using System.Diagnostics; using System.Numerics; using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Conditions; using Dalamud.Plugin.Services; using Lumina.Excel.GeneratedSheets; using Newtonsoft.Json; using OrangeGuidanceTomestone.Helpers; using OrangeGuidanceTomestone.Util; namespace OrangeGuidanceTomestone; internal class Messages : IDisposable { internal const uint MaxAmount = 20; internal static readonly string[] VfxPaths = [ "bg/ffxiv/fst_f1/common/vfx/eff/b0941trp1a_o.avfx", "bg/ffxiv/fst_f1/common/vfx/eff/b0941trp1b_o.avfx", "bg/ffxiv/fst_f1/common/vfx/eff/b0941trp1c_o.avfx", "bg/ffxiv/fst_f1/common/vfx/eff/b0941trp1d_o.avfx", "bg/ffxiv/fst_f1/common/vfx/eff/b0941trp1e_o.avfx", "bg/ex2/02_est_e3/common/vfx/eff/b0941trp1f_o.avfx", "bg/ex4/07_lak_l5/common/vfx/eff/b2640trp1g_o.avfx", ]; private static string GetPath(IDataManager data, Message message) { var glyph = message.Glyph; if (glyph < 0 || glyph >= VfxPaths.Length) { // not checking if this exists, but the check is really only for the // last file in the array anyway. we're guaranteed to have these // files with an up-to-date install return VfxPaths[0]; } return data.FileExists(VfxPaths[glyph]) ? VfxPaths[glyph] : VfxPaths[message.Id.ToByteArray()[^1] % 5]; } private Plugin Plugin { get; } private SemaphoreSlim CurrentMutex { get; } = new(1, 1); private Dictionary Current { get; } = []; internal IReadOnlyDictionary CurrentCloned { get { using var guard = this.CurrentMutex.With(); return this.Current.ToDictionary(e => e.Key, e => e.Value); } } private HashSet Trials { get; } = []; private HashSet DeepDungeons { get; } = []; private bool CutsceneActive { get { var condition = this.Plugin.Condition; return condition[ConditionFlag.OccupiedInCutSceneEvent] || condition[ConditionFlag.WatchingCutscene78]; } } private bool GposeActive => this.Plugin.ClientState.IsGPosing; private bool _inCutscene; private bool _inGpose; internal Messages(Plugin plugin) { this.Plugin = plugin; foreach (var cfc in this.Plugin.DataManager.GetExcelSheet()!) { // Trials, Raids, and Ultimate Raids if (cfc.ContentType.Row is 4 or 5 or 28) { // "Raids" - but we only want non-alliance raids if (cfc.ContentType.Row == 5 && cfc.ContentMemberType.Row == 4) { continue; } this.Trials.Add(cfc.TerritoryType.Row); } if (cfc.ContentType.Row == 21) { this.DeepDungeons.Add(cfc.TerritoryType.Row); } } if (this.Plugin.Config.ApiKey != string.Empty) { this.SpawnVfx(); } this.Plugin.Framework.Update += this.DetermineIfSpawn; this.Plugin.Framework.Update += this.RemoveConditionally; this.Plugin.ClientState.TerritoryChanged += this.TerritoryChanged; this.Plugin.ClientState.Login += this.SpawnVfx; this.Plugin.ClientState.Logout += this.RemoveVfx; } public void Dispose() { this.Plugin.ClientState.Logout -= this.RemoveVfx; this.Plugin.ClientState.Login -= this.SpawnVfx; this.Plugin.ClientState.TerritoryChanged -= this.TerritoryChanged; this.Plugin.Framework.Update -= this.RemoveConditionally; this.Plugin.Framework.Update -= this.DetermineIfSpawn; this.RemoveVfx(); } private readonly Stopwatch _timer = new(); private void TerritoryChanged(ushort territory) { this._territoryChanged = true; this.RemoveVfx(); } private ushort _lastTerritory; private bool _territoryChanged; private void DetermineIfSpawn(IFramework framework) { var current = this.Plugin.ClientState.TerritoryType; var diffTerritory = current != this._lastTerritory; var playerPresent = this.Plugin.ClientState.LocalPlayer != null; if ((this._territoryChanged || diffTerritory) && playerPresent) { this._territoryChanged = false; this._timer.Start(); } if (this._timer.Elapsed >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5)) { this._timer.Reset(); this.SpawnVfx(); } this._lastTerritory = current; } private void RemoveConditionally(IFramework framework) { var nowCutscene = this.CutsceneActive; var cutsceneChanged = this._inCutscene != nowCutscene; if (this.Plugin.Config.DisableInCutscene && cutsceneChanged) { if (nowCutscene) { this.RemoveVfx(); this.Clear(); } else { this.SpawnVfx(); } } var nowGpose = this.GposeActive; var gposeChanged = this._inGpose != nowGpose; if (this.Plugin.Config.DisableInGpose && gposeChanged) { if (nowGpose) { this.RemoveVfx(); this.Clear(); } else { this.SpawnVfx(); } } this._inCutscene = nowCutscene; this._inGpose = nowGpose; } internal void SpawnVfx() { var territory = this.Plugin.ClientState.TerritoryType; if (territory == 0 || this.Plugin.Config.BannedTerritories.Contains(territory)) { return; } var world = this.Plugin.ClientState.LocalPlayer?.CurrentWorld.Id ?? 0; if (world == 0) { return; } var housing = HousingLocation.Current(); var ward = housing?.Ward; var plot = housing?.CombinedPlot(); if (this.Plugin.Config.DisableTrials && this.Trials.Contains(territory)) { return; } if (this.Plugin.Config.DisableDeepDungeon && this.DeepDungeons.Contains(territory)) { return; } if (this.Plugin.Config.DisableInCutscene && this.CutsceneActive) { return; } if (this.Plugin.Config.DisableInGpose && this.GposeActive) { return; } this.RemoveVfx(); Task.Run(async () => { try { await this.DownloadMessages(world, territory, ward, plot); } catch (Exception ex) { Plugin.Log.Error(ex, $"Failed to get messages for territory {territory}"); } }); } private async Task DownloadMessages(uint world, ushort territory, ushort? ward, ushort? plot) { var route = $"/messages/{territory}"; if (ward != null) { route += $"?ward={ward}"; if (plot != null) { route += $"&plot={plot}"; } route += $"&world={world}"; } var resp = await ServerHelper.SendRequest( this.Plugin.Config.ApiKey, HttpMethod.Get, route ); var json = await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var messages = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json)!; await this.CurrentMutex.WaitAsync(); try { this.Current.Clear(); foreach (var message in messages) { this.Current[message.Id] = message; var path = GetPath(this.Plugin.DataManager, message); var rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(message.Yaw, 0, 0); this.Plugin.Vfx.QueueSpawn(message.Id, path, message.Position, rotation); } } finally { this.CurrentMutex.Release(); } } internal void RemoveVfx() { this.Plugin.Vfx.QueueRemoveAll(); } internal void Clear() { this.CurrentMutex.Wait(); try { this.Current.Clear(); } finally { this.CurrentMutex.Release(); } } internal IEnumerable Nearby() { if (this.Plugin.ClientState.LocalPlayer is not { } player) { return []; } var position = player.Position; List nearby; this.CurrentMutex.Wait(); try { nearby = this.Current .Values .Where(msg => Math.Abs(msg.Position.Y - position.Y) <= 1f) .Where(msg => Vector3.DistanceSquared(msg.Position, position) <= 4f) .ToList(); } finally { this.CurrentMutex.Release(); } return nearby; } internal void Add(Message message) { this.CurrentMutex.Wait(); try { this.Current[message.Id] = message; } finally { this.CurrentMutex.Release(); } var path = GetPath(this.Plugin.DataManager, message); var rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(message.Yaw, 0, 0); this.Plugin.Vfx.QueueSpawn(message.Id, path, message.Position, rotation); } internal void Remove(Guid id) { this.CurrentMutex.Wait(); try { this.Current.Remove(id); } finally { this.CurrentMutex.Release(); } } }