - 'beanpole' - 'merchant' - 'blacksmith' - 'master' - 'prisoner' - name: Objects words: - 'bonfire' - 'fog wall' - 'humanity' - 'lever' - 'switch' - 'key' - 'treasure' - 'chest' - 'weapon' - 'shield' - 'projectile' - 'armour' - 'item' - 'ring' - 'sorcery scroll' - 'pyromancy scroll' - 'miracle scroll' - 'ember' - 'danger' - 'covenant' - 'amazing key' - 'amazing treasure' - 'amazing chest' - 'amazing weapon' - 'amazing shield' - 'amazing projectile' - 'amazing armour' - 'amazing item' - 'amazing ring' - 'amazing sorcery scroll' - 'amazing pyromancy scroll' - 'amazing miracle scroll' - 'amazing ember' - 'amazing danger' - name: Techniques words: - 'close-ranged battle' - 'ranged battle' - 'eliminating one at a time' - 'luring it out' - 'beating to a pulp' - 'lying in ambush' - 'stealth' - 'mimicry' - 'pincer attack' - 'hitting them in one swoop' - 'fleeing' - 'charging' - 'stabbing in the back' - 'sweeping attack' - 'shield breaking' - 'head shots' - 'sorcery' - 'pyromancy' - 'miracles' - 'jumping off' - 'sliding down' - 'dashing through' - name: Actions words: - 'rolling' - 'backstepping' - 'jumping' - 'attacking' - 'holding with both hands' - 'kicking' - 'a plunging attack' - 'blocking' - 'parrying' - 'locking-on' - name: Geography words: - 'path' - 'hidden path' - 'shortcut' - 'detour' - 'illusionary wall' - 'shortcut' - 'dead end' - 'swamp' - 'lava' - 'forest' - 'cave' - 'labyrinth' - 'safe zone' - 'danger zone' - 'sniper spot' - 'bright spot' - 'dark spot' - 'open area' - 'tight spot' - 'hidden place' - 'exchange' - 'gorgeous view' - 'fall' - name: Orientation words: - 'front' - 'back' - 'left' - 'right' - 'up' - 'down' - 'feet' - 'head' - 'back' - name: Body parts words: - 'head' - 'neck' - 'stomach' - 'back' - 'arm' - 'leg' - 'heel' - 'rear' - 'tail' - 'wings' - 'anywhere' - name: Attribute words: - 'strike' - 'thrust' - 'slash' - 'magic' - 'fire' - 'lightning' - 'critical hits' - 'bleeding' - 'poison' - 'strong poison' - 'curses' - 'divine' - 'occult' - 'crystal' - name: Concepts words: - 'chance' - 'hint' - 'secret' - 'happiness' - 'sorrow' - 'life' - 'death' - 'undead' - 'elation' - 'grief' - 'hope' - 'despair' - 'light' - 'dark' - 'bravery' - 'resignation' - 'comfort' - 'tears'